Putrada Ekadasi |


The glories of Pausha-Shukla Ekadashi or Putrada Ekadashi may be discovered within the Bhavishya Purana of Veda Vyasadeva in a dialog between Maharaja Yudhishthira and Lord Krishna.

Yudhisthira Maharaj stated, “O Lord, Please mercifully describe the Ekadashi that happens within the vibrant fortnight (Shukla paksha) of Pausha Masa (December/January). Which is the Deity to be worshiped on this sacred day? O Purushottama, O Hrishikesha, please inform how one might please You on at the present time?”

Lord Sri Krishna replied, “O saintly king, for the advantage of humanity I shall now relate the way in which of observing the quick on Pausha-Shukla Ekadashi.

“Everybody ought to observe the principles and laws of Ekadashi Vrata, to their utmost means. This is applicable to Putrada Ekadashi as properly. This auspicious day destroys sins and elevates one to the religious abode. The Supreme Persona of Godhead Sri Narayana, the unique persona, is the worshipable Deity of this Ekadashi. He gladly fulfills all needs of His trustworthy devotees and awards them life’s perfection.

“Amongst all animate and inanimate beings within the three worlds (decrease, center and higher planetary methods), there isn’t a greater persona than Lord Narayana.”

“O King, now I shall narrate to you the historical past of the purifying Putrada Ekadashi which awards even fame and studying.

“There was as soon as a kingdom named Bhadravati, which was dominated by King Suketuman. His queen was the well-known Shaibya. For a very long time, they’d no son and have been anxious about who would succeed the king to the throne. Continuously in fear, King Suketuman discovered no happiness wherever in his kingdom. The royal couple’s angst was particularly intense once they supplied oblations of water to the forefathers (tarpana) for they painfully realized they might haven’t any descendants who would supply them tarpana and so at loss of life they might develop into ghosts. They felt the water undrinkable as boiling water. It upset the king and queen much more that there could be nobody left within the dynasty to supply tarpana to the forefathers.

Ministers, mates, and family members may carry them no cheer. The elephants, horses, and infantry gave the king little solace. He ultimately grew to become virtually inert in helplessness. The king contemplated, ‘It’s stated that and not using a son, a wedding is futile. The guts and fireplace of household man and not using a son are ever vacant and depressing. Bereft of a son, a person can’t repay money owed he owes his forefathers, demigods (devas) and different human beings. Subsequently each married man should beget a son. Then he could be well-known inside this world and ultimately attain the auspicious celestial realms. Having a son is an proof of pious actions carried out in 100 previous lives. It bestows a protracted life span in addition to well being and wealth. Sons and grandsons point out one has worshiped Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Persona of Godhead, up to now. The nice blessing of sons, wealth, and sharp intelligence may be achieved solely by worshiping the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna.’ Considering thus, the king grew to become much more agitated. Frightened day and evening, even his goals have been crammed with nice anxiousness. The king ultimately grew to become so disturbed that he determined to finish his distress by committing suicide. However then he knew that suicide results in hellish rebirth, and so he deserted the thought.

“Seeing himself regularly consumed by the anxiousness of not having a son, the king mounted his horse and simply left for the dense forest alone. Not even the clergymen and brahmins of the palace knew the place he had gone. In that forest, crammed with deer and birds and different animals, King Suketuman wandered aimlessly. He noticed the totally different sorts of timber and shrubs, such because the fig, bel, date palm, jackfruit, bakula, saptaparna, tinduka, and tilaka, in addition to the shala, tala, tamala, sarala, hingota, arjuna, labhera, baheda, sallaki, karonda, patala, khaira, shaka and palasha timber. They have been all fantastically embellished with fruits and flowers.

“He noticed deer, tigers, wild boars, lions, monkeys, snakes, enormous bull and cow elephants with their calves. He noticed four-tusked elephants with their mates shut by. There have been cows, jackals, rabbits, leopards, and hippopotamuses. Beholding all these animals accompanied by their mates and offspring, the king remembered his personal menagerie, particularly his palace and have become so unhappy that he absent-mindedly wandered amidst the forest animals.

“The sudden howling of a jackal broke his reverie. It was noon, and the king was drained. Affected by starvation and thirst, he questioned, ‘What sinful deeds are making me endure so? My throat is parched and burning, and my abdomen empty and rumbling. Have I not happy the demigods (devas) with quite a few hearth sacrifices and plentiful worship? Did I not supply presents and delectable sweets in charity to worthy brahmanas? Have I not cared for my topics as my very own youngsters? Why then am I struggling? What unknown sins have come to fruition and plaguing me so dreadfully?’

“Absorbed in these ideas, King Suketuman strove on, and ultimately, by pious credit, came across a good looking lotus pond that resembled the well-known Manasarovar Lake. It was crammed with aquatics, together with crocodiles and many types of fish, and graced with types of

lilies and lotuses opened to the Solar. Swans, cranes, and geese swam fortunately in its waters. Close by have been many enticing ashramas, the place resided many saints and sages who had the facility to fulfil anybody’s needs. They have been well-wishers for all. When the king beheld the scene, his proper arm and proper eye started to twitch. Thought of an excellent omen for males, the quivering made the king anticipate auspiciousness.

“He dismounted his horse and supplied his obeisance to the sages, who sat on the shore of the pond, chanting the holy names of the Lord on Japa beads. Becoming a member of his palms in humble supplication, he supplied them glorification.

“Appreciating the king’s respectful angle, the sages stated, ‘We’re very happy with you, O king. Why have you ever come right here? Please tell us what you need.’ The king replied, ‘O nice sages, might I do know who you’re? Could I do know your names? I can see that you’re auspicious saints. May you please inform me why you might have come to this lovely place?’ The sages replied, ‘O king, we’re often known as the ten Vishvadevas (the sons of Vishva specifically Vasu, Satya, Kratu, Daksha, Kala, Kama, Dhriti, Pururava, Madrava and Kuru). We now have come to this lovely pond to wash. The month of Magha shall be right here in 5 days, and as we speak is the well-known Putrada Ekadashi. One who needs a son ought to strictly observe this specific Ekadashi.’

“The king was elated. He exclaimed, ‘I’ve tried lengthy for a son. In case you nice sages are happy, kindly grant me the boon of getting an excellent son (putra).’

“‘The very which means of Putrada,’ the sages replied, ‘is “bestower of a putra or son.” Observe an entire quick on this Ekadashi. By our blessing and by the mercy of Lord Sri Keshava you’ll absolutely acquire a son.’

“On the recommendation of the Vishvadevas, the king noticed the auspicious Putrada Ekadashi on that day in accordance with the established guidelines and laws. On the next day, Dvasdasi, after breaking his quick, he paid repeated obeisances to all of the sages.

“Quickly after, Suketuman returned to his palace and united together with his queen. Queen Shaibya grew to become pregnant, and precisely because the Vishvadevas had predicted, a bright-faced, lovely son was born to them. In the end, he grew to become well-known as a heroic prince, and the king gladly made his noble son his successor. The brand new king assumed the reigns of the dominion conscientious to take care of the themes as his personal youngsters.

“In conclusion, O Yudhisthira, one wanting to meet his needs ought to strictly observe Putrada Ekadashi. One who strictly observes this Ekadashi on this planet will certainly acquire a son, and after loss of life, he’ll obtain liberation.

“Anybody who even reads or hears the glories of Putrada Ekadashi will acquire the advantage earned by performing a horse sacrifice. I’ve thus narrated the glories of Putrada Ekadashi for the advantage of all humanity.”

This 12 months Putrada Ekadashi falls on 13 Jan 2021.

Click on right here to know – “How to observe ekadasi as per Srila Prabhupada’s instructions?”

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