Air Fryer Chicken Breast


Cut up air fryer chicken breasts facing up and showing the juicy chicken piece on a fork

If you need succulent and engaging hen breast, you’ll wish to attempt my Air fryer hen breast recipe. This hen breast recipe helps you make hen breast that’s so tasty, moist, and wholesome in addition to being a brilliant easy to arrange and prepare dinner. I really like making some air fryer broccoli alongside for a full meal–suggestions and video too!

Cooking hen within the air fryer has eternally modified my life–like significantly life altering! Air Fryer Whole Chicken has the crispiest pores and skin with the juiciest meat! Air Fryer Chicken Wings is my go to hen wings recipe. Air Fryer Chicken Legs prepare dinner completely each time with a crispy pores and skin and it’s significantly a idiot proof recipe for hen legs.


So with all that success with air fr4yer hen recipes, we would have liked to have a go to idiot proof hen breast within the air fryer. And right here it’s! 

Greatest Air Fryer Rooster Breast 

Rooster breast is widespread meat to prepare dinner for normal lunches and dinners. However simply because it’s common, doesn’t imply it needs to be drab. Utilizing the air fryer to prepare dinner your hen breasts lets you make your hen breasts further particular by locking in each taste and moisture. 

Air fryer hen breast is a hands-off and straightforward strategy to cooking your hen breast. No hovering round whereas it cooks, simply flip midway by way of and also you’ve received excellent hen breast on the finish. 

At the moment’s air fryer hen breast recipe is particular as a result of:

  • The hen breast is tremendous juicy because of a 20 minute brine tip (extra beneath)!
  • It’s minimal effort as you don’t must pan sear and stand by your range.
  • You possibly can taste it endlessly (assume Mediterranean, Mexican, Center Japanese, Indian and extra!)
  • It’s the right hen breast for meal prep!
  • Whereas the oven can be hand off for hen breast, it’s additionally tough to keep away from drying up the hen. So the air fryer is idiot proof!
  • This recipe works nice with any reduce of hen, contemporary or frozen–extra on that beneath!

Air Fryer Rooster Substances

There are a number of elements to the recipe: 

  • Rooster Breasts — Use boneless and skinless.
  • Brine: Water and salt. I really like including a sprig of contemporary thyme which is non-compulsory, and you should use contemporary rosemary too if in case you have it readily available.
  • Dry spice for the hen : salt, pepper, oregano, garlic powder, chilli powder.
  • A lot of high quality olive oil (I really like mina olive oil probably the most–learn all about it on this Olive Oil Cake and Labneh Dip with Zaatar Pistachio Mint Olive Topping posts.
  • A butter and roast garlic toping to slather the hen as soon as cooked for a lift of taste! I’ve a easy and simple recipe for How to Roast Garlic and whilst you’re there try the Ultimate Garlic Bread made with roast garlic and herbs!
  • You probably have a few of this Garlic Butter Sauce readily available–you’re good to go!! It’s a significantly versatile recipe and also you’ll be utilizing it with SO MANY recipes!

Prepare dinner Rooster Breast within the Air Fryer

There actually is nothing to this recipe though it looks like a number of steps–they’re all easy and tremendous versatile. So it’s possible you’ll select to skip the roast garlic butter unfold –however I extremely advocate it! You may additionally determine to swap the asparagus for the broccoli or simply have the hen with out veggies. 

The three steps to this recipes comes all the way down to making ready the hen, air frying the hen and ending it off with the garlic butter sauce. Listed here are the main points:

Making ready Rooster Breast

Step one on this recipe is to arrange the hen breast by soaking it in brine. That is the key to protecting your hen breast good and moist as you prepare dinner it. Rooster breast tends to dry out as it’s such a lean meat, so that you don’t wish to skip this primary step.

To do that, put together a bowl with water and kosher salt, and place the uncooked hen breast in it with a sprig of thyme for 20- half-hour.  Whereas the hen soaks, you can also make the dry spice rub in one other small bowl.  

After getting soaked your hen in brine, take it out and pat it dry with paper towels. 

Then sprinkle the spice rub evenly over either side of your hen breast after which drizzle a beneficiant quantity of Mina olive oil over it too, ensuring the hen breast is totally coated in each the seasoning and olive oil. 

Place the hen breast into the air fryer basket and prepare dinner. The timings will depend upon the scale of the hen breast. 

How lengthy to Prepare dinner Rooster Breast in Air Fryer?

Prepare dinner time will range relying on how massive your hen breasts are.

  • Small Breasts (5 to 7 ounces): 7 to 10 minutes
  • Medium Breasts (8 to 10 ounces): 10 to 12 minutes
  • Giant Breasts (11 ounces or extra): 12 to 16 minutes

Be certain that to flip the hen breasts over midway by way of cooking to get a very good even prepare dinner on either side.

Air Fryer Frozen Rooster Breast 

For comfort sake, you might need frozen hen breasts you wish to prepare dinner with. You possibly can observe the identical recipe as above to air fry your hen breasts however skip the brining half. Your hen received’t come out as juicy however you’ll actually nonetheless get beautiful and flavorsome hen breasts.

You will have to prepare dinner them for 18-20 minutes if cooking from frozen, flipping the hen midway by way of their prepare dinner time.  

Serve Air Fryer Rooster Breast 

This air fryer hen breast recipe is served with contemporary broccoli and a butter garlic drizzle. 

To prepare dinner the broccoli, merely drizzle with Mina olive oil and add to the air fryer basket for the previous few minutes of prepare dinner time. 

For the garlic butter sauce, you will have to make roasted garlic . To do that, combine roasted garlic with melted butter, together with the seasonings and dried herbs. You can too use my Garlic Butter Sauce.

As soon as the hen breast and broccoli are totally cooked, serve on a plate with a beneficiant quantity of roasted garlic butter.

Air Fryer Rooster Suggestions and FAQ’s

  • Be certain that your hen is completely dry earlier than including the dry seasoning on. Any liquid makes your recipe come out a watery mess in addition to ruining the feel. 
  • Solely use a dry seasoning rub, any liquid marinades will have an effect on the result of the recipe and received’t work nicely. 
  • Don’t skip the brining half if utilizing contemporary hen, this ensures a juicy and moist texture. 
  • Whereas the garlic butter is non-compulsory–I strongly advocate it! 
  • Including broccoli makes this recipe excellent for meal prep and makes it a complete meal served alongside pasta or salad.

Is air fryer hen more healthy? 

Air fryer hen is certainly a wholesome possibility. Particularly in comparison with oil frying. It reduces the quantity of fats considerably, so it’s a nice possibility in case you are attempting to scale back your fats consumption. 

Do it’s good to use oil on hen within the air fryer? 

I like to recommend that you simply do use good olive oil, like Mina olive oil to coat your hen earlier than cooking. This helps to each lock the flavour in in addition to forestall sticking. 

Can an air fryer prepare dinner uncooked hen? 

Sure completely, I like to recommend you do prepare dinner your hen uncooked if you would like the very best, most flavorsome leads to the air fryer. 

Are you able to prepare dinner this recipe with out an air fryer? 

This recipe may be cooked in a number of methods. Whereas I believe the air fryer is the very best, most handy means, you’ll be able to fry this hen in a skillet, grill, or bake it within the oven with nice outcomes. 

What number of hen breasts are you able to prepare dinner without delay in an air fryer?

You possibly can prepare dinner as many as you’ll be able to in a single layer with out the hen breasts touching one another. That is prone to be between 2-3 medium hen breasts, Nonetheless, you might be able to slot in kind of relying on breast and air fryer dimension. 

What to serve with Air fryer hen breasts? 

On this recipe, I’ve chosen to serve the hen breasts with broccoli. Nonetheless, that is such a flexible recipe that you could virtually serve it with something from blended greens to mashed potatoes and fries. 


Air Fryer Rooster Breast

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If you need succulent and engaging hen breast, you’ll wish to attempt my Air fryer hen breast recipe. Air fryer hen breast is so tasty, moist, and wholesome in addition to being a brilliant easy to arrange and prepare dinner.
Course Air Fryer, Rooster, Primary Course, Primary Dish
Delicacies Air Fryer, American, Mediterranean
Key phrase air fryer, air fryer hen, air fryer hen breast, air fryer hen recipes, air fryer recipes, Rooster breast, hen breast recipes, hen dinner, hen dinners, hen in air fryer, hen meal, meal prep
Prep Time 20 minutes
Prepare dinner Time 25 minutes
Servings 2 servings
Energy 667kcal
Creator Mahy


  • 1 Air fryer


Rooster Breast Brine

  • 2 cups water luke heat temperature
  • 1 Tablespoon Kosher salt
  • 1 contemporary thyme entire sprig or contemporary rosemary

Rooster Breast Spice

  • 1/2 teaspoon every salt and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 2 teaspoons oregano
  • 11/2 teaspoons chilli powder
  • 3 tablespoons Olive Oil Mina Moroccan Olive Oil

Roast garlic Butter

  • 1/4 cup Roast Garlic class=”wprm-recipe-ingredient” type=”list-style-type: disc;” data-uid=”12″>1/3 cup butter
  • 3 Tablespoons chopped contemporary rosemary leaves or thyme or basil

Air fryer Broccoli

  • 2 cups broccoli
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil Moroccan Olive Oil- Mina



Air Fryer Rooster Suggestions and FAQ’s

  • Be certain that your hen is completely dry earlier than including the dry seasoning on. Any liquid makes your recipe come out a watery mess in addition to ruining the feel. 
  • Solely use a dry seasoning rub, any liquid marinades will have an effect on the result of the recipe and received’t work nicely. 
  • Don’t skip the brining half if utilizing contemporary hen, this ensures a juicy and moist texture. 
  • Whereas the garlic butter is optional–I strongly advocate it! 
  • Including broccoli makes this recipe excellent for meal prep and makes it a complete meal served alongside pasta or salad.

Is air fryer hen more healthy? 

Air fryer hen is certainly a wholesome possibility. Particularly in comparison with oil frying. It reduces the quantity of fats considerably, so it’s a nice possibility in case you are attempting to scale back your fats consumption. 

Do it’s good to use oil on hen within the air fryer? 

I like to recommend that you simply do use good olive oil, like Mina olive oil to coat your hen earlier than cooking. This helps to each lock the flavour in in addition to forestall sticking. 

Can an air fryer prepare dinner uncooked hen? 

Sure completely, I like to recommend you do prepare dinner your hen uncooked if you would like the very best, most flavorsome leads to the air fryer. 

Are you able to prepare dinner this recipe with out an air fryer? 

This recipe may be cooked in a number of methods. Whereas I believe the air fryer is the very best, most handy means, you’ll be able to fry this hen in a skillet, grill, or bake it within the oven with nice outcomes. 

What number of hen breasts are you able to prepare dinner without delay in an air fryer?

You possibly can prepare dinner as many as you’ll be able to in a single layer with out the hen breasts touching one another. That is prone to be between 2-3 medium hen breasts, Nonetheless, you might be able to slot in kind of relying on breast and air fryer dimension. 

What to serve with Air fryer hen breasts? 

On this recipe, I’ve chosen to serve the hen breasts with broccoli. Nonetheless, that is such a flexible recipe that you could virtually serve it with something from blended greens to mashed potatoes and fries. 


Energy: 667kcal | Carbohydrates: 18g | Protein: 5g | Fats: 67g | Saturated Fats: 25g | Polyunsaturated Fats: 5g | Monounsaturated Fats: 34g | Trans Fats: 1g | Ldl cholesterol: 81mg | Sodium: 4596mg | Potassium: 539mg | Fiber: 6g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 3290IU | Vitamin C: 88mg | Calcium: 155mg | Iron: 3mg

The put up Air Fryer Chicken Breast appeared first on Two Purple Figs.

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