How To Set Your Meditation Intentions & Achieve Them  


In the present day, considered one of my college students requested me about meditation intentions. Particularly, they have been interested by studying set intentions throughout meditation, and likewise use meditation to realize their objectives.

I touched on this in my information to Meditation for Motivation. However I’d like to elucidate it additional as we speak.

Normally after we meditate we don’t have a selected objective or intention. We meditate merely to look at, somewhat than to realize any particular factor.

Nonetheless, there are occasions when we have now a selected objective. As an example, after I was youthful my objective with meditation was to beat my crippling social anxiousness. I used to be so shy I actually couldn’t converse to anybody. And I meant to alter that with meditation. I needed to really feel assured round different folks. That was one objective I’ve had in meditation. And I’m comfortable to say I achieved that objective and ended up feeling calm and comfortable socializing.

That’s only one instance. 

Different examples of meditation intentions embody:

You’ll be able to assist your self obtain any objective with meditation. However to take action, you need to know set your intention when meditating. Let me present you the way.

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How To Set Your Intention In Meditation [Script]

  1. Resolve what you wish to obtain along with your meditation. Maybe it’s interior peace, or happiness, or possibly you wish to enhance your productiveness. For this instance, I’ll use the intention of boosting confidence. In case your intention is completely different, merely adapt the next steps as you see match.
  2. Phrase your intention within the constructive. As an example, in case your objective is at present damaging, resembling “I wish to cease feeling insecure”, make it constructive: “I wish to really feel assured”. Then state this objective within the current second: “I AM feeling calm”. It will create your mantra, which you’ll use in a second. [You might like to read: Mantra Meditation for Beginners]
  3. You would possibly discover it useful to jot down your intention down on paper. This will help to solidify your objective in your thoughts.
  4. Start meditating like typical. Sit comfortably with good posture. Watch your breath transfer round your physique for a couple of moments. Don’t fear about your objective right now. We’ll get to that. Simply breathe mindfully and chill out.
  5. Select one factor that you’d do when you achieved your objective. As an example, what one factor would you do when you have been very assured? Possibly you’d be talking confidently in public, or wanting within the mirror feeling good about your self.
  6. Visualize your self doing this one factor (from above). Visualize it intimately. Now proceed to deal with this picture of your self doing this one factor you’ll do when you achieved your objective. It is a great exercise for your subconscious mind.
  7. Start to recite your mantra from step 2 whereas additionally visualizing your self from the step above.
  8. Whilst you recite your mantra and visualize your success, sure ideas will come to thoughts. Some will probably be constructive ideas about methods you possibly can obtain your objective. Some will probably be challenges, issues your thoughts tells you that you could do. Invite the constructive ideas, but in addition settle for the challenges.
  9. Proceed meditating on this method for not less than ten minutes. It will prepare your thoughts to realize your objectives.

Last Ideas

After we set a meditation intention, we focus the thoughts on one factor. And we remind ourselves of our objectives. This may be really useful as a result of it focuses all our vitality on one factor: our intention.

I’ve used this method for a lot of completely different college students in my on-line meditation classes. With this methodology, I’ve helped folks to seek out confidence, domesticate love, reduce weight, and obtain some really great issues. I hope you discover it useful.

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