Charaka Indriya Sthana 7th Chapter Pannaroopiya Indriyam


seventh chapter of Charaka Indriya sthana offers in regards to the indicators of imminent loss of life as indicated by the distortion of the picture mirrored within the pupil. The chapter title is Pannaroopiya Indriyam.

Now we will expound the chapter on the indicators of imminent loss of life as indicated by the distortion of the picture mirrored within the pupil. Thus mentioned lord Atreya [1-2]
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Shadow picture in pupil

The doctor mustn’t deal with the affected person if any distortions are discovered within the shadow picture within the pupil of the affected person. [3]

Different varieties of shadow

The affected person is taken into account nearly as good as useless if there’s any distortion in any a part of the shadow of the physique brought on by moon- gentle, daylight or the sunshine of a lamp and of the picture as mirrored within the water or mirror. [4]
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Distortions in shadow

Individuals having shadows that are damaged, break up, hazy, devoid of sure organs, added with sure extra organs, not conspicuous, bifurcated, deformed and with out the pinnacle, and comparable different shadows, with none seen trigger, could also be thought of as moribund. [5-6]

An individual whose shadow or mirrored picture modifications in form, measurement, color and lustre, he’s nearly as good as useless even when he seems to be wholesome. [7]

The time period “samsthana” stands for form. It may be even or uneven. Equally measurement could also be of three varieties – medium, brief or giant. The picture mirrored in water, mirror, solar and many others. similar to the measurement and form of the physique of the person is named praticchaya. Pratichchaya is nothing however mirrored shadow primarily based on the color and lustre of the person. [8-9]
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Mahabhutas and shadow

The next are the distinctive options of shadows relating to every of the 5 mahabhutas.

  Mahabhuta Distinctive options of shadow
1 Akasa Clear, blue , unctuous and lustrous
2 Vayu Dry, brown, and aruna ( reddish)
3  Agni Pure crimson, sensible and pleasing to the eyes.
4 Jala Clear like vaidurya (cat’s eye) and excessively unctuous.
5 Prthvi Steady, unctuous, compact, clean, black and white.

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The shadow pertaining to vayu is of inferior class whereas the remaining 4 are indicative of happiness. The previous is indicative of nice calamities and miseries. [10-13]

 Varied varieties of luster

All varieties of lustre are constituted of tejas mahabhuta i.e. fireplace aspect. They’re of seven sorts, viz, crimson, yellow, white, brown, inexperienced, pandura (pale yellow) and black. Of them these that are emanative, unctuous and dense are auspicious. Then again, these that are dry, soiled and skinny are inauspicious. [14-15]

 Shadow vis a vis lustre

The chaya (shadow) circumscribes the complexion of the physique whereas the prabha (lustre) illuminates the complexion. The shadow will be noticed from close by whereas the lustre illuminates from a distance. There may be nothing devoid of shadow or lustre. Sure distinctive options of the shadow and the lustre when mature point out emergence of auspicious or inauspicious ends in respect of human beings. [16-17]
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Indicators of imminent loss of life

  • Yellowness of the eyes, swelling within the face, temples devoid of flesh, terrifying look and excessive temperature of the physique (are the signs of imminent loss of life) Sufferers with such signs should not be handled. 
  • A affected person who faints repeatedly whereas being taken out of the mattress can not survive even for per week.
  • A affected person who suffers from ailments brought on by multiple dosha during which each the upward and downward tracks are and whose grahani (duodenum and different elements of small gut) are deranged can not survive longer than a fortnight. [18-20]

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  • An emaciated affected person, who takes little or no meals however passes urine and stool in giant amount, shouldn’t be handled.
  • A weak affected person who takes meals which is extra in amount than his earlier meal(s) however passes urine and stool in small amount must be thought of as already useless.
  • If an individual who’s weak, thirsty and having dryness of mouth, suffers from groaning, dyspepsia and diarrhoea, then he doesn’t survive.
  • If the individual is in need of breath and there are irregular actions in his physique, then based on Punarvasu Atreya, he doesn’t survive.
  • If an individual, whose complexion, energy and capability of consumption of meals are diminished, develops respiratory dyspnea and will get with kapha, then he doesn’t survive. [21-26]
  • If an individual who’s weak, thirsty and having dryness of mouth suffers from inflexible and upward look of the eyes and fixed throbbing of the carotid area of the neck. He doesn’t survive.
  • If an individual is having swollen cheeks from excessive fever and extreme cough, cough, colicky ache and aversion for meals, then no therapy will reach curing him.
  • If there’s distortion of the pinnacle, tongue and face, drooping of the eyebrows and look of thorny coating over the tongue, then such an individual must be thought of as already useless.
  • If phallus will get excessively shrunken and the testicles grasp excessively free or vice versa, then the individual having such irregular indicators must be thought of as already useless.
  • If an emaciated one who has losing of muscle and who’s decreased to pores and skin and bones doesn’t take meals, his residual span of life shouldn’t be multiple month. [27-31]
    Learn – Bad Prognosis Based On Premonitory Symptoms Of Disease – Purvarupiya Arishta

To sum up:- a smart one who is effectively versed with these varied varieties of indicators indicative of imminent loss of life, is entitled to be referred to as Ayurvedavit ( knower of the “science of drugs”). [32]
Thus ends the seventh chapter on the indicators if imminent loss of life as indicated by the “distortion of photos mirrored within the pupil” of the Indriya part of Agnivesha’s work as redacted by Charaka

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