Philosophical Disquisitions: 94 – Robot Friendship and Hatred


Can we transfer past the Aristotelian account of friendship when fascinated by {our relationships} with robots? Can we hate robots? On this episode, I discuss to Helen Ryland about these matters. Helen is a UK-based thinker. She accomplished her PhD in Philosophy in 2020 on the College of Birmingham. She now works as an Affiliate Lecturer for The Open College. Her work examines human-robot relationships, online game ethics, and the personhood and ethical standing of marginal circumstances of human rights (e.g., topics with dementia, nonhuman animals, and robots).

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Present Notes

Matters lined embrace:

  • What’s friendship and why does it matter?
  • The Aristotelian account of friendship
  • Limitations of the Aristotelian account
  • The levels of friendship mannequin
  • Why we might be pals with robots
  • Criticisms of robot-human friendship
  • The potential of hating robots
  • Will we already hate robots?
  • Why wouldn’t it matter if we did hate robots?

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