Potent Antioxidant Vitamin C Provides Ample Longevity Benefits*


Because the physique’s main water-soluble antioxidant, vitamin C supports beautiful skin, immune response, mobile resilience, cardiovascular well being, cognitive perform, and extra.* 

“Vitamin C works as an antioxidant in all places within the physique—it is discovered within the blood, physique fluids, and your whole cells and tissues,”* explains Alexander Michels, Ph.D., scientific analysis coordinator on the Linus Pauling Institute. 

On a mobile degree, C fulfills its free-radical-scavenging duties within the intracellular and extracellular fluid (i.e., inside and outdoors of cells) quite than within the cell membrane, like fat-soluble antioxidants.* 

Vitamin C helps defend a formidable, various, and completely very important array of enzymes, molecules, and complicated compounds within the physique—akin to proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)—by combating free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS).* 

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