The Alkaline Diet Preserves Muscle


  • Muscle mass is a serious predictor of high quality of life and longevity.
  • Getting older muscle loss begins round age 30 and accelerates after 50.
  • Each women and men lose 30 to 40% or extra of their muscle with age, and, with poor well being, one loses much more.
  • Getting older muscle loss can result in lowered useful capability, fall accidents, frailty, and extra mortality.
  • The high-mineral, whole-foods Alkaline Weight loss program has been confirmed to cut back getting older muscle loss.
  • Key muscle-protective, alkalizing vitamins embody magnesium, potassium, buffered ascorbate, the carotenoids, quercetin, and lots of plant antioxidants.
  • At-home pH testing is straightforward and simple.

 Coming to grips with getting older muscle loss

Muscle mass is a serious predictor of high quality of life, significantly as we age, and getting older muscle loss begins fairly early in life. From the age of 30, one loses as a lot as 3% to eight% of muscle per decade. Most of these dwelling the Western way of life will lose at the very least 30% to 40% or extra of their muscle mass throughout their lifetime. (1, 2)

Much less muscle equals much less useful capability, a larger likelihood of harm from falling, and probably life-limiting frailty. Much less muscle additionally means much less vitality manufacturing as muscle tissues are a serious web site of vitality manufacturing for all the physique. Much more, muscle tissues comprise most of our physique’s insulin receptors, that are wanted to keep up optimum blood sugar ranges. With this in thoughts, it’s simple to see why anybody planning to dwell an extended, lively life would do effectively to concentrate to constructing and sustaining muscle mass over time.

An alkaline weight loss plan preserves muscle mass

Everyone knows that train builds muscle, and a few of us notice that consuming satisfactory protein is necessary for muscle upkeep. Much less well-known, nonetheless, is the truth that an Alkaline Weight loss program preserves muscle mass. Particularly, an Alkaline Weight loss program units the biochemical stage for muscle upkeep, as science has lengthy documented. An abundance of analysis reveals that diets excessive in greens, fruits, nuts, seeds, and spices, reasonable in protein, and low in processed and refined meals, grains, sugar, and alcohol favor the upkeep of lifelong muscle mass. (3) Certainly, inhabitants research discover increased alkaline load related to larger skeletal muscle. (4)

Because it seems, the identical low-mineral, acidic weight loss plan that drains calcium from our bones additionally depletes amino acids from our muscle tissues. Particularly, when the physique takes on even a slight acidic tilt, muscle is damaged down liberating its amino acids for the synthesis of glutamine after which ammonia. Ammonia is a robust base which aids within the elimination of extra acid. (5) By this motion muscle is degraded to facilitate the kidney’s excretion of extra acids. All in all, muscle mass, simply as bone mass, is sacrificed to keep up the all-critical system-wide pH stability. (6)

Alkalizing chemistry protects muscle

As early as 1997 famous scientist Dr. Lynda Frassetto documented that alkalizing the weight loss plan by mineral supplementation supplied for the restoration of misplaced muscle mass and the prevention of additional extreme loss in getting older people. (7)

The previous twenty-five years have witnessed a rising appreciation for the muscle-preserving energy of the Alkaline Weight loss program. Lately, a three-year examine by Dr. Bess Dawson-Hughes of Tufts College discovered {that a} weight loss plan wealthy in excessive potassium meals, resembling fruit and veggies, lowered acid load and resulted in preservation of muscle mass in older women and men. (5)

Dr. Dawson-Hughes has additionally performed a number of laboratory research documenting that supplementation with alkalizing types of potassium, resembling potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate, preserves muscle mass. (6)

Potassium from meals is mostly within the type of potassium citrate, which the physique converts into bicarbonate, a robust alkalizing agent. This bicarbonate neutralizes acids and helps to protect muscle mass. The purpose, nonetheless, wouldn’t be to make use of high-dose potassium dietary supplements, however fairly to extend our consumption of foods high in potassium. The RDA for potassium is 4,700 mg/day, whereas most of us devour half of that. If we consumed the total 4,700 mg of potassium from our meals, we might possible alkalize sufficient to protect each muscle and bone.

Moreover, the correction of acidosis might protect muscle mass in these struggling medical circumstances related to muscle losing resembling diabetic ketosis, trauma, continual obstructive lung illness, and kidney failure. (8)

At-home testing for acid-alkaline stability

At Alkaline for Life, we’re proud to supply everybody probably the most complete understanding of why and methods to develop a life-supporting Alkaline Weight loss program. Take heed to our free webinar on The Alkaline Diet: Step by Step. Now we have additionally developed a easy at-home urine test which lets you assess the diploma to which you will have efficiently lowered your acid load utilizing weight loss plan and alkalizing dietary supplements.



  1. Keller, Ok., and M. Engelhardt. 2013. Power and muscle loss with getting older course of: Age and power loss. Muscle, Ligaments and Tendons Journal 3(4):346-350.
  2. Volpi, E., et al. 2004. Muscle tissue modifications with getting older. Present Opinion in Scientific Vitamin and Metabolic Care 7(4):405-410.
  3. Lauretani, F., et al. 2008. Low plasma carotenoids and skeletal muscle power decline over 6 years. The Journals of Gerontology: Collection A 63(4):376-383.
  4. Welch, A. A., et al. 2013. A better alkaline dietary load is related to larger indexes of skeletal muscle mass in ladies. Osteoporosis Worldwide 24:1899-1908.
  5. Dawson-Hughes, B., et al. 2008. Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults. The American Journal of Scientific Vitamin 87(3):662-665.
  6. Dawson-Hughes, B. 2020. Acid-base stability of the weight loss plan—Implications for bone and muscle. European Journal of Scientific Vitamin 74:7-13.
  7. Frassetto, L., et al. 1997. Potassium bicarbonate reduces urinary nitrogen excretion in postmenopausal ladies. The Journal of Scientific Endocrinology & Metabolism 82(1):254-259.
  8. Garibotto, G., et al. 1996. Muscle protein turnover in continual renal failure sufferers with metabolic acidosis or regular acid-base stability. Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism 22(1-3):58-61.



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