Easy Frugal Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe


On the lookout for the right topping in your subsequent bowl of ice cream or plate of brownies? The frugal Home made Chocolate Sauce is SO easy and prices little or no to make!

Simple Frugal Home made Chocolate Sauce Recipe

Our family is sort of divided relating to chocolate. Now we have 2 that completely find it irresistible, one that’s detached, one that’s allergic, and one which completely hates it.

So in different phrases, we often at all times have some type of chocolate or carob readily available to settle any cravings and to maintain everybody from a dispute.

One in every of my youngsters loves chocolate and would eat all of it day day by day if I let him. He’s at all times requested me for chocolate to pour over issues from the shop, however it often doesn’t match into my price range, and I at all times discover it onerous to justify a purchase order for just one particular person of the family except it’s actually crucial.

However then I believed…after all, similar to anything, a home made chocolate syrup could be made with easy, frugal pantry staples!

I hope that is the right recipe for the chocolate lover in your own home.

Hershey's Chocolate Sauce

Frugal Home made Chocolate Sauce

What You Want:

  • 1 ½ cups Cocoa Powder, unsweetened
  • 2 cups Sugar
  • 1 cup Water
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Chocolate Sauce Ingredients in Pan

In a saucepan, mix the cocoa powder and the water with a whisk and stir till the powder is included within the water.

Boiling Chocolate Sauce

Add within the sugar, and let the combination come to a boil. Boil for 3 minutes.

Take away the combination from warmth and add in a pinch of salt and the vanilla extract.

Chocolate Syrup

Pour the combination right into a jar, and retailer within the fridge till wanted. Use over your favourite Ice Cream Recipe or use it to high your favourite Brownies.

This Chocolate Syrup will retailer for a number of months within the fridge.

Have to print this Home made Chocolate Sauce recipe so as to add to your Recipe Binder? Seize it beneath!

Looking for the perfect topping for your next bowl of ice cream or plate of brownies? The frugal Homemade Chocolate Sauce is SO simple and costs very little to make!

Home made Chocolate Sauce


  • 1 ½
    Cocoa Powder
  • 2
  • 1
  • Pinch
    of Salt
  • 1
    Vanilla Extract


  1. In a saucepan, mix the cocoa powder and the water with a whisk and stir till the powder is included within the water.

  2. Add within the sugar, and let the combination come to a boil. Boil for 3 minutes.

  3. Take away the combination from warmth and add in a pinch of salt and the vanilla extract.

  4. Pour the combination right into a jar, and retailer within the fridge till wanted. Use over your favourite Ice Cream Recipe or use it to high your favourite Brownies.

  5. This Chocolate Syrup will retailer for a number of months within the fridge.

On the lookout for extra of my yummy recipes that you may make at house?

I like to have the ability to make this recipe for our household as a particular deal with as a result of it’s so cheap to make from scratch and fairly frankly, really easy! When you or somebody in your family wants their chocolate repair, I hope you’ll give this recipe a attempt to see in the event that they prefer it!

What varieties of meals do you high with Chocolate Syrup?

Merissa Bio

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