Charaka Indriya Sthana 5th Chapter Poorvaroopiyam Indriyam


fifth chapter of Charaka Indriya sthana offers about indicators and signs of imminent demise as indicated by the premonitory signs of illnesses. The chapter title is Poorvaroopiyamindriyam.
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Now, we will expound the chapter on the indicators and signs of imminent demise as indicated by the premonitory signs of illnesses. Thus mentioned Lord Atreya [1-2]
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Premonitory signs indicative of imminent demise

We will now individually clarify the premonitory signs common in addition to particular –referring to the incurable illnesses as a way to advertise the data of the doctor.

If in a affected person of fever all of the premonitory signs of fever manifest themselves excessively it shall be thought-about as positive indicators of demise.
Equally, all of the premonitory signs of different illnesses manifesting themselves excessively are positive indicators of imminent demise of the affected person. [3-5]

We will clarify another premonitory signs of essentially the most deadly kind which observe the assorted illnesses and are in flip adopted by demise

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  • If a affected person of consumption indulging in intercourse suffers from diminution of energy and aggravation of Pratishyaya (Coryza) he’s positive to die.
  • If an individual travels in direction of the south using canine, camel or ass in his desires, he will get troubled with tuberculosis which consequentially results in his demise.
  • If an individual drinks wine within the firm of ghosts or will get dragged by canine in dream, he will get troubled with severe kind of fever resulting in his demise.
  • Such of the illnesses as observe the premonitory signs described above should lead to demise. Using canine, camel, pig and ass in a dream is already described in Nidana 6:13 as premonitory signs of Rajayakshma (Tuberculosis). The identical dream is considered premonitory symptom of demise if the journey is in direction of the south. [6-9]
  • If the sky seems to be pink like a material smeared with lac from a close-by distance, the affected person falls a sufferer to raktapitta (a illness characterised by bleeding from totally different elements of the physique) resulting in his demise.
  • If an individual in his desires wears pink garlands and attire together with his complete physique trying pink (smeared with pink colour), laughs often and is dragged by a lady, he falls a sufferer to Raktapitta resulting in his demise. [10-11]
  • Colic ache, meteorism (swelling of the stomach attributable to gasoline within the intestines or peritoneal cavity), gurgling sound within the gut and extreme weak point, discoloration of nails and many others. leads to Gulma (a illness characterised by a development within the stomach) resulting in demise of the affected person.
  • If in a dream one has the expansion of spiky creeper on his chest, he falls a sufferer to deadly kind of Gulma, [12-13]
  • If even the slightest harm give rise to extreme wound within the physique and the injuries don’t heal up, the affected person dies of pores and skin illness / leprosy.
  • If in a dream, an individual bare, anointed with ghee, providing oblations to the fireplace with out flame has development of lotus flower on his chest, he would die of leprosy. [14-15]
  • If the flies get attracted in direction of a person even after he has taken bathtub and used unguents, he falls a sufferer to Prameha (obstinate urinary issues together with diabetes). This prameha would ultimately show deadly for him. [16]

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If an individual in his desires drinks varied kinds of unctuous substance in accompaniment with the Chandalas (an individual born from a Shudra father and a Brahmin mom MW), he additionally falls a sufferer to Prameha which will probably be deadly to him. [17]

Premonitory signs of Psychic illnesses

  • The signs that are indicative of imminent demise preceded by madness are psychological wandering, exertion, bewilderment, phantasm in inopportune conditions, indifference and lack of energy.
  • The individual will certainly die fast on account of a robust assault of madness if he’s discovered to have aversion to meals, if he has diversion of thoughts / absentmindedness, and suffers from udarda i.e. urticaria.
  • Excessive irritation, frightfulness, continued smile on his face after its onset, extra of fainting and thirst are indicative of imminent demise on account of madness.
  • If one will get drowned in water whereas dancing with the demons in his dream, he succumbs to an acute assault of madness.
  • An individual who in his wakeful state sees darkness whereby there isn’t a darkness and listens to all kinds of sounds despite the fact that there are not any such sounds, will quickly succumb to Apasmara (epilepsy).
  • One is certain to succumb to an assault of apasmara if he whereas dancing in an intoxicated state is caught by Preta (soul of a useless individual) together with his face downwards. [18-23]

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  • An individual undoubtedly succumbs to bahirayama (a situation characterised by opisthotonos of the physique) if his jaw bone (decrease), manya (nape of the neck / the area of carotid artery) and the 2 eyes develop into stiff whereas awake.
  • If one takes saskuli (a big spherical cake ready of floor rice, sugar and sesame, and cooked in oil MW) and Apupa (cake of flour MW) in his desires and vomits comparable substance whereas being awake can’t dwell lengthy. [24-25]
  • If one is conversant with these premonitory signs, he can very nicely comprehend the consequential developments and last outcomes thereof. [26]
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Desires indicative of imminent demise

The next are the opposite desires of essentially the most harmful sorts which point out both the demise of the affected person or affliction of people with severe kinds of diseases-

  • Development of Bamboo, shrubs, creepers and many others., within the head
  • Birds make nest in a single’s hairs
  • Lack of hairs of the scalp
  • The individual is surrounded (and attacked by) by vultures, owls, canine, crows and many others
  • The individual is surrounded by Rakshas (demons), Preta (soul of useless individuals), Pisaca (evil spririts), ladies, Candala (an individual born of Sudra father and Brahmin mom M.W), Dravidas and Andhras;
  • The individual will get trapped within the forests of bamboos, Vetra (Salix caprea Linn), creeper, snare, grass and thorny bushes
  • Falling down whereas strolling within the above talked about kinds of forests
  • Falling down on the bottom with mud, ant-hill or ashes or cemetery or ditch whereas strolling; Drowning in soiled water, mud or the nicely coated with darkness
  • Being carried away by the quickly flowing stream of water, rivers and many others
  • Consumption of fatty substance, anointment, emesis or purgation of fat
  • Receipt of gold
  • Quarrelling with somebody, getting arrested and getting defeated
  • Shedding or forgetting each the sneakers, peeling of the pores and skin out of ft
  • Exhilaration
  • Getting yelled at and insulted by indignant forefathers
  • Fall or extinction / destruction of tooth, moon, solar, stars, the gods, lamp and eyes
  • Hills crack / break down into items and maintain falling;
  • Coming into right into a forest stuffed with pink flowers, the earth whereby pink flowers are grown, the locations of sinful acts, funeral pyre or a cave dense with darkness or stuffed with shrubs and creepers
  • Transferring southwards by sporting pink garlands, laughing out loudly and being bare
  • Going into frightful forests together with monkeys / on a chariot yoked by monkeys;
  • Seeing people who find themselves darkish in complexion having pink eyes, sporting ochre colored material, of terrific look, bare, with a stick in hand
  • Seeing a sinful girl of black color devoid of conduct with lengthy hair, nails and breasts, sporting garlands and attire of awkward colors / devoid of color
  • These are the harmful kinds of dream which point out the demise of sufferers. If a person not troubled with any illness sees such desires, he’s additionally prone to succumb to illnesses. Cases of such individuals surviving after such dream are very uncommon. [27-40]

Strategy of manifestation of desires

When the Manovaha srotas (vessels hooked up to the center, channels of thoughts) are stuffed with the exceedingly aggravated three Doshas, one sees terrific desires in ominous conditions. It’s only in a half woke up state that an individual is enabled by his thoughts which controls the sense organs, to have the various kinds of desires significant or meaningless. [41-42]
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Kinds of dream

The dream pertains to the next seven elements in wakeful state
Visible notion
Auditory notion
Experiences although different means
One’s personal want;
Imaginary as premonitions;
Brought on by the aggravations of Doshas [43]

Outcomes of assorted kinds of dream

The primary 5 kinds of desires listed within the earlier paragraph, desires skilled throughout the day time, these that are both too brief or too lengthy are usually not significant for a doctor (that’s such desires can’t be considered having any premonitory worth).
Desires skilled within the first a part of the night time are much less significant. If one doesn’t get sleep after experiencing a dream, then that dream is extremely significant.
Even when one experiences an inauspicious dream however thereafter once more if he experiences an auspicious one, that is indicative of auspicious outcomes. [44-46]

To sum up: -The doctor who’s acquainted with these premonitory signs and desires indicative of imminent demise won’t be trapped in ignorance and also will not provoke the therapy of those sufferers who’re incurable. [47]
Thus ends the fifth chapter on the “Indicators and signs of imminent demise as indicated by the premonitory signs of illnesses” of Indriya part of Agnivesha’s work as redacted by Charaka.

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