How Plastic Affects Our Oceans & What We Can Do About It


How plastic impacts our oceans? 

Roughly 8 million items of plastic air pollution find yourself in our oceans day-after-day (OSPAR). Yearly 100,000 marine mammals, turtles and 1 million seabirds are killed by marine plastic air pollution (UK Authorities). Plastics make up 80% of all marine particles studied (IUCN). That could be a large downside! 

It’s not simply the plastic garbage gadgets themselves which might be the issue, it’s additionally microplastics. Microplastics are what occur when plastic begins to interrupt down into smaller and smaller items that by no means go away. You may get microplastics from garments and different plastic gadgets. You possibly can learn extra about microplastics and the influence they’ve on our oceans in this article I wrote for Ethical Consumer


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