Total Cleansing Meditation Set | EzoBox by


What’s within the Minimalist Field?

  • Herb smudge bundle
  • Abalone shell (2-3 in)
  • Cacholong crystal pendulum
  • Black twisted candle with herbs “Complete Cleaning”
  • Mugwort moxa
  • Agate geode
  • African cleaning soap with shea butter

Herb smudge bundle
All smudge bundles are handmade. All herbs have been handpicked in ecologically clear areas of Bashkortostan, Russia in 2021. Every bundle is a singular natural combine as a result of its handmade nature. You’ll get a random bundle.

What’s smudging?
Smudging with herbs is a strong method of clearing power and area. It helps to cleanse psychological dust and create an environment for religious follow and meditation.

How one can smudge?
Maintain the bundle by the bottom. Mild up the tip of a bundle, let it burn for 30 seconds. The guidelines of the leaves ought to smolder slowly, releasing thick smoke. Enable the ash to gather in a ceramic bowl or shell. When cleaning an individual or a room, you should utilize a fan or a feather, directing smoke and making clockwise actions.

Herb composition:

  • Sagebrush cleanses and protects from adverse, extraneous influences.
  • Motherwort opens up the unconscious in religious practices, promotes creativity, and balances coronary heart power.
  • Oregano is a really female herb. It enhances feminine charms, will increase sexuality, and prolongs a girl’s youth.
  • Sage cleanses from on a regular basis stress and negativity. It helps to calm feelings, restore peace and concord.
  • Linden blossom fills with mild power and balances out relationships.
  • Ledum is used to enhance focus and strengthen talents throughout rituals.
  • Tansy offers confidence and self-love.

Abalone shell
This seashell has a singular mother-of-pearl floor and is used as a bowl for rituals in the place all 4 components (earth, fireplace and water) may be mixed. Such rituals are thought of significantly highly effective. The earth is symbolized by smudge bundle, herbs or wooden, burning and decay – fireplace and air, and a seashell – water.

Abalone shell can be used as a decor merchandise, catchall, tray to your jewellery and crystals or as a holder for candles and incense.

Crystal pendulum
A pendulum fabricated from pure stone is used that can assist you get in contact with your self, discover solutions and select the most suitable choice. You too can put on it as an amulet. Cacholong is a stone of a harmonious girl. Males with this stone purchase knowledge and diplomacy.

Wormwood/Mugwort moxa
Designed for area cleaning and moxibustion. When burning, a cigar emits infrared waves which have a therapeutic impact on particular factors and areas of the human physique.

To scrub the room, lower off a 3-5 cm (1-2 in) of the cigar, place it in a ceramic bowl or shell, mild it up, anticipate thick smoke and go across the room clockwise, paying particular consideration to the corners, let the wormwood piece burn out to the tip.

Black twisted candle “Complete Cleaning”
Handmade candle fabricated from three wax candles, every of which is rolled in wormwood and St. John’s wort. Triple candle has extra energy because the quantity three has a particular that means in religious practices around the globe. The candle is designed to cleanse and do away with all types of adverse influences. Hearth helps to do away with pointless and dangerous, destroying energies and burns something that does not serve you anymore and it’s essential to let go of.

Geode of grey agate
Agate geodes are essentially the most useful not just for collectors, but in addition for esotericists. Tis mineral is used as a instrument in varied rituals and meditations. With its assist, well-being and good luck in enterprise and in private life are attracted. Agate geode is an amulet that may assist defend the house.

African cleaning soap with shea butter
African cleaning soap with shea butter on this model has a really uncommon aroma. The composition of important oils of patchouli, palmarosa, ylang-ylang, clove and pine helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, soothes irritated and downside pores and skin. There are lots of legends in regards to the therapeutic qyalities of this cleaning soap, historically in Africa, cleaning soap was produced by saponifying shea butter with ash; due to the ash, the cleaning soap had a darkish coloration.

Field measurement
19 см x 20 см x 4.5 см
7.5 in x 7.9 in x 1.6 in

The bins are fabricated from craft cardboard. It is likely one of the most sturdy and sustainable supplies. The feel of every field is exclusive and my differ from photos. Colours might differ relying on the colour settings of your display.


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