Rinzai 174


The last word precept of the Method can’t be revealed by theorising or controversy, and it isn’t by quarrelling loudly that different Methods are refuted. There isn’t any particular that means within the transmission of Buddha and patriarchs. Although there’s a verbal educating, it falls into the momentary rationalization of the Three Autos, the 5 Natures, and the trigger and impact of males and Devas. However this doesn’t apply to the educating for full and sudden enlightenment. The younger Sudhana didn’t go to search for 53 enlightened lecturers.


The last word precept of the Method can neither be higher revealed by theorising or controversy nor be hidden or lined by silence or speechlessness, each as a result of theorising and controversy will not be completely different from silence or speechlessness within the Method and since the previous and the latter are the features of the Method. ‘There isn’t any particular that means within the transmission of Buddha and patriarchs’ means that there’s on different that means than what’s seen and heard clearly at this second since there may be nothing however it. All verbal teachings such because the Three Autos, the 5 Natures, and the trigger and impact of males and Devas aren’t any higher than momentary expedients. Ending up in mental understanding by clinging to phrases shouldn’t be the essence of the educating for enlightenment. Though the Avatamsaka Sutra says that the younger Sudhana went to go to 53 enlightened lecturers for enlightenment, it’s only a fictional story produced as an expedient, not an historic truth.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway

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