10 Bible Verses on Body Image


Use these 10 Bible verses on physique picture to spice up your self-confidence in your price and id as a baby of God, not by the world’s customary of magnificence.

To start with, this isn’t a straightforward factor in any respect! I nonetheless don’t discover myself engaging on the earth’s eyes. I’ve unfastened pores and skin, cellulite, and have discovered that weight loss program and train can solely achieve this a lot as soon as the harm has been performed.

And that was all earlier than I even had our son!

I additionally spent years in an emotionally abusive marriage, desperate to be seen as beautiful, and as an alternative to be met with phrases that tore each shred of shallowness I needed to shreds.

Positive, I may strive retraining myself to stare at my flaws within the mirror and attempt to persuade myself that my imperfections are lovely (I’ve seen this advice typically), however I choose a unique route.

The mindset shift I had was extra about making my look much less vital to me than convincing myself my flaws weren’t…nicely, flaws.

Girl holding out her hand with

My husband now could be an excellent man and I advised him early on in our relationship that I’ve performed the perfect I may, however that that is the physique he’s signing up for.

That has turn into my catchphrase in life. “I did the perfect I may and I have to let that be adequate.”

I consider there ought to be wholesome boundaries round physique picture, similar to every other relationship.

I don’t need to care too little and turn into a whole slob who by no means showers, workout routines, or tries to look good.

I additionally don’t need to care an excessive amount of and get caught beating myself up for issues which might be fully out of my management (I spent a LOT of time there).

I consider there’s a place between the 2 the place God wishes us to be, the place we perceive that God has given us our our bodies for a function.

They’re items for us to make use of to assist us serve, hug, run, kneel, style, contact, savor His creation, and we should always absolutely deal with that physique nicely. However our our bodies had been by no means meant to outline our id, diminish our function, or come between {our relationships}.

When our ideas inform us in any other case – “You’re ugly, you’ll by no means measure up, you’re unworthy of affection, you’re much less vital than that lady with the flat abdomen,” that’s when we have to take our ideas captive and acknowledge these ideas should not from God.

It’s onerous to alter thought patterns. It takes time and intentionality however recognizing God’s voice vs the enemy’s voice is so vital in tackling the issue. Now we have to see that these ideas are lies earlier than we will eliminate them.

Fill your thoughts with what God says about your physique.

Scripture on Physique Picture

The entire Bible verses under are from the NIV translation.

1. Psalm 139:14

I reward you as a result of I’m fearfully and splendidly made; your works are great, I do know that full nicely.

Psalm 139:14

That is most likely essentially the most generally quoted verse in relation to magnificence and physique picture, and for good cause!

I’m certain if I requested you to explain your physique, you possibly can readily give me a listing of your flaws, however would “great” be anyplace in your description?

It took lots of work for me to learn this verse and really consider that what it was saying was true. I had spent so a few years telling myself I’d tousled God’s creation that believing that something about my physique was great was a stretch.

However that’s how we renew our minds, proper? We learn the phrases time and again and proceed to try to interchange our damaged ideas with God’s Reality.

So, even should you don’t consider it in the present day. Don’t surrender.

2. 1 Peter 3:3-4

Your magnificence shouldn’t come from outward adornment, equivalent to elaborate hairstyles and the sporting of gold jewellery or tremendous garments. Moderately, it ought to be that of your interior self, the unfading fantastic thing about a delicate and quiet spirit, which is of nice price in God’s sight.

1 Peter 3:3-4

This verse to me is all about redefining magnificence in our minds. Each tradition has its personal definitions and they’re always altering. How is a lady ever supposed to maintain up?

You aren’t.

God’s definition of magnificence is unchanging – a delicate and quiet spirit “which is of nice price in God’s sight.” Nothing about top, weight, gown measurement, or the rest about your outward look.

3. Proverbs 31:30

Attraction is misleading, and wonder is fleeting; however a girl who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

Typically it appears like an uphill battle, proper? I believed I’d “arrive” after dropping 100 kilos, however then there was the unfastened pores and skin after which grey hairs began popping up, and the listing of latest “issues” simply saved rising longer and longer.

There are such a lot of anti-aging merchandise on the market to carry off the wrinkles, grays, and sagging so long as doable, however, it doesn’t matter what you do, it’ll catch as much as you!

Fortunately, the Bible doesn’t direct us towards that life – a lifetime of fruitlessly preventing off the inevitable. It simply gently factors out that our focus is on the flawed factor.

As a substitute of chasing magnificence, chase God. It’s a way more joy-filled, peaceable, satisfying life.

4. 1 Samuel 16:7

However the Lord stated to Samuel, “Don’t contemplate his look or his top, for I’ve rejected him. The Lord doesn’t have a look at the issues folks have a look at. Individuals have a look at the outward look, however the Lord appears to be like on the coronary heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

The Lord doesn’t have a look at the issues folks have a look at…the Lord appears to be like on the coronary heart.

Isn’t that such a consolation?

I don’t learn about you, however I’ve wasted far an excessive amount of time wishing I appeared like skinny, match celebrities and feeling like such a failure once I was giving it my all however my physique nonetheless fell so in need of the world’s magnificence customary.

However God provides us a unique customary to measure success and it has nothing to do together with your look.

Your intentions, your coronary heart, is what issues in His eyes.

5. Ephesians 2:10

For we’re God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God ready prematurely for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

Insecurities have a method of retaining us caught and remoted.

After I was 100 kilos obese, I used to be determined to not carry consideration to myself as a result of I didn’t need folks to note I used to be fats (it sounds foolish now, however it was so true of my actuality again then).

I didn’t need to draw consideration to myself in a damaging mild, so I’d simply fully skip out on any actions that I won’t do nicely at (like saying no to a motorcycle journey with associates as a result of I didn’t need to be the slowest of the bunch).

I’d additionally keep very secure in my consolation zone, not difficult myself to get higher or permitting myself to wrestle within the areas the place I actually excelled as a result of I simply needed to remain mediocre to fade into the background.

However the Lord didn’t create you to be mediocre. He created you to do good works, however carrying them out takes confidence! It’s important to be keen to personal the strengths and weaknesses you might have and live out loud.

And isn’t that a ravishing factor? You had been created on function and for a function.

6. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Do you not know that your our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who’s in you, whom you might have obtained from God? You aren’t your individual;  you had been purchased at a worth. Due to this fact honor God together with your our bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Gosh, isn’t this really easy to neglect? After I’m trying into the mirror, letting my eyes linger on each flaw I see, I’m certain not enthusiastic about my physique being a temple of the Holy Spirit!

However, regardless that it’s not pure for me to see myself in that mild, it’s the Reality.

Your physique is a divine present. A temple. A dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.

And that’s precisely why I’m obsessed with making exercise an act of worship, glorifying God in eating, and discovering different methods to honor God with my physique.

7. Romans 12:1

Due to this fact, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to supply your our bodies as a residing sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—that is your true and correct worship.

Romans 12:1

My pastor typically talks about “closed-handed residing.” That’s once we are holding so tightly to the issues of this world (like magnificence, comparability, success, and many others) that our fists are tightly shut, not permitting us to just accept God’s blessings.

After we deal with “open-handed residing,” the place we’re always surrendering all of these issues to the Lord, our palms are able to each give and obtain.

I discuss extra about how to be a living sacrifice right here.

8. 1 Corinthians 10:31

So whether or not you eat or drink or no matter you do, do all of it for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

As somebody who actually, actually loves meals, you’d suppose this may have been straightforward for me, however the issue was, I cherished meals an excessive amount of.

I put meals in a spot in my life that was above God and that’s NEVER glorifying to Him.

For a few years, I didn’t suppose God had something to do with my consuming, however I’m extra satisfied than ever that God cares about what we eat (and perhaps not for the explanations you suppose).

9. Philippians 3:21

…who, by the facility that allows him to carry all the pieces underneath his management, will remodel our lowly our bodies in order that they are going to be like his wonderful physique.

Philippians 3:21

Even again then, they nonetheless described their our bodies as “lowly.” Isn’t that fascinating?

I suppose as a result of all the pieces appears fairly lowly compared to being “like his wonderful physique.”

Our our bodies now are suffering from sin, mortality, growing older, weak point, and frailty (amongst different issues!), however there’s hope for a future when all of that modifications and even our our bodies will likely be extra like Christ.

What a ravishing present to cling to.

10. Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his personal picture, within the picture of God he created them; female and male he created them.

Genesis 1:27

This can be a Reality I maintain onto typically.

I won’t suppose a lot of my physique, however whether or not I really feel prefer it or not, I’m a picture bearer of God.

I’m praying for you proper now. Not that your eyes could be blind to the imperfections in your physique, however that they’d reduce the significance of these imperfections and enlarge your price in Christ.

Don’t surrender.

Hold preventing to persuade your self of God’s Reality.

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10 Bible Verses on Body Image with open Bible and girl's hands folded in prayer

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