Convoy politics and barbarians at the gate – Reimagining Social Work in Aotearoa


The latest ‘convoy’ protest encampment of individuals outdoors Parliament and the chaotic confrontation with Police which finally dispersed the camp has generated some disturbing questions in relation to the social and political panorama of Aotearoa New Zealand. Quite a lot of commentators have tried to discover the roots of this occasion and many people are struggling to develop a coherent evaluation. What’s it that has made folks inclined to the confused strands of ideology that we noticed operating riot? It appears clear that an eclectic mix of disaffected people and influences coalesced. I’ve been making an attempt to make sense of all of this myself. I’m not there but, however a number of the following is true.

The protest was, at the least in the principle, centred on opposition to mandated Covid vaccinations and the lack of ‘rights and freedoms’ related to refusing this process – notably lack of jobs and entry to social/industrial venues. The mainstream official counterargument, after all, is that the difficulty of wider communal well being and security over-rides particular person alternative. Inside this stand-off there’s additionally the extra nuanced argument that the time for vaccine mandates has handed because the Omicron variant is extremely transmissible no matter vaccination standing. Public Well being recommendation that unvaccinated people usually tend to change into contaminated, and as soon as contaminated usually tend to change into significantly in poor health and require hospitalisation, is relied on by the Authorities to argue that the spur of mandates ought to stay at the least till the present (and more and more rampant) wave of infections has waned.

Nonetheless, it’s also clear that this protest was about greater than vaccination mandates – it was about Covid extra usually, maybe symptomatic of related fatigue and frustration. It was additionally about disinformation, misinformation, and experiences or perceptions of social exclusion. The protest gathered an uncommon and disparate group together with various life-style adherents, some folks affiliated with fundamentalist church buildings and, on the edges, radical Neo Nazi extremists. The conflation of particular person freedom and nationwide id is harking back to the Trump phenomenon within the US and the rise of slender right-wing populism globally: a populism typically cynically supported by non-public capital.

As Trotter has argued, the shared perception within the notion of ‘large authorities’ as a typical enemy, mistrust of ‘the media’ and tribal disapproval of the socially liberal values of what’s considered as a wealthy, educated  and customarily privileged city elite has characterised these drawn to alternate proper politics – a politics of conspiracy, misinformation and generalised worry and loathing (Fraser, 2017). This form of motion is ripe for the development of ‘sturdy’ authoritarian leaders and in its most annoying incarnation, for the gestation of fascism. A lot of the Trump constituency has been drawn from the rust-belt heartlands of the US and the small firm cities devastated by the outsourcing that accompanied the globalisation of capitalist manufacturing: using the fractured working class as pawns in a self-interested sport of energy.

Mockingly the related prescription of freed-up enterprise enterprise, minimal regulation, anti-union laws, removing of environmental protections, sanctions towards migrant labour – the ‘freedom’ generated by a wedding of capitalism and nationalism – finally does little or no to advance the pursuits of the working-class people who find themselves drawn to this propaganda. Various proper pursuits don’t have any want for an energetic state that safeguards the fabric welfare of these with out cash, property, energy, and alternative. Mistrust of presidency, complicated deep-state conspiracies, racism, gendered bigotry, and homophobic beliefs are all grist for this divisive mill.

I’m unsure about how a lot of this evaluation is legitimate within the Aotearoa New Zealand context. We clearly do have our personal regional rust zones – our personal obtrusive inequalities: cities which have misplaced their trade and infrastructure because the neoliberal flip of forty years in the past now. The present Authorities’s ‘staff of 5 million’ involved for ‘our most weak’ is a skinny political building in a society as socially and economically divided because the one which has been created right here. Inter-generational working-class identities have fallen away, and we have now adopted individualised, marketised and commodified personas of their place. Occasions such because the discordant anti-vax protest – with all its unusual brew of differing constituencies – do, at the least, present a way of frequent trigger and solidarity.

Past the unconventional anti-collectivist proper and the extra ‘reasonable’ place taken by vaccine doubters, we additionally noticed weird denial of the Covid pandemic itself – beliefs tough to fathom and mired in conspiracy. This appears to be linked, at the least for some,  to suspicion of mainstream well being science and of state authority. I used to be born in 1958 – a part of the ‘fortunate’ put up struggle technology. I used to be influenced by the counterculture of protest and problem to conservative life and politics that got here  (just a bit later) to Aotearoa New Zealand from the US and Europe. The hippie technology of these occasions questioned the established order, the authority of the state and orthodox energy relations. In spite of everything, the political use and misuse of science gave us Hiroshima, thalidomide, agent orange, and plenty of different horrors – in order that this form of dissent does have a reputable whakapapa.

Mockingly the legacy of the collective revolt of the Seventies additionally carried a number of the seeds of radical individualism – surprisingly in tune with the modern undertaking of the autonomous accountable neoliberal self – a self that’s at all times free to decide on. That is considered one of many intersections throughout the puzzling counter-factual realm of Covid denial and conspiracy: people who find themselves conceptually primed to just accept disinformation and to disclaim and disavow mainstream data – to query it unquestioningly. I bear in mind considerations concerning the legitimacy of vaccinations (and fear concerning the admission of low stage electro-magnetic emissions from nationwide grid energy pylons) within the Seventies and 80s. For many such hesitancies had been overshadowed by the Covid menace – the necessity to reply collectively and successfully to a deadly pandemic illness – however not so for a core of true unbelievers in a post-truth world.

All of this has created a puzzle and a problem for a divided political ‘left’ in Aotearoa New Zealand. It might, in reality, be a wake-up name. There was one thing very unusual about protest politics being commandeered and manipulated by the far proper, one thing disconcerting about many on the left in search of firmer Police intervention; one thing gobsmacking about dispossessed folks whose wants could be a lot better served by a politics of redistribution being drawn so uncritically to the reason for market ‘freedom’ – with indicators mis-identifying the reasonable politics of the liberal centre-left because the work of the evil Socialist bogey-woman Jacinda Ardern. As if this prescription might presumably serve the long-run pursuits of downtrodden people? There was one thing deeply galling and gutting in all of this. 

It does appear disturbingly probably that the protest spectacle may have strengthened and emboldened the extremist various proper – broadening the poisonous attain and affect of disinformation media platforms and rising the risk of violent extremism. Accordingly, these of us who wish to see a re-visioned and reconfigured radical left politics have our work lower out. If nothing else the occasions of the final three weeks ought to alert us to the urgency and the problem of the duty that lies earlier than us. It’s higher to grasp and organise than to disparage the feral mob and order one other latte. Will we threat sleep-walking our strategy to an unstable and far much less ‘free’ society: a repressive and fear-laced system powered by a brand new variant of high-octane capitalism? We owe previous and future generations greater than this.

Function Picture: Adam Cohn


Fraser, N. (2017). From Progressive Neoliberalism to Trump – and Past: American Affairs, Winter, 2017, Vol.1(4)


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