How Your Birth Chart Can Help You Unlock Your Creativity


The planets and indicators related to creativity are Neptune, Venus, and the solar, and Leo, Pisces, and Libra (and sometimes Taurus). The fifth (strongly), twelfth (reasonably) and seventh (generally) homes are also related to creativity.

The third home is related to writing and singing talents, particularly if planets are there. People who find themselves naturally inventive or artistically gifted often have a strongly positioned Venus (subsequent to solar/moon/nodes, or on a chart angle) and planets or the north node within the fifth (and probably the seventh or twelfth) home(s). A number of planets in Pisces, Leo, Libra, and sometimes Taurus may do it.

Neptune in a outstanding place could make somebody imaginative, although doubtlessly additionally dreamy and disorganized. A positive (trine, sextile) connection from Neptune to Mars or Saturn ends in extra productive inventive output. If Saturn makes difficult connections (conjunction, opposition, sq.) to Venus or Neptune it impedes creativity (and manifesting, particularly if conjunct or sq. Jupiter).

All of those placements are per somebody’s future, nonetheless. If somebody’s Saturn appears to scale back their creativity (or manifesting), they’re a soul studying to take duty, work in the direction of concrete objectives, and method issues rationally. 

As with manifesting, there are occasions and phases when all individuals are extra creatively impressed, and these instances must do with transits involving Venus and Neptune.

I’ve lengthy liked the idea of muses—I name myself “The Astro Muse” in any case. Muses are, in essence, the legendary personification of inspirational power. For a few years, I assumed a “muse look”, or inspirational second, was a semi-random incidence that would probably be inspired by inventive workouts, rituals, and openness. There’s most likely some reality to that, however I blew my thoughts after I regarded again at my astrology chart in periods of prolific creative creation and realized they correlated to notable fifth home transits, Venus transits, and Neptune transits.

The progressed moon making connections to beginning or transiting Neptune (or Venus) and Venus (or Neptune or progressed moon) transiting the fifth home create notably muse-ful instances. The north node transiting the fifth home (and fewer so, the twelfth home) or making a conjunction with natal Venus are different indicators the muse is close to. 

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