The Best Healthy Tuna Salad


Our favourite Wholesome Tuna Salad filled with veggies that we make on a regular basis at dwelling for fast lunches! Scrumptious between toasted bread or wrapped in lettuce.

Who else is past obsessive about tuna? I all the time have been. And I all the time will.

I do know tuna is considerably polarizing. As is mayo. However I’ve an necessary query!

Who else has had the pleasure of experiencing Nordstrom Cafe’s tuna fish sandwich with kettle chips and one of the best pickle circa 2002? Actually a 90’s youngster dream.

I’ve vivid recollections of birthday buying at Beachwood Place with my grandma. No journey was full with no lunch cease at Nordstrom. Their tuna has oodles of dill and crunchy purple bell pepper and it was merely past.

Nearly pretty much as good because the ripped Abercrombie jean skirt I merely had to have on my pre-teen physique. Ahh, the glory days!

up close bowl of tuna salad ingredients

Is tuna salad wholesome?

Sure, a wholesome tuna salad recipe is attainable! This recipe makes use of a lot much less mayo and extra veggies than traditional tuna for a a lot more healthy model that also tastes wonderful.

It is also fairly customizable.  Not feeling bell pepper? Omit it or use grated carrot as a substitute. No sauerkraut? Strive chopped pickles.

  • Begin with high-quality tuna. My favourite is Wild Planet albacore tuna. Extra on that beneath. High quality components convey one of the best taste!
  • Add sauerkraut + numerous veggies. Taste and crunch! Sauerkraut is essential right here. In the future I had the brilliant thought to place it in tuna for moisture, texture and vitamin. Sauerkraut is fermented, which means it is tremendous good in your intestine!
  • Add a touch of high quality mayo and Dijon. For creaminess and moisture! This wholesome tuna has wonderful tanginess and moisture with just a bit mayo. I like to make use of a pair spoonfuls for that traditional taste. Somewhat goes a great distance.

open face tuna sandwich on wooden cutting board

Key components

  • Canned tuna: I like albacore tuna packed in water. It is much less fishy tasting and since we’re draining it, I do not discover oil-packed obligatory.
  • Onion: For traditional zing and crunch. White, yellow or purple onion all work. Simply be certain it is finely chopped.
  • Veggies: I like bell pepper and celery for crunch, shade, and additional vitamins!
  • Sauerkraut: Thus gut-healthy ingredient provides probably the most wonderful tang and moisture while not having a bunch of mayo. you possibly can additionally use chopped dill pickles with some pickle juice.
  • Mayonnaise: I like avocado oil mayonnaise. We’re solely utilizing 2 tablespoons and counting on moisture and taste from another components.
  • Dijon: For a pleasant punch of acid, moisture and taste to convey every thing collectively.
  • Dill: I am keen on a handful of recent dill or a pinch of dried in tuna, however this could simply be omitted.
  • Salt and pepper: To style!

Can I make tuna with out mayo?

Yep! Merely use Greek yogurt as a substitute. I like full fats for one of the best taste.

How lengthy does tuna salad final within the fridge?

This recipe will keep good for as much as 5 days within the fridge in an air-tight container. Superior for meal prep!

white bowl of tuna salad with spoon

What canned tuna is sustainable?

I like Wild Planet albacore tuna, which we purchase in 5-packs at Costco. It’s pole and line caught within the northern Pacific Ocean or off coastal New Zealand, sustaining pure fish populations and preserving the native oceanic habitats. It comprises no added oil, water, or fillers.

Protected Catch is one other glorious selection, which has the bottom mercury of any model. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch is my favourite useful resource in relation to science-based suggestions for ocean-friendly seafood selections.

In case you’re on a finances, easy go for albacore tuna packed in water.

Tis the season of taking advantage of our pantry staples! You possibly can even make a tuna fish salad, like with precise lettuce, in the event you’re feeling additional particular.

Enjoyable serving concepts

Tuna salad is fairly wonderful on toasted broad or by the spoonful however wait, there’s extra! You’ll be able to serve it…

  • in a ripe pitted avocado half
  • as a soften in a purple bell pepper with cheddar cheese
  • over blended greens or romaine with feta cheese
  • with mashed exhausting boiled eggs blended in
  • in a wrap with hummus and blended greens
  • tossed with pasta for tuna pasta salad
  • with chickpeas and veggies like this chickpea tuna salad

Simpler lunch recipes


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Wholesome Tuna Salad Recipe

  • Writer:
    Alexis Joseph | Hummusapien

  • Prep Time:
    15 min

  • Complete Time:

  • Yield:
    5 servings 1x

  • Class:
    Fundamental Meals

  • Methodology:
    No-Cook dinner

  • Delicacies:

  • Weight loss plan:
    Gluten Free


The wholesome tuna salad that we make on a regular basis at dwelling for fast lunches! Scrumptious between toasted bread or wrapped in lettuce.




  • 25oz cans tuna
  • ½ cup sauerkraut*
  • 2 tbsp high quality mayonnaise (or full fats Greek yogurt)
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped dill (non-compulsory, I used freeze-dried dill)
  • cup finely chopped bell pepper
  • cup finely chopped onion
  • cup finely chopped celery
  • 2 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • ½ tsp freshly floor black pepper
  • ¼ tsp kosher salt (non-compulsory relying on how salty your sauerkraut is, style earlier than including)


  1. Drain tuna. Place in a big mixing bowl and flake with a fork. Add the remainder of the components and mash along with a fork. Style and alter seasoning as wanted. Generally I add a sprinkle of garlic powder!
  2. Serve between two slices of toasted bread with lettuce.


*If you do not have sauerkraut, you need to use finely chopped pickles plus a few of the pickle liquid.

Key phrases: wholesome tuna salad

Recipe by Alexis Joseph of Hummusapien™. Pictures by Eat Love Eats

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