out back tania: out of hibernation…


Hi there expensive readers,

I had not supposed to steer clear of this little area for thus lengthy. By some means life took over and in amongst all of it I made a decision to take a break from all of the busyness of writing a weblog, scrolling mindlessly by fb, instagram and such.

The excellent news is we’re all effectively right here. Nevertheless, Australia, specifically Victoria, are having a resurgence of C-19. To say this virus shouldn’t be inflicting stress is an excessive understatement. I’ve had fairly just a few “down within the dumps” days, however one way or the other handle to maintain on retaining on. It’s a worrying time for the entire world and the unknown that lies forward for every and everybody of us.

Residing day-to-day is how life goes for now. Attempting not to consider what’s forward and focus on the now. Residing on this second. Having fun with this second.

Phil and I took a 5 week break and did some travelling round. We visited our residence city, not as soon as, however twice and spent a little bit time in Adelaide doing procuring and catching up with buddies.

I want to welcome all my new “likers” on my “out again” fb web page.  The numbers have been steadily rising previously few weeks.  It’s such a deal with to have you ever all be a part of me on my easy life journey. My fb web page will be discovered here. I do not put up there as usually as I would really like, solely after I do a brand new put up. I’m nonetheless making an attempt to restrict my time on social media nowadays.

Anyway, with out additional ado listed here are a few of issues presently occurring round right here…

The veggies I planted in foam wicking containers are doing effectively. There are two containers of beetroot, one among child spinach and one blended lettuce. As you possibly can see I’ve been selecting the spinach and lettuce leaves and sometimes the beet leaves.

Beetroot rising in pots, bok choy in containers and strawberries in different pots.  The strawberries will not be actually doing a lot this time of yr, however there are new shoots exhibiting.

Extra bok choy in containers.

On this space we put in a local backyard {for the bees}.

Phil has been working laborious in his spare time to get this completed…nearly there now.

Who says you cant develop lemon bushes in a pot? This little tree is over loaded.

I’ve grown my first Sturt’s desert pea. So happy about this! Hoping now this little magnificence spreads out by itself all around the again ridge.

The wattles are flowering, a lot to the delight of the bees.

Out again there are oranges…


An unlimited quantity of grapefruit…marmalade developing quickly!

The beginnings of a flower on the mango tree…I feel!

Such a gorgeous day right here right this moment, 24C {75F} and searching so much like spring woohoo!

Contained in the patch…


Silver beet and beetroot seedlings…

Carrots…Yeah I do know they want scaling down, however I really feel imply about doing that. I’m simply ready for them to get a little bit greater and hopefully harvest child carrots…

Child cabbage and beetroot seedlings…

Oregano spreading to the neighbouring pot…


Tomatoes from summer season crops that grew within the floor…

Mini cabbages…perhaps I ought to have allowed extra space, however up to now they’re doing okay.

I don’t usually develop veggies throughout winter, however this yr it felt like I wanted too and I’m very proud of the outcomes. They don’t have any bugs both!

Child cauli forming…

 Mustard greens…

The final of the previous bok choy. The plant on the left re-shot after chopping.


Extra carrots.  Have been consuming these, yum!

Its been sluggish rising for the peas I planted. Hopefully they are going to take off within the heat climate…

Kale in a foam wicking field…I transferred these from one to the barrels as a result of they weren’t rising correctly. Now they appear significantly better!


Silver beet seedlings…

I’ve re-potted a number of the fruit bushes into greater pots. Subsequent I have to discover locations to plant these.

 Jade with a tiny flower…

 Flowers on the blueberry bush.  No leaves, simply flowers…

Artichokes…I plan to get these into the bottom this week as a result of they are saying there may be rain coming…fingers tightly crossed as a result of we’ve not had a lot rain over winter.

Spring shouldn’t be distant…this fella was out and about right this moment.

We’ve got moved the bee hives to a different location the place they are going to be shaded in summer season. We now have an additional hive as a result of Phil received a name to take away a swarm from a mates place. That makes 4! And in a while, we’ll break up B1 and B2 to make extra hives to stop them swarming.

That is all of the information from me for now.  I’ve a busy week forward, however will attempt to put up once more by the week. Thanks to your endurance and concern.

And lastly, a little bit one thing for these which can be  J

Frugal Queen is again. Right here is her new website and she or he is on facebook and instagram. She can be on youtube nowadays…

I liked watching this new video on you tube and I’m certain you’ll too. Unbelievable digital camera work.

Methods to make soil micro organism…

An one other fascinating video I watched lately. 

Low power dwelling is feasible…

Take care, and I’ll see you all quickly,



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