Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award


Catarina Dutilh Novaes, professor and college analysis chair within the Division of Philosophy at VU Amsterdam, is the winner of the 2022 Lakatos Award.

The Lakatos Award, named in reminiscence of thinker Imre Lakatos, is awarded in recognition of a monograph within the philosophy of science broadly construed, both single authored or co-authored, printed in English. The award is endowed by the Latsis Foundation and administered by a world committee organized by, however unbiased of, the Division of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Methodology on the London Faculty of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Professor Dutilh Novaes gained the award for her e-book, The Dialogical Roots of Deduction (Cambridge College Press, 2020). In keeping with the prize announcement,

The Dialogical Roots of Deduction is praised by the Selectors as a “masterwork” that’s “completely fascinating” and by which “now we have a breath-taking quantity of data revealed”: “the information is breath-taking, the argument authentic, and the entire is an mental feat”. The e-book “develops a coherent, compelling and broadly articulated account of enormous components of human reasoning that has huge relevance to understanding science as a selected improvement of human motive.” The e-book provides a “very intriguing, erudite, and doubtlessly extremely productive argument, specifically that deduction is basically a dialogical and collaborative phenomenon, and therefore shouldn’t be the end result of particular person actions primarily based on guidelines or logic with reasoners in competitors with one another, however as a substitute needs to be seen as a social exercise.” In making this level, “the e-book clearly makes an important contribution to our understandings of logic and mathematical reasoning”.

The Lakatos Award features a prize of £10,000 (roughly $12,500) and the supply of a lecture on the LSE.

Earlier winners of the award are listed here.

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