Powerlifter Krzysztof Wierzbicki Locks Out a 490-Kilogram Deadlift (1,080 Pounds) During Training


On roughly April 20, 2022, the Polish powerlifter pulled an unbelievable 490-kilogram deadlift (1,080 kilos) throughout a coaching session. Notably, Wierzbicki appeared to tug the burden with out a lifting belt — although he may probably have worn one beneath his shirt — and from a sumo stance whereas carrying solely wrist wraps.

Try the elevate under, captured from one in every of Wierzbicki’s Instagram tales, which was then reposted by Julian Howard (@worldstrongestfan) on Instagram.

[Related: Danny Grigsby (125 KG) Makes Powerlifting History, Logs First-Ever 1000-Plus Pound Raw Deadlift In A Full Power Meet]

Wierzbicki didn’t disclose how a lot he weighed when he accomplished the elevate. In keeping with Open Powerlifting, he has competed professionally within the 110-kilogram weight class because the spring of 2021. In any occasion, this deadlift was properly over 4 and a half instances Wierzbicki’s current regular competitors physique weight.

Paving a Highway

Wierzbicki has been open on social media in his pursuit of a hallowed mark in energy sports activities — the 500-kilogram deadlift (1,102 kilos). The one two folks to ever deadlift that a lot weight are 2017 World’s Strongest Man Champion (WSM) Eddie Hall and 2018 WSM Champion Hafthor Björnsson. Notably, each achieved their legendary pulls from a traditional stance whereas carrying deadlift fits and lifting straps — which is allowed in a strongman competitors.

Given his fast progress of late, Wierzbicki’s entry into the 500-kilogram deadlift membership appears inevitable.

In the course of the 2020 Nationwide Affiliation of Powerlifting (NAP) Siberian Championships, whereas competing within the 100-kilogram weight class, Wierzbicki logged the present all-time world file deadlift a staggering 433.5-kilogram pull (955.7-pound). Roughly eight months later, in November 2020, whereas carrying wrist straps and a lifting belt, the Polish athlete deadlifted 456 kilograms (1,005.3 kilos) in coaching, breaking the 1,000-pound barrier for the primary time.

The following 12 months, in early November 2021 whereas competing within the 110-kilogram weight class, Wierzbicki broke the all-time world file for a non-full energy meet with a 447.5-kilogram pull (986.6-pound) in the course of the 2021 WRPF-POL Mistrzostwa Polski.

Lastly, in what’s more and more changing into a typical deadlift step up for Wierzbicki, he lately pulled 461 kilograms (1,016 kilos) during another workout

All 4 of Wierzbicki’s talked about pulls had been from a sumo stance. His newest 490-kilogram deadlift (1,080 kilos) coaching feat is one other huge step towards that lofty 500-kilogram (1,102-pound) objective. 

Again and Forth 

The 110-kilogram powerlifting weight class seems to have a two-person deadlift tug of warfare for the file books. Whereas Wierzbicki continues to cost alongside towards astonishing, seldom-seen numbers, American powerlifter Jamal Browner has typically saved up with the meteoric tempo. 

Over the approximate previous month, Browner has seen speedy developments in his standard deadlift. On March 23, 2022, he pulled 432.5 kilograms (953.5 pounds) whereas carrying solely a lifting belt. An approximate month later, on April 20, 2022, Browner locked out 409.6 kilograms (903 pounds) for two reps.

Within the 110-kilogram weight class, Browner additionally possesses an all-time deadlift world file — a 440.4-kilogram pull (971-pound) from the 2020 World Uncooked Powerlifting Federation (WRPF) Hybrid Showdown II. Notably, like Wierzbicki, Browner has additionally beforehand crossed the 1,000-pound barrier with a 476.3-kilogram deadlift (1,050-pound) throughout a coaching session in July 2020. Browner wore a lifting belt and lifting straps for that pull. 

Whereas the 500-kilogram mark continues to be a methods off, the deadlift world file for strictly powerlifters is inside shouting distance for Wierzbicki and Browner. The 2003-2004 Iceland’s Strongest Man Champion (ISM) Benedikt Magnùsson holds the present file with a 460.4-kilogram pull (1,015-pound) captured on the deadlift-only 2011 Hardcore Conflict of the Titans IV. Magnùsson competed within the tremendous heavyweight class (319+ kilos; unrestricted weight).

Wierzbicki nonetheless has to make progress along with his standard deadlift (at the least in public), however every time he decides to compete once more, he may beat Browner to the punch and break Magnùsson’s file. Membership to the 500-kilogram membership seemingly gained’t observe lengthy after. Discuss killing two important strength-sports birds with one stone. 

Featured Picture: @worldsstrongestfan on Instagram


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