Cheers to the First Decade!


Again Backyard. 8/29/2021

Yesterday–March Sixth–was the tenth anniversary of closing on our house.  Our tenth homeversary, if you’ll.  In some methods I’m astonished that it has been ten years already.  In others, it appears like we have at all times been right here.  

Orchid bloom in the lounge. 2/25/2022
The basement recreation space. 1/15/2022
Having fun with the wild flower patch with Ginger. 9/10/2021

I am so glad it’s ours.  It’s our house.  Our sanctuary.  Our workshop and artwork studio.   Our place to thrive.  It’s a place of connection and progress.  Of affection and creativity.  It nourishes us, actually and metaphorically, offering steady floor the place now we have planted our roots.  I’m so proud of what we have performed here–and desperate to see what’s going to come within the subsequent decade.  

The Lava Lamp Choir standing at consideration atop the roll-top desk.  12/25/2022
Johnny taking within the view on the entrance home windows.  2/1/2022

Matt and I celebrated the event by watching The Big Lebowski and consuming a White Russian after dinner final evening.  March Sixth can be the anniversary of the Dude’s debut in theaters again within the late 90s.  I am not a lot of a film individual, however we each certain love that one.

This tree behind our backyard is at all times the primary on our place to start the transition to autumn hues.  9/28/2021


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