19 Bible Verses on Gluttony & Overeating


With Jesus’ grace, let’s dig into the reality of what God’s Phrase says about these robust matters with Bible Verses on gluttony & overeating.

Have you ever ever stuffed your self a lot at Thanksgiving Dinner that you just had been left feeling sick afterward?

Are you aware what it’s wish to eat 6, 7, 8 servings (or the entire bag) of Cheetos earlier than you even understand you will have?

Or possibly you’re extra acquainted with simply consuming a number of bites greater than it’s essential to (time and again and once more).

I’ve performed all of these issues and extra.

Gluttony is a type of uncomfortable sins we wish to push apart and decrease. We persuade ourselves that there is no such thing as a approach that we could possibly be a glutton, however…I positive was (you can read about my 100-pound weight loss journey here).

The definition of gluttony is:

routine greed or extra in consuming

A routine extra in consuming? Responsible.

That’s what led me to realize 100 kilos – usually consuming extra meals than my physique wanted.

“Glutton” is a type of phrases that makes me squirm in my seat as a result of I’d by no means need to label anybody with that phrase.

However, the reality is, we dwell in a tradition of gluttony. We encourage and rejoice overeating with concepts like:

  • after a tough day, you deserve pizza/wine/ice cream.
  • a pint of ice cream will assist heal your damaged coronary heart.
  • Thanksgiving dinner is all about consuming as a lot as you possibly can stuff down and ending the day in stretchy pants.

With messages like that being despatched to us always in commercials, advertisements, books, motion pictures, and even in our household and good friend teams, it’s no marvel we’re turning to meals to repair issues solely God was meant to repair.

That’s what units my weight reduction journey aside from so many others. I wasn’t simply coping with the behavior drawback of overeating.

I used to be coping with a sin drawback.

I used to be making meals an idol in my life. After I was heartbroken, annoyed, or careworn, I regarded to Little Debbie to make it higher.

I used to be particular person total, however in some way I’d advised myself it was okay that I snuck meals from my household (consuming their share in addition to mine) and consuming in secret (mendacity to family and friends members by omission).

That’s not only a behavior subject…that’s a personality subject.

Which is why it’s so vital to incorporate God in your weight reduction journey. The Fact of His Phrase offers will get to the core of the problem, the sin in our hearts.

That’s additionally what units aside our Faithful Finish Lines 2.0 program. So far as I do know, it’s the one program on the market that offers with overeating as a sin and frequently factors you again to God’s grace as you alter your habits.

Bible Verses About Gluttony

First, let’s dive into these Scriptures that particularly speak about gluttons and glutton by identify.

Deuteronomy 21:20

They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is cussed and rebellious. He is not going to obey us. He’s a glutton and a drunkard.”

Deuteronomy 21:20

Proverbs 23:1-3

Once you sit to dine with a ruler,
    notice effectively what’s earlier than you,
 and put a knife to your throat
    if you’re given to gluttony.
 Don’t crave his delicacies,
    for that meals is misleading.

Proverbs 23:1-3

Proverbs 23:19-21

Hear, my son, and be clever,
    and set your coronary heart on the best path:
Don’t be part of those that drink an excessive amount of wine
    or gorge themselves on meat,
for drunkards and gluttons grow to be poor,
    and drowsiness garments them in rags.

Psalm 23:19-21

Proverbs 28:7

A discerning son heeds instruction, however a companion of gluttons disgraces his father.

Proverbs 28:7

Titus 1:12

Certainly one of Crete’s personal prophets has mentioned it: “Cretans are at all times liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”

Titus 1:12

Scripture makes it very clear that gluttony is just not one thing to be celebrated. It’s described as a shame and is related to individuals being lazy, drunkards, liars, and evil.

Bible Verses About Overeating

Now, let’s dive into extra Scriptures that discuss extra usually about overeating and overindulging.

There are such a lot of totally different angles to the subject of overeating. In fact, there may be the precise act of consuming an excessive amount of meals, however there may be additionally:

  • idolatry
  • treating your physique poorly
  • giving into temptation/the needs of our flesh
  • missing self-control
  • …and a lot extra.

Psalm 78:18

They willfully put God to the take a look at
    by demanding the meals they craved.

Psalm 78:18

I’d wish to say that I’d by no means demand the meals I craved from God, however after I’m trustworthy with myself, I’ve let my meals cravings dictate numerous my selections earlier than – sneaking meals, hiding meals, consuming greater than my fair proportion, overeating, and extra. I was willful and demanding.

Now, I’ve taken back control from my food cravings using the 3 Ps.

Proverbs 25:16

For those who discover honey, eat simply sufficient—
    an excessive amount of of it, and you’ll vomit

Proverbs 25:16

One of many frequent prayers I say earlier than I eat is, “Lord, assist me to eat simply sufficient – sufficient to fulfill, however not even one chunk an excessive amount of.”

How simple is it to persuade ourselves to eat only one extra chunk?

Possibly it’s since you had been taught to scrub your plate (I used to be too, however this is how I feel about the clean plate club).

Maybe it’s as a result of the meals simply tasted so good that you really want it to final just a bit bit longer.

Both approach, the Bible warns us about overeating in such a sensible approach – eat an excessive amount of and you’ll get sick.

And I particularly love this verse as a result of it makes use of honey as its instance. You may eat treats, however with self-control to keep away from overconsuming them!

Proverbs 25:27

It’s not good to eat an excessive amount of honey,
    neither is it honorable to go looking out issues which can be too deep.

Proverbs 25:27

Luke 12:23

For all times is greater than meals, and the physique greater than garments.

Luke 12:23

Life is greater than meals. It looks as if such an apparent assertion, proper? In fact life is greater than meals!

However how usually will we make meals the primary attraction?

Thanksgiving is all about consuming an enormous meal. Halloween is all concerning the sweet. Birthdays revolve round cake, a visit to the flicks will need to have popcorn, and street journeys will need to have a automotive stuffed with snacks.

I do consider God gave us meals to get pleasure from in addition to to nourish our our bodies, however life is greater than meals.

We will savor scrumptious meals with out making meals our essential focus.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Don’t you already know that you just yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anybody destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that particular person; for God’s temple is sacred, and also you collectively are that temple.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Individuals usually ask me why I gained all the load I did. Actually, I don’t know the total reply.

However, wanting again in hindsight, I can say with certainty that a part of the explanation I overate was that I had so little self-confidence. I used to be under no circumstances safe in my identification in Christ and I positive didn’t consider my physique being a temple of God. I didn’t really feel worthy.

However I used to be. And you might be too. It took numerous follow taking my thoughts captive to persuade myself that God’s Phrase about me had been true, nevertheless it was greater than definitely worth the effort.

Once you consider you’re a cherished youngster of God and your physique was a present from the Lord, you might be more likely to deal with your physique with gentleness and care.

1 Corinthians 6:12

“I’ve the best to do something,” you say—however not every part is helpful. “I’ve the best to do something”—however I cannot be mastered by something.

1 Corinthians 6:12

Paul wrote this verse with reference to sexual immorality, however the idea rings true in each space of my life – consuming, funds, relationships, and so on.

You’re an grownup. You may eat ice cream for breakfast if you wish to.

However not every part is helpful.

Meals cravings are completely a approach that we now have been mastered by meals. Once you inform your self you “want” chocolate, you might be letting your cravings name the pictures.

It’s okay to like meals and stay up for consuming scrumptious issues, however watch out to not be mastered by it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Do you not know that your our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who’s in you, whom you will have acquired from God? You aren’t your personal;  you had been purchased at a worth. Due to this fact honor God along with your our bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I’m completely positive you could possibly stand in entrance of the mirror and see a dozen issues about your physique that you just want you could possibly change, however as an alternative, I problem your self to think about methods you possibly can honor God along with your physique.

I’ve tried to make exercise an act of worship and I’ve realized to hear God’s voice in the midst of my emotional eating, however there are countless methods you possibly can honor Him along with your physique every day.

1 Corinthians 10:31

So whether or not you eat or drink or no matter you do, do all of it for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

This verse is extra concerning the act of consuming itself than overeating essentially. It’s such an vital reminder that each one of these seemingly mundane duties that we do each single day (like consuming), can glorify God.

Our decisions matter.

These are 5 options for ways to glorify God in your eating.

Philippians 3:19

Their future is destruction, their god is their abdomen, and their glory is of their disgrace. Their thoughts is about on earthly issues.

Philippians 3:19

I’d by no means say that my god is my abdomen, however my actions have mentioned in any other case.

I’ve turned to meals after I ought to have been leaning on God. I’ve eaten my emotions as an alternative of praying about them. I’ve chosen to overeat after I knew I used to be full.

Our actions reveal bits of our coronary heart and I didn’t like what I used to see in my habits.

Romans 12:1

Due to this fact, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to supply your our bodies as a dwelling sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—that is your true and correct worship.

Romans 12:1

Admittedly, I didn’t begin my weight reduction journey with noble functions. I needed to be skinny and enticing and really feel worthy of affection.

However, alongside the best way, God actually remodeled my coronary heart and I slowly began to be taught the worth of offering my body to God as a living sacrifice.

Ultimately, as an alternative of simply wishing I could possibly be at my aim weight in a single day, I began to see how God was rising and altering me alongside the best way. I lastly noticed worth within the journey and never simply the consequence.

Romans 13:14

Reasonably, dress yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and don’t take into consideration easy methods to gratify the needs of the flesh.

Romans 13:14

I used to spend all day fascinated by the entire meals I used to be going to secretly eat in my bed room that evening after my household had gone to mattress.

Ideas really feel so innocent, however your ideas matter. The extra you let your thoughts dwell on sinful habits, the extra doubtless it will likely be to return to fruition.

Take your ideas captive and select Christ, time and again and once more.

Galatians 5:22-23

However the fruit of the Spirit is love, pleasure, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Towards such issues there is no such thing as a regulation.

Galatians 5:22-23

Though after I began, my solely aim was a quantity on the dimensions, over time, I grew in every single fruit of the Spirit along the course of my 100-pound weight loss journey and people character traits have helped me to succeed and strengthen each space of my life, not simply weight reduction.

These are the center points that God can remodel with time as you select to glorify Him in your decisions day in and time out.

2 Timothy 1:7

For the Spirit God gave us doesn’t make us timid, however offers us energy, love and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:17

Self-discipline and self-control have grow to be extra overseas ideas. Lately, our tradition virtually tells us its merciless to disclaim our needs.

It’s not merciless, it’s godly. And it’s love. See how these two issues are paired on this verse – love and self-discipline?

Real love usually includes wholesome boundaries and that’s very true in consuming.

God doesn’t inform us to eat “simply sufficient” honey as a punishment. It’s a safety out of a deep love for us, wanting what’s greatest for us.

However, Do Not Despair, His Grace Is Sufficient

I do know it is a heavy topic. You’ll have by no means considered overeating as a sin earlier than (I didn’t for a lot of the years I used to be obese). You might be feeling guilt, disgrace, or conviction.

I don’t need to depart you there as a result of that’s not the place the Bible leaves us both!

Ought to we name sin a sin? Completely.

Feeling guilt and conviction is a present from God to assist information us on the trail we needs to be dwelling.

We completely ought to really feel the necessity to repent and get ourselves again on that rightful path.

However sin doesn’t outline your identification. Christ does.

He died as a sacrifice for your entire sins and His grace is sufficient.

Romans 8:1-4

Due to this fact, there may be now no condemnation for many who are in Christ Jesus,  as a result of by way of Christ Jesus the regulation of the Spirit who offers life has set you free from the regulation of sin and demise.  For what the regulation was powerless to do as a result of it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his personal Son within the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin providing. And so he condemned sin within the flesh, so that the righteous requirement of the regulation is likely to be totally met in us, who don’t dwell in line with the flesh however in line with the Spirit.

Romans 8:1-4

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