Charaka Indriya Sthana 1st Chapter Varnaswareeya Indriyam


1st chapter of Charaka Indriya sthana offers about indicators and signs of imminent loss of life as indicated by complexion and voice. The chapter identify is Varnaswareeya Indriyam.

Now we will expound the chapter on “Indicators and Signs of Imminent Demise as Indicated by complexion and Voice”. Thus mentioned Lord Atreya[1-2]
Learn – Acharya Charaka – Work, Samhita, Legacy, Chapters, Description

Dedication of residual span of life

Under talked about are the essential elements which must be examined by the doctor who needs to know the residual life span of the affected person by the use of direct statement, inferential data and scriptural testimony –

Complexion, voice, scent, style, contact, eyes, ears, nostril, tongue, pores and skin, thoughts, need, purity, conduct, achara – refined conduct, reminiscence, form, nature, vikrti – morbidity, power, exhaustion, intelligence, harsha – exhilaration, dryness, unctuousness, drowsiness, onset of ailments, heaviness, lightness, qualities, weight loss program, regimens, digestion of meals, upaya – assortment of ailments, apaya – disappearance of the illness immediately, with none motive, premonitory options of the illness, ache, issues, lustre, shadow, desires, unhealthy omens seen by the doctor, unhealthy omens seen by the physician on his option to the affected person’s home, unhealthy omens on the affected person’s home, obstruction of medicines and faulty medicines / absence of results of medication [3]
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Technique of examination

Amongst a few of the elements described within the above verse a few of them relate to the sufferers and another elements don’t relate to them. Scriptural inscriptions and inference are the 2 instruments which assist in ascertaining the elements which don’t relate to the sufferers. The elements that are associated to sufferers must be ascertained from their pure and unnatural (morbid) tendencies. [4]

Varied kinds of Prakrti (pure disposition)

Relying on the distinct options of the under talked about, the pure disposition is of six classes –

  1. Caste e.g. purity amongst Brahmanas
  2. Household e.g. purity with regard to character and conduct in household
  3. Geography e.g. manifested because of being born in a selected locality, nation or geographical area e.g. individuals dwelling in Banga / Vanga area are mental.
  4. Time issue e.g. purity within the Satya Yuga i.e the primary epoch / good power in visarga kala i.e. within the monsoon, autumn and early winter seasons and deficit power in adana kala i.e. late winter, spring and summer time
  5. Age issue e.g. predominance of kapha in childhood, predominance of pitta within the adolescence and maturity and predominance of vata in previous age
  6. Individuality / private issue – depends upon the physique, thoughts and sense organs of a person and is totally different in several people [5]
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Varied kinds of Vikrti (unnatural disposition)

The morbid situation is of three varieties, viz
Lakshana nimitta – attributable to bodily marks
Lakshya nimitta – attributable to etiological elements and
Nimittanurupa – attributable to such elements which resemble the etiological elements [6]

Bodily marks as indicative of unnatural disposition

If the bodily marks point out sure morbid situations on account of previous actions they’re known as as Lakshana Nimitta. There are specific bodily marks / indicators / signs which throughout the maturation of fine or unhealthy deeds get settled in some components of the physique and provides rise to morbidities in the end of time. [7-i]
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Etiological elements as indicative of unnatural disposition

If the morbid situations are attributable to etiological elements as described in Nidana part they are going to be often called Lakshya nimitta e.g. aggravation of Vata because of the consumption of dry meals and many others etiological elements. Instance – there are 4 causes / etiological elements of rajayakshma i.e. extreme indulgence in herculean actions, forcible withholding of pure urges, depletion of physique tissues and consuming meals in erratic / inaccurate method. [7-ii]

Elements resembling etiological elements

These are the deformities / premonitory signs which serve the operate (goal, goal) of etiological elements i.e. producing a illness and giving the data of the illness. Such unnatural conditions i.e. signs are often called Nimittanurupa.

In actual sense they aren’t causative elements. However they undoubtedly function yardsticks in measuring the life span of people. Other than this they’re additionally indicators of loss of life ensuing from diminution of life span. Subsequently the data of those unnatural conditions (signs) is of utmost significance. They assist the physicians in ascertaining the life span of a person which can’t be decided or confirmed by different instruments of examination.

We will describe such signs that are manifested in an individual who’s in very shut proximity of loss of life (loss of life is nearly ascertained). On this occasion it’s acknowledged briefly however shall be defined in larger element within the later contexts of the part. [7]

Regular and irregular complexion

There are 4 kinds of pure complexions –black, bluish, bluish white and white
There are additionally another kinds of pure complexions. They have to be ascertained by similarities (colours much like the above talked about) or from the directions of specialists.
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Unnatural complexions

There are 5 kinds of unnatural complexions- blue, gray, coppery, inexperienced and albino (abnormally white)

Equally, there are another unnatural kinds of complexions that are produced anew. They too have to be understood on the premise of their similarity with the above talked about irregular complexions. Equally if the pure complexion which was bestowed at delivery adjustments in later a part of one’s life, that complexion too shall be thought of as irregular.
Thus the conventional (pure) and irregular (unnatural) complexions in physique are described. [8]

Mixture of regular and irregular complexions indicating imminent loss of life:
It could so occur that half of the physique could have pure complexion and the opposite half of the physique would have unnatural complexion and each these complexions are demarcated by a good demarcating line. These regular and irregular complexions concurrently showing in proper and left sides, back and front sides, higher and decrease components or inner and exterior components of the physique must be thought of as indicators of imminent loss of life for a given particular person.

Pure and unnatural complexions could concurrently seem within the face and different components of the physique; additionally they point out imminent loss of life of the person. [9]
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Related different elements:
The outline pertaining to the complexion additionally applies to different indicators like emaciation and plumpness in addition to dryness and unctuousness. [10]

Different morbid indicators indicating imminent loss of life
Equally, the looks of any one of many under talked about on the face of the affected person is indicative of imminent loss of life – Piplu (port- wine mark), Vyanga (freckles), Tilakalaka (black mole) and Pidaka (Pimple) [11]

 Morbid complexions
Look of any one of many irregular colors in nails, eyes, urine, stool, palms, legs and lips (as described in Para 9 of this chapter) is indicative of imminent loss of life whether it is related to diminution of power, complexion and sensory notion [12]

Different morbid situations
Sudden and unintentional look of every other uncommon morbid complexion is all the time indicative of rising weak spot of the affected person. They subsequently seem within the type of premonitory indicators of imminent loss of life. [13]
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Regular and irregular voice

The traditional human voice resembles the voice of a number of of the under talked about Hamsa (swan), Kaauna (demoiselle crane), Nemi (wheel), Dundubi (Kettle drum), Kalavinka (home sparrow), Kaka (crow), Kapota (dove) and Jarjara (a sort of drum)

There are another kinds of pure voices which may be ascertained by similarities or from the directions of specialists. The voice of moribund sufferers resembles that of sheep (orwild Goat) and is feeble, inaudible, vague, chocked, hoarse and painful and unclear. Equally, there are another unnatural kinds of sounds that are produced anew. Thus the conventional and irregular kinds of voice of the person are defined.  [14]
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Morbidity in voice indication imminent loss of life

The under talked about kinds of voice associated abnormalities too point out imminent loss of life –

– if the irregular kind of voice manifest spontaneously or
– in a person there are a lot of such irregular kinds of voices or
– if just one irregular voice within the particular person seems to be of numerous varieties
Thus the morbidity pertaining to voice is defined. [15]

So the subjects on complexion and voice are correctly described with a view to supply data relating to moribund individuals. [16]


The next are the signs of moribund individuals:
– Look of irregular complexion in all the or half of the physique of the person with none (seen) trigger;
– If in half of the face there’s blue, blackish, coppery or tawny color and the color of the reaming half is in any other case
– Manifestation of unctuousness in a single half of the face and roughness within the different half
– Look of plumpness in a single half of the face and emaciation within the different half
– Spontaneous look of assorted kinds of Tila (black Mole), Piplu (Port wine mark), Vyanga (freckles) and Raji (spots like  Mustard) within the face of the affected person
– Look of flower life spots in nails and tooth, and sticky and powder like substance within the tooth;
– Discoloration of lips, legs, heels, eyes, urine, stool and nails of the affected person when he’s diminished of power
– When each the lips grow to be bluish just like the rip fruits of Jambu (Syzygium Cumini Skeels) and
– Sudden manifestation of single or a number of morbidities within the voice in a weak affected person.

Such different abnormalities within the voice and complexion of a person who’s devoid of power and flesh additionally point out imminent loss of life. [17-25]
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Varied kinds of morbidity pertaining to complexion and voice are described right here with a view to ascertaining within the indicators and signs of moribund sufferers one who is aware of this doesn’t tumble in confirm the span of life. [26]

Thus ends the primary chapter on indicators and signs of Imminent Demise as indicated by complexion and voice of Indriya part of Agnivesha’s work as redacted by Charaka.

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