The Path of Love


Sit down on this circle. Give up performing like a wolf, and really feel the shepherd’s love filling you. ~ Rumi

There’s a story a couple of shepherd who feels a robust religious discontent. Sooner or later the shepherd ventures away from his residence to search for a sage who was mentioned to dwell in a small hut deep within the forest. After a really lengthy and arduous journey, he finds the hut. Elated, the shepherd bursts into the tiny room inside.

“Trainer,” the shepherd stuttered breathlessly, “I wish to be free!” Somewhat man slowly appears to be like up from his meditation, feeling the shepherd’s urgency and sincerity. “Okay then,” the sage replies, “I gives you a sacred mantra. Repeat it to your self evening and day, and that may set you freed from your struggling.”

The shepherd faithfully follows the directions of his trainer. However as time goes on, there aren’t any outcomes and he turns into dispirited. Feeling hopeless, he returns to the hut and explains his scenario.

The sage thinks for a second and asks the shepherd, “What do you’re keen on most on this world?” With out hesitating, the shepherd replies, “My sheep. They’re lovely. light creatures and I really like taking good care of them.” The trainer replies, “Return and meditate in your sheep. Deal with nothing else however your love for them.” The shepherd feels uncertain, however thanks the trainer and leaves to return residence.

The shepherd follows the sage’s directions, and, to his shock, feels his thoughts and physique filling with love. In a really brief time, that love fully fills his being and he attains self-realization, forsaking struggling fully.

Love is the important thing to our relationship with God. At any time when we really feel caught or discouraged, now we have the flexibility to return to the easy educating of affection and transfer ever nearer to the center of consciousness. To find your true nature, do all the things as an providing of affection to God!


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