Can Acupuncture Help Ease Allergy Symptoms? Experts Explain


Whereas acupuncture might help handle allergy signs, Auth says it’s greatest when used preventatively to assist modulate the immune system. In different phrases: don’t wait until you’re feeling crappy to provide your immune system the help it wants—that’s a 24/7 job. 

If you happen to do determine to go in for a remedy, Auth says it is extremely seemingly that your acupuncturist would give attention to the acupoints Yintang and Bitong, amongst others.

“The Yintang level situated on the ‘third eye’ brings readability to the thoughts and relieves stress across the eyes, nostril, and head,” she states. “Bitong is alongside the nostril, proper the place the nasolabial groove meets the nostril,” she provides. 

In an animal examine, researchers discovered that the Yintang acupoint injection helped to relieve allergic symptoms in rats. One other examine (this time on people) had related outcomes: The researchers in contrast three acupuncture factors, together with Yintang and Bitong to an oral antihistamine, and located that each remedy choices provided short-term relief from allergic rhinitis symptoms, with acupuncture being barely simpler (96.7% in comparison with 93.3%). 

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