Interconnectedness – The Practice of Living Awareness


 “No matter impacts one immediately, impacts all not directly. I can by no means be what I should be till you’re what you should be. That is the interrelated construction of actuality.”   — Martin Luther King, Jr.

One may make the most of any variety of the meditative instruments that we’ve been working with for the final a number of months with the intention to assist the turning into of what they “should be” and concurrently assist the turning into of what others “should be.” That is the idea of interconnectedness; and it’s, certainly, the construction of actuality. We’re designed to attach: to the second, the ourselves, to others, to feelings, to the earth, to concepts and ideas. As an illustration, attempt a smile. At very least, synapses within the mind are connecting and releasing optimistic neurotransmitters. Attempt noticing circulation as you progress via your day. Grace is the results of flowing with the interrelatedness of experiences. Soften and open  to a different’s phrases in dialog; linger and obtain earlier than you reply. Soften and open to your feelings; launch negativity via gratitude and appreciation. Pause, take pleasure in an interlude, and hook up with your environment.

Sure, the entire phrases in italics are steps of the Observe of Dwelling Consciousness. Now, consider asana (alignment along with your internal and outer actuality), thoughts (entry to consciousness), luminous notion (consciousness of potential unfolding) and you’ve got landed squarely in your floor of being… prepared to attach. It’s all there may be: interrelation and interconnectivity.

Joyful meditating.

Ground of Being Meditation – Day 2


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