Thank You – The Practice of Living Awareness


The present spherical of meditations ended with final Friday’s meditation, “Lightness.” Thanks to your time in meditation. We frequently provide gratitude to your follow. We do that as a result of we all know the distinction that meditation could make in a single’s life, which makes a distinction within the lives that they contact, which makes a distinction on this planet. Because the founding father of Spirit Fireplace typically says, “Small issues are large issues.”

Spirit Fireplace is dedicated to cultivating consciousness and supporting dwelling consciousness by meditation. We’ve supplied on-line meditation programming for practically 20 years and all the time freed from cost. Spirit Fireplace is a 501 C3 non-profit instructional group and subsequently we depend on your assist to thrive. Please contemplate donating, it actually makes a distinction. You are able to do that HERE.

We look ahead to being with you for the subsequent spherical of meditations inside the Apply of Dwelling Consciousness. Once more, thanks.


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