Three days in a row


It’s nearly half-eight and I am sitting on the balcony (sweltering!), ready for my dinner to cook dinner. There’s hen and a wide range of greens within the oven with some lemon jiuce, ginger and cumin. And this after me telling an web aquaintance as we speak about how I do not actually cook dinner in the summertime, particularly within the oven. Within the second of deciding what to do, nonetheless, it appeared like bunging the whole thing within the oven would make me colder than having to cut the hen up into bits to fry it. It’s nonetheless 28° out, in spite of everything.

Clouds doing their sundown factor

The necessary factor is that the dinner is within the oven. Little bit of a bizarre mixture of veg since I’d have been pleased with meat and potatoes however am making an attempt to get again to correctly balanced meals. So, I used what I had available, grateful to previous me for having invested in a couple of jars of veg. Three recent tomatoes, the 2 final largely recent onions and 4 cloves of farlic went in. After which have been joined by the stays of a jar of pickled celeriac and stays of a jar of pickled carrots (each well-rinsed) in addition to a small jar of asparagus. No theme, no matching flavours, simply an try to get veg into me. I feel it was simply over 650g in the long run. Together with 200g of leftover potatoes from yesterday. I reckon it is a minimum of two meals and truly three large parts of hen. Not fully balanced however it’s correct meals, cooked by me at dwelling after work.

For the third day in a row. It is a good begin!


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