My Simple, High Impact Productivity Protocol


By Leo Babauta

A lot of our days are spent with busywork or distractions. That’s not essentially a foul factor, busywork and distractions may be beautiful methods to spend our time. However generally we wish to use our time powerfully and successfully.

Let’s take a look at methods to work with elevated affect.

Think about a protocol that you just adopted that might have you ever do much less every day, however have a much bigger affect. Ask your self if you happen to’d be keen to face some discomfort for this.

So we wish to concentrate on doing much less, however on having the next affect. And naturally, we nonetheless must care for the smaller issues in our lives, so every thing doesn’t turn out to be a multitude.

Right here’s the protocol I attempt to comply with:

  1. Select excessive affect duties.
  2. Unlock these duties with focus classes.
  3. Create rituals for smaller however vital issues that want caring for.

This provides me more room within the day, much less feeling of overwhelm, and a sense that I’m making a significant affect with the time I do spend working.

Let’s take a look at every of the three gadgets within the protocol.

1. Select Excessive Influence Duties

This begins in the beginning of the week, and the start of every day. Deliberately select the excessive affect duties earlier than you begin the week or day.

So every week, I take into consideration what I wish to accomplish. What excessive affect duties will I concentrate on? Then I do the identical in the beginning of every day: what excessive affect duties do I wish to accomplish right now?

To determine if one thing is a excessive affect activity, I ask myself:

  • Does this align with what I wish to create long-term?
  • Will this make a huge impact on my life and the lives of others?
  • Will I care about this on the finish of this 12 months? Will it transfer the needle in an vital approach?

The reply is more likely to be both Sure or No for all three questions. It might be uncommon to be a Sure for one query and No for the others. However these questions assist practice the thoughts on the excessive affect duties, so after awhile, you don’t even need to ask them — you’ll be able to simply inform.

Put 1-3 of those on the high of your checklist every day (relying on how a lot time you will have).

2. Unlock Excessive Influence Duties with Focus Periods

These excessive affect duties are more likely to include resistance. So individuals put them off, and also you’ll see them pushed again week after week.

Unlock these duties and get them accomplished!

The way in which to do this is with Focus Periods. I’ll create a Focus Session for myself every day, no less than one among them. That is the place I deliberately face the discomfort of those duties, and remind myself of why they matter.

Even higher: if you end up delay a excessive affect activity greater than as soon as, schedule a Focus Session with no less than one different particular person. Get on a video name for an hour, inform one another what you’re going to concentrate on, after which go on mute. Get the duty accomplished, and report on the finish of the hour the way it went. This works each single time.

In the event you comply with this a part of the protocol, you’ll unlock hidden powers in your life!

3. Create Rituals to Take Care of Smaller, Necessary Issues

Specializing in the large issues is wonderful, however what lots of people discover is that if you happen to focus completely on the large issues, the small issues begin to fall between the cracks. Your emails pile up, individuals begin to get annoyed, you begin to let individuals down.

So how will we steadiness the large issues with the small issues that want caring for?

Rituals. Create a ritual for every sort of small issues, and put it in your calendar.

For instance, you may need rituals for:

  • E-mail and messages every day
  • Laundry, family cleansing, errands
  • Cooking dinner, meal prep, grocery buying
  • Exercises, meditations, walks
  • Funds, taxes, administrative stuff

You could possibly have Admin & Funds Fridays (spend the entire day, or half a day). You could possibly have half-hour twice a day for emails/messages. You could possibly have household cooking and consuming hour. Morning meditations and exercise.

With these rituals (and do flip them into precise rituals), the small vital issues get taken care of, with out taking time away out of your Focus Periods.


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