Ever-present Flow – The Practice of Living Awareness


Circulation, within the form of a torus, is going on throughout you… microcosmically and macrocosmically. It’s the ever-present cyclical movement of vitality that produces and sustains the atom, the earth, a chakra, a photo voltaic system. Breath is movement in addition to cyclical and ever-present.

Because the day cycle begins and we’re immersed within the movement of the day. A specific meditation begins and we’re immersed in a distinct form of movement. With consciousness we’re in a position to discover flows of all kinds. Actually, life = movement.

Because the periphery of your consciousness expands outward and reaches additional, it gathers extra—it consists of extra. These particulars are “gathered” to grow to be your expertise. You would possibly say that the cyclical movement of gathering expertise, after which evolving and expressing in response to that have, shapes your life. Maybe the form of a life is toroidal!

Pleased meditating.

Toroidal Flow Meditation – Day 1


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