Classic Rhubarb Crisp – A Couple Cooks


This rhubarb crisp recipe has a golden, crunchy crumble topping and a gooey, candy tart filling. It’s simply one of the best!

Rhubarb crisp

Right here’s spring and summer season’s finest deal with, if yow will discover a bunch of these magical pinkish-green stalks: Rhubarb Crisp! This homey dessert is absolute summer season nostalgia: every chunk is a burst of gooey, candy tart sweet topped with a golden oat crumble. Prime it with melty vanilla ice cream, and there’s nothing higher than scooping up heaping mouthfuls on a summer season’s night. Right here’s our favourite rhubarb crisp recipe that can wow everybody.

Elements on this rhubarb crisp recipe

This rhubarb crisp recipe is simply candy sufficient, with a hearty oat crumble and a gooey rhubarb filling. A pair secrets and techniques? A heavy dose of oats retains the crumble textured and crunchy, and trace of orange zest makes the filling pop. It’s not required, however it provides simply the fitting delicate sophistication. Right here’s what you’ll want:

  • Rhubarb
  • Granulated sugar
  • Cornstarch (or arrowroot starch)
  • Orange zest (non-compulsory)
  • Vanilla extract
  • Outdated Customary rolled oats
  • All objective flour
  • Brown sugar
  • Cinnamon
  • Butter
  • Salt
Rhubarb crisp

Keys to the flavour and texture

This apple crisp recipe with oats is pristine: it’s simply what you’d count on in a basic, however a bit bit elevated. Listed below are just a few notes on what makes it so divine:

  • Orange zest accentuates the sweetness. Acidity in desserts is like salt in savory meals: it makes the flavors shine! Right here the citrus zest strikes simply the fitting steadiness with the sugar. Don’t have it? You need to use lemon zest or just take away.
  • The suitable ratio of butter to oats makes the crumble topping. A great rhubarb crisp recipe ought to have a topping that’s crumbly and crisp: not crunchy, tender, or soggy. This one has simply the fitting ratio of butter and oats for that signature texture. (It’s crunchier than the one I grew up with, which didn’t have oats!)
  • Cornstarch helps the filling have a thick texture. We’ve discovered cornstarch works finest to create a gooey texture (versus flour). The rhubarb releases numerous liquid whereas baking. Don’t wish to use cornstarch? Use arrowroot powder, which works in the identical approach.

Variations: vegan and gluten-free rhubarb crisp

Need to make a vegan or gluten-free rhubarb crisp? Listed below are just a few simple substitutions that make this recipe work for nearly any food regimen:

  • Substitute almond flour for gluten-free. Crisp recipes are simple to make gluten-free utilizing almond flour! It really works nicely in a crumble topping, particularly as a result of it turns into barely crispy when baked.
  • Substitute vegan butter or coconut oil for gluten-free. Vegan butter is the best choice. You can too use room temperature coconut oil, although the topping comes out softer and never fairly as crisp. We suggest refined coconut oil, which has a subtler coconut taste.
Rhubarb crisp

Make it a strawberry rhubarb crisp

Need to use that basic mixture of candy crimson berries and rhubarb? You are able to do that too! Merely substitute 1 pound of the rhubarb with 1 pound strawberries, or about 3 cups sliced. In case you’d like, you may decrease the sugar within the filling barely (we’d attempt a scant 2/3 cup).

Leftover storage data

Need to save rhubarb crisp leftovers? Right here’s what to do:

  • It will probably stand for 1 day at room temperature (coated). The topping stays crisp with this technique.
  • Refrigerate for as much as 3 days. It holds up fairly nicely within the fridge, and tastes even higher when reheated.
  • Freeze as much as 3 months. You possibly can freeze this rhubarb crisp for as much as 3 months in a sealed container. Reheat it in a 350 diploma oven till bubbly and the topping is crisp.
Rhubarb crisp

Extra rhubarb recipes

You’ve obtained to capitalize on the season when yow will discover rhubarb! Listed below are just a few recipes we love:

This rhubarb crisp recipe is…

Vegetarian. For gluten-free and vegan, see the substitutes within the recipe beneath.


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This rhubarb crisp recipe has a golden, crunchy crumble topping and a gooey, candy tart filling. It’s simply one of the best!

  • 2 kilos rhubarb (6 cups chopped)*
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • ¼ teaspoon orange zest (non-compulsory; or ½ teaspoon lemon zest)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • ¾ cup Outdated Customary rolled oats
  • ¾ cup all objective flour (or almond flour for gluten-free)
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 8 tablespoons chilly salted butter (or coconut oil or vegan butter for vegan)

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 levels Fahrenheit.
  2. Make the filling: Chop the rhubarb into ½ inch items. Combine it with the granulated sugar, cornstarch, orange zest and vanilla extract in a bowl, then pour the filling right into a spherical 9-inch pie pan, 9 x 9 inch baking dish or 7 x 11 baking dish.
  3. Make the topping: In a medium bowl, combine collectively the oats, flour, sugar, cinnamon, and kosher salt. Lower the butter into small items after which use your arms to combine it into the oats till totally distributed and a crumbly dough varieties. It might take some time so be affected person; you too can use a fork or pastry cutter in the event you choose. (If utilizing coconut oil, it may be room temperature; use the identical technique so as to add it.) Pour the crumble on prime and clean it into a fair layer together with your fingers.
  4. Bake: Bake for 45 to 50 minutes till the highest is evenly golden brown and the filling is bubbly. Cool for half-hour to 1 hour, then serve heat. You possibly can miss your crisp on the counter for as much as 1 day (coated, at evening) so the crisp topping can keep crisp. After 1 day, refrigerate any leftovers. This crumble additionally freezes nicely for a number of months in a sealed container; reheat it in a 350 diploma oven till bubbly and the topping is crisp.


*For a strawberry rhubarb crisp, merely use 1 pound (3 cups sliced) strawberries with 1 pound (3 cups chopped) rhubarb.

  • Class: Dessert
  • Technique: Baked
  • Delicacies: Dessert
  • Weight-reduction plan: Vegetarian

Key phrases: Rhubarb crisp, rhubarb crisp recipe, rhubarb crumble

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