Baked Potato Meal Prep – 4 Ways


Try this Meal Prep starring POTATOES 4 Methods… 

I’m all about fast and dietary choices for weekday lunches. So I attempt to meal prep at the least as soon as every week (normally on Sundays). This week I made 4 scrumptious and tremendous straightforward Baked Potato Bowls. All of the toppings are totally different so it retains it contemporary and enjoyable too.

Day 1 – Mediterranean Baked Potato [This Mediterranean inspired baked potato is topped with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, olives, feta, chickpeas.]

Baked Potato Meal Prep 4 way

 Day 2 – Taco Baked Potato [Live everyday like it’s Taco Tuesday by topping a baked potato with ground turkey, beans, corn, salsa, and avocado.]

Easy Taco Baked Potato Meal Prep

Day 3 – The whole lot & the Potato [This easy brunch inspired baked potato is topped with egg, broccoli, cheddar, everything but the seasoning and sriracha.]

Easy Meal Prep Baked Potato 4 Ways

 Day 4 – Pizza Potato [A baked potato forms the base (or crust) of this pizza potato topped with mushrooms, red sauce, onions and cheese.]

Easy Pizza Baked Potato Meal Prep

It’s tremendous straightforward to make a batch of baked potatoes within the oven and I already had most of those toppings to make it a meal. (And all of those concepts may be made plant-based with a number of swaps should you’re vegetarian or vegan.)


  • Preserve potatoes available to make this or one other dish everytime you need. They retailer nicely in a cool pantry for a number of weeks.
  • Bake the potatoes whereas making one other meal that requires the identical oven temperature. → I made 5 baked potatoes whereas cooking dinner final night time. I had one with dinner and used the remainder for this straightforward meal prep. 
  • Save leftovers from different meals to make use of as toppings. I normally have Taco Night time & Pizza Night time as soon as every week so these components had been straightforward and accessible for this meal prep. 

Not solely will this prevent vitality all through the week, these potatoes have vitamins wanted to present you extra vitality to energy you thru your day!

Potatoes Gasoline Efficiency!

  • To carry out at your greatest, put potatoes in your plate!
  • Potatoes are a very good possibility for an energetic life-style as a result of they’re a nutrient-dense vegetable that gives vitality, potassium, and vitamin C to gas you. 

Hope this evokes your meal prep for the week. LMK should you strive considered one of these baked potato bowls!

For extra potato recipes, info & inspo, take a look at the positioning right here 

This put up is in partnership with Potato Goodness @potatogoodness. @potatoesfuelperformance #potatoesfuelperformance #potatogoodness 


Preserve Going with these:

Potato and Chorizo Tacos Recipe (Vegetarian)

Easy Breakfast Baked Potato Recipe 

4 Ingredient Baked Brie Recipe 

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