Amazing Avocado Dip – A Couple Cooks


This creamy avocado dip recipe is a tasty various to guacamole! It’s fast to whip up and magically stays inexperienced for days.

Avocado Dip

We all know, guacamole reigns supreme because the chip dip du jour. However right here’s another that we (gasp) assume is much more enjoyable: this creamy Avocado Dip! Dip a chip into this luxuriously creamy, intensely savory magic sauce and pow! The meld of avocado, lime, cilantro and cumin is sort of a heightened model of your favourite guac. Even higher: not like guacamole, it magically stays inexperienced within the fridge for days! We had been instantly hooked and it’s our new go-to dip for buddies and events.

Substances on this avocado dip recipe

Crucial factor you’ll want for this avocado dip recipe? Ripe avocados. Simply as a banana muffins can’t be made with out ripe bananas, avocado dip requires superbly ripe avocados. Apart from that, the solid of characters is straightforward. The distinction with guacamole? You’ll add a bit yogurt or bitter cream and mix it up! Right here’s what you’ll want:

  • Ripe avocados
  • Greek yogurt (or bitter cream; substitute cashew cream for vegan)
  • Lime juice
  • Cilantro
  • Garlic powder
  • Cumin
  • Salt
Avocado Dip

Easy methods to make avocado dip: processor, blender, or fork

This avocado dip works finest in a meals processor, the place it whips as much as a clean inexperienced sauce in seconds. It’s also possible to use a blender when you like: however you’ll probably wish to use a small blender because of the amount of components. It’s potential you may use a regular blender, however it relies on the precise dimension and energy of your blender.

Don’t have both of those instruments? You can also make a chunky avocado dip by hand! Merely mash the avocados with a fork and stir within the remaining components. Simple peasy! It simply doesn’t look fairly as pretty and creamy, however it works.

Storage data & the way it stays inexperienced

This avocado dip will not be solely tasty and versatile: it stays inexperienced for days. That’s proper: no loopy methods like placing water or plastic wrap on it such as you’ll hear to do with guacamole.

  • How does it keep inexperienced? The acidity within the lime juice naturally makes this avocado dip keep inexperienced.
  • Avocado dip lasts refrigerated for as much as 5 days. Chances are you’ll must stir to re-incorporate liquid that separates over time.
Avocado Dip

Methods to serve avocado dip

There are many methods to serve this avocado dip: exterior of simply dipping chips! In fact, that’s the most effective and simplest way, in our opinion! Listed here are just a few methods to serve:

How else would you eat it? Tell us within the feedback under.

Extra avocado recipes

Acquired just a few ripe avocados readily available? Listed here are just a few nice recipes for utilizing this tasty vegetable (er, fruit):

This avocado dip recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free and gluten-free


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This creamy avocado dip recipe is a tasty various to guacamole! It’s fast to whip up and magically stays inexperienced for days.

  • 2 ripe avocados
  • ½ cup Greek yogurt (or bitter cream; substitute cashew cream for vegan)
  • 3 tablespoons lime juice (about 2 limes)
  • ½ cup cilantro, tightly packed leaves and tender stems
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ¼ teaspoon cumin
  • ¾ teaspoon kosher salt
  • Tortilla chips, for serving

  1. Cut the avocados in half, pit them, and scoop each halves right into a meals processor or small blender. (Alternatively, for a chunkier dip you’ll be able to mash the avocados with a fork and stir within the remaining components.)
  2. Add the remaining components and mix till clean. Retailer in a coated container for as much as 5 days refrigerated: it stays inexperienced with out particular storage directions (not like guacamole).

  • Class: Dip
  • Methodology: Blended
  • Delicacies: Appetizer
  • Eating regimen: Vegetarian

Key phrases: Avocado dip, avocado dip recipe

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