Tuesday's Three



Heeelllooooo!  I really feel prefer it’s been FOREVER since I’ve remembered to submit a Tuesdays 3.  I often bear in mind on Thursday or Friday, which is not Tuesday.  😉
3 Little Issues I am Grateful For Right now:
1. Jack’s Well being – I took him again to his heart specialist final week for a check-up and he is doing good.  There are, nevertheless, a few issues.  Upon overview of up to date testing, his coronary heart has not absolutely recovered since we have put him on medicines for his coronary heart illness.  That is barely regarding.  He has additionally misplaced a pound which he does not have to lose. (per his heart specialist he’s the PERFECT weight with PERFECT tooth, lol)  We had bloodwork run and it got here again trying excellent.  So, though there might be one thing (most cancers, and so forth.) that hasn’t introduced itself as of but, we’re counting our blessings and remaining cautiously optimistic about his well being.  He is been consuming a weight management meals for years so I’ve begun mixing it with the next fats meals (which he LOVES) to see if he can acquire weight.  If that’s the case, I’m advised he’s seemingly okay and shall be rechecked in 6 months.
2. Hotter Temps – we have been blessed with higher 30’s and low 40’s the final couple of days and it has been soooooo good.
3.  Oranges – (particularly Cara Cara and Sumo) is there something higher then citrus throughout winter?  They style superb on a chilly, wintery day.
What 3 little issues high your gratitude listing at present?


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