What is Alienation? | Daily Philosophy


The philosophy of Karl Marx (1818-1883) has been vastly influential all through the twentieth and twenty first centuries. One among his greatest identified ideas is the concept of “alienation” that describes how, in capitalist societies, human beings get estranged from their work and from themselves due to the best way the manufacturing of products is organised.

This text is a part of The Ultimate Guide to the Philosophy of Erich Fromm.

The affect of Marx

Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German thinker, economist and journalist who should certainly be one of the crucial influential philosophers who ever lived.

Marx’s work, usually barely recognisable, shaped the premise for all socialist and communist regimes of the twentieth and twenty first centuries; but it surely additionally impressed thinkers, politicians and philosophers who weren’t politically Marxist or in any manner radical, like Erich Fromm, Nelson Mandela and Jean-Claude Juncker, European Fee president. Juncker as soon as mentioned that Marx at present “stands for issues which he isn’t liable for and which he didn’t trigger as a result of lots of the issues he wrote down had been redrafted into the other” – and that is definitely true.

The issue with the work of Marx can be that it’s enormous and complicated, and that Marx himself was all the time creating his theories additional, usually departing from positions that he had held in earlier works. So when one desires to speak about what “Marx mentioned,” one must specify precisely which interval of Marx’s work one is referring to, and others might all the time dispute that Marx really did imply what he wrote on this explicit manner.

That is additionally true of the idea of “alienation,” which we’ll speak about at present. The concepts behind this idea come all the way down to Marx from different philosophers, most notably Hegel, Feuerbach and, maybe surprisingly, the English social contract theorist John Locke. Marx’s concept of alienation resurfaces a lot later within the work of Erich Fromm, but additionally within the works of French Existentialism (for instance, Camus and Sartre), and we discover echoes of Marx in Bertrand Russell and Richard Taylor, to call just a few.

The essence of capitalism

Marx’s work is giant and sophisticated, but when we wished to cut back Marx to 1 single concept, it might maybe be this: The best way a society works is set by its financial construction.

All of us can agree {that a} society of prehistoric hunter-gatherers is essentially completely different from the society of the European Center Ages or at present’s US society. However Marx would say that these should not solely in some random manner completely different, however that their variations in tradition, values, ethics, even philosophy and science, can all be defined by their variations in how financial worth is produced and distributed inside every society.

Notably in capitalism (which incorporates most societies we reside in at present, even most of people who model themselves “socialist” or “communist”), energy lies within the possession of capital, of cash. This monetary energy can be utilized to purchase and possess the technique of manufacturing of products, and this, in Marx’s opinion, is the basis of all evil.

Consider somewhat shoe-maker in his store, the place he’s making sneakers by hand. It is a viable option to make one’s residing solely so long as the shoe-maker can compete with others on the value of his sneakers. This went nicely all via human historical past till the start of industrialisation. When the primary shoe-making manufacturing facility got here alongside, it made doable the manufacturing of a whole bunch of pairs of sneakers in the identical time that it took our shoe-maker to make one pair by hand. The manufacturing facility proprietor now can promote the sneakers cheaper and he can promote many extra, in order that even after the manufacturing facility proprietor has paid off the machines and the wages of the manufacturing facility staff, he nonetheless could make a sizeable revenue. The person shoe-maker can’t compete with the manufacturing facility’s manufacturing and costs and will likely be compelled to both open a manufacturing facility himself, or to shut down his enterprise. However there’s something that forestalls him from opening his personal manufacturing facility – and that is the cash required to begin a manufacturing facility, to purchase the buildings and the machines and to rent the employees. Briefly, he lacks the capital. So capitalism, on this view, is a course of during which the technique of manufacturing (the shoe manufacturing facility) keep out of the attain of most individuals, as a result of they don’t have the capital to take part in them. The few who do have the capital can subsequently management the remainder of society.

Richard Taylor on the Creative Life
Richard Taylor on the Creative Life

Richard Taylor (1919–2003) thought that it’s creativity that makes us really feel glad and fulfilled. In response to Taylor, a life lived with out exercising one’s creativity is a wasted life.

The little shoe-maker must shut his store and go to work as a employee within the manufacturing facility, incomes a lot lower than he did earlier than, and solely contributing to the revenue of the capitalist who owns the manufacturing facility. For the reason that work he does now, standing in a manufacturing facility meeting line, doesn’t require any particular expertise, he’s competing with many others for the low-paid manufacturing facility job and he has no leverage that might allow him to demand larger wages or higher employment situations: the manufacturing facility proprietor can all the time rent dozens of others to switch him if he makes any hassle.

And in these situations, the prospect of the employee ever having sufficient capital to open his personal manufacturing facility, is now utterly out of attain. What was a cheerful, free, particular person proprietor of his personal, fulfilling enterprise, has now primarily grow to be a slave to the manufacturing facility proprietor, with no prospect of ever leaving that place.

The roots of alienation

However there’s extra to this story than simply the financial troubles of the employee. The employee now isn’t any extra concerned totally within the creation of the product. The sneakers that roll out of the manufacturing facility line should not his sneakers. He has not designed them, he has no energy over high quality management, the number of supplies, colors and shapes. The employee, versus the small shoe-maker of outdated, doesn’t personal the results of his work and isn’t liable for it. He’s solely a small cog within the large machine that produced these sneakers.

Erich Fromm on the Psychology of Capitalism
Erich Fromm on the Psychology of Capitalism

Erich Fromm, thinker and social psychologist, factors out that capitalism, with the intention to work, requires a big inhabitants of similar customers with similar style. That is against the imaginative and prescient of a human life as particular person, distinctive, and worthwhile in its uniqueness.

For the reason that staff don’t personal any technique of manufacturing, they don’t have any alternative about what to do. They must do no matter they’re instructed by those that do personal the technique of manufacturing, and subsequently they’ll themselves not discover any actual satisfaction of their work. Their work turns into a boring drudgery, a lifelong repetition of the identical few unskilled actions, and all of the credit score for the ultimate product (in addition to all of the revenue) goes to another person.

Right here, Marx additionally makes an assumption about what’s the “essence” of human beings. He thinks that males should not made for lifelong, boring, repetitive work. The essence of the human species is the drive to self-realisation, Marx thinks. And it’s so tragically ironic that outdated Soviet-style or at present’s Chinese language and North Korean factories are most likely the locations that one would least affiliate with self-realisation and a cheerful, fulfilled life for the employees. Within the title of Marxism, so-called communist states have created situations which can be diametrically against all the things that was necessary to Marx himself.

In his work “The German Ideology” (1845), Marx writes:

And at last, the division of labour affords us the primary instance of how, so long as man stays in pure society, that’s, so long as a cleavage exists between the actual and the widespread curiosity, as lengthy, subsequently, as exercise isn’t voluntarily, however naturally, divided, man’s personal deed turns into an alien energy against him, which enslaves him as a substitute of being managed by him. For as quickly because the distribution of labour comes into being, every man has a selected, unique sphere of exercise, which is compelled upon him and from which he can’t escape. He’s a hunter, a fisherman, a herdsman, or a vital critic, and should stay so if he doesn’t wish to lose his technique of livelihood; …

This limitation to 1 explicit job, to 1 single sphere of exercise, is, Marx thinks, against how people would naturally reside their lives. Due to this fact, and now comes one of the crucial well-known quotes from Marx, issues can be completely different in communist society:

… whereas in communist society, the place no one has one unique sphere of exercise however every can grow to be completed in any department he needs, society regulates the final manufacturing and thus makes it doable for me to do one factor at present and one other tomorrow, to hunt within the morning, fish within the afternoon, rear cattle within the night, criticise after dinner, simply as I’ve a thoughts, with out ever turning into hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic.

The self-realisation of man

So that is Marx’s utopia, and it’s not very far faraway from what Russell, Taylor and Fromm diagnose as the primary issues with our societies. Whether or not we name it zest, creativity or the mode of being makes little distinction: in all these instances, the purpose is that the human being should be supplied with the means to steer a life that’s different, fascinating, difficult and the place we determine with the merchandise and outcomes that our life’s work brings into the world – relatively than being mere passive wheels within the large industrial machine of contemporary capitalism. In response to Lanny Ace Thompson [1]:

Marx thought that man differs from animals in that he has consciousness. In his work he objectifies this consciousness, he duplicates himself on the planet of objects. Man’s powers and “nature” are reworked into objects, into materials creations. His talent, ingenuity, values, and so forth., grow to be realized via this life exercise. In contrast to animals, males produce even within the absence of fast bodily want. When an animal produces, its product is instantly used to satisfy a subsistence want; its exercise is dictated by intuition. Man produces willfully and confronts his product freely. This product has a use-value, i.e., it has the capability to fulfill a human need. Man decides how and when it’s for use. However wage labor reduces not solely his product, but additionally his labor right into a commodity that’s managed by one other individual. The product is not valued for its use, however for its value in the marketplace, i.e., its exchange-value.

The 4 faces of alienation

Marx concludes from all this that alienation is itself a posh phenomenon that has 4 distinct dimensions: First, the employee turns into separated from his product in the best way that we mentioned earlier than. Second, he’s separated from his labour, which turns into itself a commodity, one thing that has a monetary worth, an exchange-value, however no intrinsic value any extra. Third, this estranges man from himself, from his personal species-being, his pure intuition, which is to supply one thing that’s an expression of himself, of his personal values, his expertise, his style, his talent and his knowledge.

… whereas in communist society, it [is] doable for me to do one factor at present and one other tomorrow, to hunt within the morning, fish within the afternoon, rear cattle within the night, criticise after dinner, simply as I’ve a thoughts, with out ever turning into hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic. (Marx) Tweet!

As an alternative, he’s compelled to supply one thing that’s pushed out in hundreds of similar, mechanically-produced copies, and that has no connection to his personal being, data and creativity. Lastly, he’s separated from others, each his co-workers, who’re in the identical place as him, and the remainder of society, with whom he can’t any extra work together meaningfully as an individual. His personal, actual life turns into decreased to a couple hours of every day leisure and two weeks of vacation time per yr, with all the remaining being misplaced to meaningless labour that wears him down and negates his important humanity.

In alienation, as earlier than, labor has misplaced the attribute of being “self-activity” as a result of materials life turns into the top whereas labor is the means. Man now opposes his personal productive forces in an objectified and expropriated type. These forces not belong to the employees, however to the capitalists. The employee is subordinated to the intense division of labor; he has grow to be fragmented, abstracted, alienated. Within the manufacturing course of the employee’s duties are fragmented into meaningless motions. When cash turns into the premise of interplay, precise human powers are abstracted, i.e., distorted. Thus the employee is estranged from his labor, his product, himself, and different males. (Thompson [1]).

In order that’s the top of our quick overview of what Marx thought of alienation, and you’ll see how shut this comes not solely to a lot of at present’s criticism of automation at work, but additionally to extra basic criticisms of the monotony and tedium of contemporary life, for instance in Richard Taylor.

Richard Taylor on the Creative Life

Return to The Ultimate Guide to the Philosophy of Erich Fromm.

[1] Lanny Ace Thompson (1979). The Development of Marx’s Concept of Alienation: An Introduction. Mid-American Review of Sociology, 4(1), pp. 23-38.

Picture by Paul Einerhand on Unsplash.

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