19 Bible Verses on Confidence and Self Esteem


Use these 19 Bible verses on confidence and self-worth as reminders of your id in Christ and the power God provides you as a baby of the King.

Earlier than we soar into the Bible verses on these subjects, I’d wish to take a second to redefine the time period vanity.

Self-worth is usually outlined as confidence in a single’s personal value or talents.

As a Christian, I outline self-worth as having confidence that I’m who God says I’m.

It’s not dependent by myself talents (as a result of these may be so unreliable!), however as an alternative on understanding that God will equip me for the work He has set out for me to do.

Horizontal graphic of a woman standing on a mountain lifting her arms with the text 19 Bible Verses on Confidence & Self Esteem

Scripture to Develop Your Confidence & Self Esteem

It has been vitally essential for me to depend on the Reality of those verses. I was 100 pounds overweight and I used to be in an emotionally abusive marriage for six years. Each of these issues stuffed me with insecurities and made me doubt my value as an individual.

I attempted so exhausting, however I simply wasn’t adequate.

Don’t give in to that lie!

You’re greater than sufficient, however don’t take my phrase for it.

Let’s take a look at what God’s Phrase has to say as regards to confidence and vanity.

1. Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be robust and brave. Don’t be afraid; don’t be discouraged, for the Lord your God can be with you wherever you go.

Whenever you don’t really feel such as you’re adequate, it’s straightforward to wish to mix in, disguise within the again, and keep away from bringing any consideration to your self.

However God instructions you to be robust and brave!

Not in your personal talents or strengths, however as a result of God can be with you wherever you go. You’ll be able to dwell in confidence due to His power.

2. Jeremiah 17:7

However blessed is the one who trusts within the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.

Once more, the message right here is that we don’t need to stress a lot about our personal weaknesses. We don’t need to be the neatest, probably the most profitable, the best, or probably the most something.

Our job is to do our greatest and belief that the Lord will work via that.

And we are able to have faith that He at all times does.

3. Psalm 27:3

Although a military besiege me,
    my coronary heart won’t concern;
although struggle get away towards me,
    even then I can be assured.

Are you able to think about this situation?

I’ve by no means been within the army, however I do know precisely how terrifying it feels when hurtful phrases had been thrown at me. Phrases that minimize to the bone and destroy the belongings you want most – love, affection, acceptance, safety.

Even in these moments when folks (and even your personal ideas!) are coming at you with weapons able to assault, your coronary heart doesn’t have to reply in concern.

Even (and particularly) then, you may be assured. You’re a little one of God and nothing can overtake you.

4. Psalm 139:13–14

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me collectively in my mom’s womb.
 I reward you as a result of I’m fearfully and splendidly made;
    your works are fantastic,
    I do know that full nicely.

Oh, how I like this verse. When the whole lot about me feels unsuitable and damaged and misfit into this world, I can depend on the truth that God created me simply the way in which I’m on objective.

You weren’t a mistake. You had been fearfully and splendidly made by an Almighty God who does the whole lot on objective.

That proper there’s sufficient cause to stroll along with your head held excessive!

5. Proverbs 3:25-26

Don’t have any concern of sudden catastrophe
    or of the wreck that overtakes the depraved,
 for the Lord can be at your facet
    and can hold your foot from being snared.

I don’t find out about you, however I second guess each step I take. Was that the precise determination? Am I listening to myself or to God? What if I lose my husband? What if we are able to’t afford lease?

What if, what if, what if?

Worrying concerning the future doesn’t aid you keep away from catastrophe, however understanding the Lord can be at your facet, holding your foot from being snared, can will let you dwell confidently even if you don’t know the entire solutions.

6. 2 Chronicles 32:8

With him is simply the arm of flesh, however with us is the Lord our God to assist us and to combat our battles.” And the folks gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah stated.

Have you ever heard the tune “Surrounded” by Upperroom?

The lyrics are easy however highly effective.

“It might appear like I’m surrounded, however I’m surrounded by You…

That is how I combat my battles.”

And it’s true. Our job is just to depend on Him and to know that the Almighty God is the one who will combat no matter battles we could also be dealing with in life.

7. Isaiah 32:17

The fruit of that righteousness can be peace;
    its impact can be quietness and confidence ceaselessly.

I don’t find out about you, however I don’t sometimes affiliate the phrases “peace” and “confidence” collectively.

After I consider confidence, I consider daring, loud, and considerably confrontational.

However that’s the fantastic thing about the boldness we have now within the Lord, proper?

It doesn’t appear like the boldness we affiliate with the world. It’s daring alright, however in a manner the brings peace and tranquility.

That’s fairly soothing to this peacemaker’s coronary heart.

8. Isaiah 40:31

however those that hope within the Lord
    will renew their power.
They are going to soar on wings like eagles;
    they may run and never develop weary,
    they may stroll and never be faint.

God has a report of doing massive issues with peculiar folks.

Moses was not an eloquent public speaker, but God outfitted him as a pacesetter to speak to Pharaoh and lead the youngsters of Israel out of Egypt.

God outfitted David, a teenage shepherd boy, to take down Goliath when there was a military of armored troopers proper there.

When you’re feeling discouraged and weak in relation to dealing with the issues in your life, the reply isn’t to surrender.

Hope within the Lord.

He’ll renew your power and present you strengths you by no means even knew you had!

9. Isaiah 41:10

So don’t concern, for I’m with you;
    don’t be dismayed, for I’m your God.
I’ll strengthen you and assist you;
    I’ll uphold you with my righteous proper hand.

Are you beginning to see a theme right here?

Whenever you’re dealing with exhausting issues, don’t let concern paralyze you.

Whether or not you’ve misplaced a job, are dealing with difficulties in your marriage, don’t understand how you’ll ever lose all that additional weight you’re carrying, or a whole lot of different issues that might plague us with fear, “don’t concern.

You’re not referred to as to fret tougher. You’re referred to as to decide on to imagine that God is who He says He’s.

He WILL strengthen you.

He WILL aid you.

He WILL uphold you.

10. Philippians 1:6

being assured of this, that he who started a great work in you’ll carry it on to completion till the day of Christ Jesus.

From the very starting, God started a great work in you.

Whenever you’re feeling nugatory, discouraged, and defeated, relaxation on this Reality.

You had been created with a objective – to do good issues for the Lord.

He began that good work in you earlier than you had been even born and has not stopped carrying on that good in you each single day of your life.

You’re good since you are God’s.

11. Philippians 4:13

I can do all this via him who provides me power.

I don’t find out about you, however I at all times really feel like I’ve to earn my power.

  • Put within the hours on the gymnasium doing push-ups for robust arms.
  • Research exhausting for good grades to be robust in lecturers.
  • Apply endurance time and again to get stronger in my relationships.

That is smart to me. Work exhausting and reap the rewards.

However that’s not what God is saying right here.

Your exhausting work just isn’t the supply of your power – He’s.

And that’s such a ravishing present.

12. Ephesians 3:12

In him and thru religion in him we could method God with freedom and confidence.

Did you catch the essential phrase right here? Religion.

It’s via our religion that we are able to expertise the fullness of freedom and confidence.

Not be being a greater individual via good works. Not by making an attempt tougher.

By believing. Our religion is the important thing.

13. 1 Corinthians 2:3–5

I got here to you in weak point with nice concern and trembling. My message and my preaching weren’t with smart and persuasive phrases, however with an indication of the Spirit’s energy,in order that your religion may not relaxation on human knowledge, however on God’s energy.

How unbelievable is it that this passage acknowledges our human frailty (weak point, nice concern, and trembling), but in addition reassures us that that’s not all we have now to depend on.

Our human knowledge, our restricted perspective, is so finite. We don’t think about ourselves or others. That’s not the place our hope rests.

Our confidence comes from our religion resting on God’s limitless, Almighty energy that’s at all times working issues collectively for our good.

14. 2 Corinthians 12:9

However he stated to me, “My grace is ample for you, for my energy is made excellent in weak point.” Subsequently I’ll boast all of the extra gladly about my weaknesses, in order that Christ’s energy could relaxation on me.

That is such a counter-cultural message, however one so essential to understand.

It’s straightforward to seek out your flaws and weaknesses, proper? And it’s simply as straightforward to take these on as issues that outline our id and dwell in disgrace, wishing these weaknesses away.

God know you aren’t excellent. He created you that manner on objective! And people weaknesses you’re making an attempt so exhausting to cowl up and want away are the very methods God makes use of His energy greatest in your life.

How would your life change when you may very well be like Paul and be glad in your weak point as a result of you realize Christ’s energy is on you all of the extra?

15. Hebrews 4:16

Allow us to then method God’s throne of grace with confidence, in order that we could obtain mercy and discover grace to assist us in our time of want.

I don’t find out about you, however my tendency is to attempt to make things better by myself.

If there’s an issue in my enterprise, my first response is to google a solution to repair it.

Actually? That ought to by no means be our first response to any downside, massive or small.

First, method God, understanding full nicely and confidently that He is aware of precisely how one can remedy your downside and He desires to point out you the way in which.

After which we get to expertise the fullness of His infinite mercy and beauty that at all times helps us once we want it.

16. Hebrews 10:35–36

So don’t throw away your confidence; will probably be richly rewarded. You should persevere in order that when you’ve performed the desire of God, you’ll obtain what he has promised.

Generally, even once we begin a process with confidence, it slowly wanes once we don’t see the speedy outcomes.

Don’t lose your confidence when issues don’t work out straight away!

Persevere. Maintain going. Maintain making an attempt. Maintain asking, searching for, and knocking.

17. Hebrews 13:6

So we are saying with confidence,

“The Lord is my helper; I cannot be afraid.
    What can mere mortals do to me?”

That is no small phrase to utter.

Saying one thing with confidence signifies that we are able to stand, unwavering, on the reality we’re about to say.

It’s one thing we imagine in and belief in.

“The Lord is my helper; I cannot be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

Strive it. Say it. Do you imagine it?

I do know my first response is to consider all of these not-so-small issues mortals can do to me – yikes!

However then I re-read the primary half. Once more and many times, believing it extra boldly each time.

God is for me, not towards me, and with Him as my helper, I cannot be afraid.

18. 2 Timothy 1:7

For the Spirit God gave us doesn’t make us timid, however provides us energy, love and self-discipline.

Feeling beat down by your insecurities? Like a failure? Not adequate? Like you may’t love your youngsters nicely sufficient or have sufficient self self-discipline to step away from the field of Oreos?

I do know after I was 100 kilos chubby, I attempted my hardest to not stand out. Even after I wasn’t outwardly hanging my head, inwardly, I used to be drowning in disgrace.

However you, sister, have the Spirit of God within you. A Spirit that pulls you out of that ocean of disgrace and offers you energy, love, and self-discipline.

19. 1 John 4:17

That is how love is made full amongst us so that we’ll have faith on the day of judgment: On this world we’re like Jesus.

Each single verse on this listing reinforces that we are able to have faith as a result of God is sufficient and, in Him, we’re sufficient.

Even when your doubts, fears, and insecurities are screaming at you to imagine one thing totally different, stand agency on the Reality.

God is who He says He’s. He’s your helper, working in your weak point, and finishing up a great work in you each single day of your life.

You have got each cause on the planet to carry your head excessive and sort out any problem on the planet with confidence and a vanity that rests on Jesus.

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