Standing Apart from the Crowd—Even When It’s Hard


There are numerous examples in each day lifetime of how not conforming—of how making your self seen by appearing completely different from others—is to do the arduous factor. Is it any marvel that, when the bulk does one thing troubling or onerous or merciless, many people simply… let it slide? Go alongside?

However to be a person—to talk out in opposition to such mob mentality—is to be courageous. To be a hero. Which is why this week’s sneak peek from Let’s Erase Bullying is so essential. It identifies the methods during which each conformity and individuality can impression bullying, and guides college students by way of a important considering course of that enables them to decide on the higher path… even when it’s arduous.



By the top of this lesson, college students will have the ability to:

  1. Outline the phrases conformity and individuality.
  2. Establish evidences of conformity and individuality in how folks current themselves to others.
  3. Establish the ways in which conformity and individuality can impression bullying.


Younger adolescents (ages 10 – 13)


Early adolescents have a necessity to adapt to group requirements in gown and habits. This conformity is essential developmentally in that it offers a way of stability at a time of speedy physique modifications and helps college students be taught in regards to the wants of others by way of the shut bonding of the peer group. It is usually essential for college kids to understand their uniqueness as people. Whereas each conformity and individuality might be supportive of early adolescent improvement, they will additionally result in and promote a tradition of bullying when they’re misunderstood or misapplied. This lesson makes an attempt to assist college students discover how conformity and individuality can function as constructive forces of their lives.

The contents of the lesson plan embody motion workouts, and the chance to debate one another’s variations, and what they imply. Try the total lesson plan once you get your copy of Let’s Erase Bullying!


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