Saturday 11th June


I was in two minds about going to Bacton WI on Monday evening because the speaker was the lady who came to talk to Over 60’s in my village a few months ago. She’s an Ipswich Tour Guide and showed slides of the buildings around Ipswich and their history. 

 But I’m glad I went because this talk was completely different. At the Over 60’s she did Ipswich buildings then and now and on Monday it was all about the people from history who had had a hand in shaping Ipswich and where they had lived. Ipswich and it’s port were very important for the export of wool back in the 15th and 16th Centuries and many wealthy people had homes built there. Coincidentally one of the people she mentioned had somehow come into possession of some of the Bury St Edmunds Abbey manuscripts after the dissolution, that later went to Pembroke College Cambridge and she asked had anyone been to see them on loan to the Cathedral – and I was the only person who knew what she was taking about.

 At last, at last, I finally got back to swimming. After moving it seemed a long way even though it was only about 3 or 4 miles further and the  lane swimming times were a bit odd  but with the schools not using the pool this term there were a few more opportunities to go. Luckily I’d not forgotten how to swim but blimey it was hard work! Now I need to go regularly for a while to help me feel a bit fitter.

I’m ready for entering some things in the produce show now after picking up the schedule that was in his Parish Magazine from Brother-in-Law


Just need my tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes to grow and be ready at the right moment. There’s baking to enter too and perhaps photographs.

This week I have been grateful for

  • Some sunshine to enjoy
  • The first few strawberries from my tubs


Flowers on the shelves this week are some of the smaller side flowering shoots from the huge Foxglove right by the shed door.

Oddest thing seen this week – (because I was standing in the queue behind her waiting to get my £1 car park fee back because I’d forgotten to hand the ticket in at the checkout – Asda Stowmarket don’t own the car park) was a very elderly lady buying £35 of lottery tickets ……£35 !! good grief. What would I do with a spare £35? NOT lottery tickets for sure! (although someone will be sure to remind me about how much lottery money goes to “good causes”!)

Hope you all have a Super- Dupa weekend .
Back Monday





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