Overconfident Inference from Unknown Statistics



This fallacy is dedicated when an individual locations unwarranted confidence in drawing a conclusion from statistics which might be unknown.


Premise 1: “Unknown” statistical information D is offered.

Conclusion: Declare C is drawn from D with better confidence than D warrants.


Unknown statistical information is simply that, statistical information that’s unknown. This information is totally different from “information” that’s merely made up as a result of it has not less than some basis.

One kind of unknown statistical information is when educated guesses are made based mostly on restricted accessible information. For instance, when specialists estimate the quantity of people that use unlawful medicine, they’re making an informed guess. As one other instance, when the variety of whole deaths in any conflict is reported, it’s (at finest) an informed guess as a result of nobody is aware of for positive how many individuals have been killed.

One other widespread kind of unknown statistical information is when it will possibly solely be gathered in methods which might be more likely to end in incomplete or inaccurate information. For instance, statistical information concerning the quantity of people that have affairs is more likely to be on this class. It is because folks usually attempt to conceal their affairs.

Clearly, unknown statistical information is just not good information.  However drawing an inference from unknown information needn’t at all times be unreasonable or fallacious. It is because the error within the fallacy is being extra assured within the conclusion than the unknown information warrants. If the arrogance within the conclusion is proportional to the assist, then no fallacy can be dedicated.

For instance, whereas the precise variety of folks killed throughout the conflict in Afghanistan will stay unknown, it’s affordable to deduce from the knonw information that many individuals have died. As one other instance, whereas the precise quantity of people that don’t pay their taxes is unknown, it’s affordable to deduce that the federal government is shedding some income due to this.

The error that makes this a fallacy is to put an excessive amount of confidence in a conclusion drawn from unknown information. Or to be a bit extra technical, to overestimate the energy of the argument based mostly on statistical information that isn’t adequately identified.

That is an error of reasoning as a result of, clearly sufficient, a conclusion is being drawn that isn’t adequately justified by the premises. This fallacy will be dedicated in ignorance or deliberately dedicated.

Naturally, the way in which during which the statistical information is gathered additionally must be assessed to find out whether or not different errors have occurred, however that’s one other matter.



Instance #1

“A number of American Muslims are identified to be terrorists or not less than terrorist supporters. As such, I estimate that there are a whole lot of precise and hundreds of potential Muslim-American terrorists. Based mostly on this, I’m sure that we’re in grave hazard from this huge variety of enemies inside our personal borders.”


Instance #2

“Consultants estimate that there are about 11 million unlawful immigrants in the USA. Whereas some persons are not fearful about this, take into account the truth that the specialists estimate that illegals make up about 5% of the whole work pressure. This explains that share of American unemployment since these illegals are definitely stealing 5% of America’s jobs.”


Instance #3

Sally: “I simply learn an article about dishonest.”

Jane: “Methods to do it?”

Sally: “No! It was concerning the variety of males who cheat.”

Sasha: “So, what did it say?”

Sally: “Effectively, the writer estimated that 40% of males cheat.”

Kelly: “Hmm, there are 5 of us right here.”

Janet: “ what which means…”

Sally: “Sure, two of our boyfriends are dishonest on us. I at all times thought Invoice and Sam had that look…”

Janet: “Hey! Invoice would by no means cheat on me! I guess it’s your man. He’s at all times given me the attention!”

Sally: ‘What! I’ll kill him!”

Janet: “Relax. I used to be simply kidding. I imply, how can they know that 40% of males cheat? I’m positive not one of the boys are dishonest on us. Effectively, besides perhaps Sally’s man.”

Sally: “Hey!”

Instance #4

“We are able to make sure that most, if not all, wealthy folks cheat on their taxes. In any case, the IRS has information exhibiting that some wealthy folks have been caught doing so. Not paying their fair proportion is precisely what the egocentric wealthy would do.”

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