Mohini Ekadashi |


The glories of Mohini Ekadashi are narrated within the Kurma Purana in a dialog between Maharaja Yudhishthira and Lord Krishna.

Yudhisthira Maharaja enquired from Lord Krishna. He mentioned, “O Janardana! What’s the identify of the Ekadashi that happens through the vivid fortnight (sukla paksha) of the month of Vaisakha (April-Might)? What’s the course of for observing it? Kindly narrate to me.”

The Supreme Character of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna replied, “Oh blessed son of Dharma, I shall now describe to you what Vasishtha Muni as soon as advised Lord Ramachandra. Please hear attentively.

“Lord Ramachandra requested Vasishtha Muni, ‘O nice sage, I want to hear about the very best of all fasting days, that day which destroys all sins and sorrows. I’ve suffered lengthy in separation from My pricey Sita, and I want to be taught from you the way My struggling could finish.’

“Sage Vasishtha replied, ‘O Lord Rama! O Considered one of eager intelligence! Merely by remembering Your identify one can cross the ocean of fabric miseries! You might have solely questioned me to learn all humanity and for fulfilling everybody’s needs. Let me describe that day of fasting which purifies the entire world. That auspicious day O Rama is named Vaisakha-Shukla Ekadashi, which falls on a Dvadasi. This sin eliminating Ekadashi is known as Mohini Ekadashi.

‘Actually, O Lord, this Ekadashi frees the lucky soul who observes it, from the community of fabric phantasm. Subsequently, if You want to dispel Your sufferings, observe this auspicious Ekadashi completely, for it removes all obstacles from one’s path and allays nice miseries.

Kindly hear as I describe its glories, for merely listening to about this auspicious Ekadashi, neutralizes reactions to the best sins.


‘On the banks of the River Sarasvati, there was as soon as a ravishing metropolis named Bhadravati dominated by King Dyutiman. O Rama! That steadfast, truthful, and very smart king was born within the dynasty of the Moon (Chandra-vamsa).

Mohini Ekadashi

‘In his kingdom was a service provider named Dhanapala, who possessed an excessive amount of wealth and meals grains. He was additionally very pious. Dhanapala organized for lakes to be dug, sacrificial arenas to be erected, and delightful gardens to be cultivated for the advantage of all of the residents of Bhadravati. He was an incredible devotee of Lord Vishnu.He had 5 sons: Sumana, Dyutiman, Medhavi, Sukriti, and Dhrishthabuddhi.

The Sinful Son

‘Sadly, Dhrishthabuddhi was very sinful. He slept with
prostitutes and related to degraded individuals.He disrespected demigods (devas), Brahmins, forefathers, neighborhood elders, in addition to household company. The evil Dhrishthabuddhi spent his father’s wealth indiscriminately, feasting on untouchable meals and alcohol.

Mohini Ekadashi-Dhrishtabuddhi

‘Sooner or later, Dhanapala noticed him strolling on the highway arm-in-arm with a identified prostitute and evicted him from the home. All of Dhrishthabuddhi’s relations severely criticized him and distanced themselves from him. He offered all his inherited ornaments and turn into destitute. Even the prostitute insulted him for his poverty and deserted him.

‘Hungry and gripped with nervousness, he puzzled what he would do, the place he would go and the way he would keep himself. Finally, he grew to become a thief. The king’s constables arrested him many instances, however on studying that his father was the well-known Dhanapala, launched him.

‘Finally, sick of his conceitedness and disrespect for others and their property, the ill-mannered Dhrishthabuddhi was apprehended, handcuffed, and overwhelmed. After having whipped him, the king’s marshals gravely declared, “O Evil minded one! There isn’t any place for you on this kingdom.”

Dhrishthabuddhi Subsists within the Forest

‘Nevertheless, Dhrishthabuddhi was free of his tribulation by his father and instantly afterward entered a dense forest. He wandered right here and there, hungry and thirsty and struggling tremendously. Finally, he started killing the jungle animals – lions, deer, wild boars, Mohini Ekadashi

and even wolves for meals.

‘All the time prepared along with his bow and a quiver stuffed with arrows, he killed quite a few birds, comparable to chakoras, peacocks, kankas, doves, and pigeons with out hesitation. Sinful outcomes amassed every day. Including to his earlier sinful reactions, he was now immersed in an ocean of sin so huge that he may apparently by no means escape.

Good Fortune Strikes Dhrishthabuddhi

‘Dhrishthabuddhi was at all times depressing and anxious, however sooner or later, through the month of Vaisakha, by success, he chanced upon the sacred hermitage of Kaundinya Muni. The good sage had simply completed bathing within the Ganges River, and water was nonetheless dripping from him. By success, Dhrishthabuddhi touched a few of these droplets of water falling from the sage’s moist clothes. Dhrishthabuddhi was immediately free of his ignorance, and his sinful reactions mitigated.

Mohini Ekadashi-Kaundinya

Providing his humble obeisances unto Kaundinya Muni, Dhrishthabuddhi prayed to him with folded palms, “O nice Brahmana! I’ve dedicated many sins in my life and now I’m very poor. Please prescribe me atonement that I could carry out with out problem.” The good rishi replied, “O son! Pay attention with consideration, for by listening to me you’ll be freed from all of your remaining sins and your life will change. Within the vivid fortnight of this very month, Vaisakha (April-Might) there happens the sacred Mohini Ekadashi, which has the facility to nullify sins as nice and heavy as Mount Sumeru. In case you comply with my recommendation and faithfully observe a quick on this Ekadashi, which is so pricey to Lord Hari, you’ll be free of all of the sinful reactions of many, many births.”

‘Listening to these phrases with nice pleasure, Dhrishthabuddhi promised to look at a quick on Mohini Ekadashi based on the sage’s directions. O better of kings! O Ramachandra Bhagavan! By fasting fully on Mohini Ekadashi, the as soon as sinful Dhrishthabuddhi, the prodigal son of the service provider Dhanapala, grew to become sinless. Thereafter he achieved a ravishing transcendental kind and, freed from all obstacles, rode upon the service of Lord Vishnu, Garuda, to the everlasting abode of the Supreme Lord.

‘O Ramachandra! Fasting on Mohini Ekadashi removes the darkest illusory attachments to materials existence. There’s thus no higher quick day in all of the three worlds than this.’”

Lord Sri Krishna concluded, “O Yudhishthira! there isn’t any place of pilgrimage, no sacrifice, and no charity that may bestow benefit similar to even one-sixteenth the benefit a devoted devotee of Mine obtains by observing Mohini Ekadashi. He who hears and research the glories of Mohini Ekadashi achieves the benefit of giving one thousand cows in charity.

Thus ends the Kurma Purana narration of Mohini Ekadashi.

Observing Mohini Ekadashi

Mohini Ekadashi-prabhupada

This yr Mohini Ekadashi falls on twelfth of Might 2022. We are able to observe Mohini Ekadashi by fasting from grains and chanting the mantra

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareMohini Ekadashi

at the very least 108 instances which is one spherical of the mantra. The extra rounds we chant the higher will probably be. As well as, we will allocate a while for studying ‘Bhagavad-Gita As It Is’ or another ebook by Srila Prabhupada.

This Mohini Ekadashi we encourage you to quick from grains, chant Hare
Krishna and browse Srila Prabhupada’s books. You’ll really feel purified, enlightened, and elevated.

Mohini Ekadashi-Radha Vrindavanchandra

Might Sri Sri Radha Vrindavanchandra and Srila Prabhupada bless you! Hare Krishna!

Click on right here to know – “How to observe ekadasi as per Srila Prabhupada’s instructions?”

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