30-Minute Bodyweight Leg Workout (Zero30, Day 3)


This body weight leg exercise will problem you to construct decrease physique power utilizing zero tools! This no tools decrease physique exercise targets the legs, glutes, quads and hamstrings, utilizing simply the resistance of your physique so you are able to do it anytime, wherever.


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Many individuals affiliate leg day with heavy barbell squats and numerous reps on fancy train machines on the health club.

Whilst you’ll repeatedly hear me encourage you to LIFT HEAVY DUMBBELLS on leg day, there are some nice body weight leg exercises you are able to do which are simply as efficient.

A singular option to problem your decrease physique power is to extend time underneath pressure. We’re going to do exactly that in in the present day’s exercise (hey, burnout strikes!). It’s additionally necessary to coach in numerous instructions and planes of motion — we’re going to do this, too!

A bodyweight leg workout with no equipment. Woman performing a bodyweight single leg deadlift.

Body weight Leg Exercise FAQs

Do Body weight Leg Workouts Work?

YES! Body weight leg workouts can goal all decrease physique muscle tissues together with your glutes, hips, quads, hamstrings and calves. No tools, decrease physique exercises may be scaled for newbie, intermediate or superior, making them efficient for anybody. You’ll additionally burn numerous energy throughout these exercises as a result of your decrease physique has some very giant muscle teams.

Can You Construct Leg Muscle With Body weight Solely Workouts?

Sure, you possibly can construct decrease physique power with no tools. Progressive overload goes to be necessary, so that you’ll wish to improve reps and reduce relaxation time to profit from a body weight leg exercise. Implementing completely different variations of body weight workouts and specializing in that thoughts and muscle connection can be necessary.

Construct sturdy legs utilizing simply your body weight! You want zero tools and simply half-hour to finish this exercise at dwelling.

This can be a timed interval exercise – that means you do as many reps as potential within the ‘work’ interval. Your tempo, your tempo (rep ranges will range from individual to individual).

Exercise Tools:

None! Simply your body weight.

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Exercise Directions:

Observe together with the guided Bodyweight Leg Workout on YouTube, led by private coach Lindsey Bomgren.

Your Exercise Appears Like This:

  • 3 Circuits (every circuit comprises 3 STRENGTH workouts and three STRENGTH BURNOUT workouts)
  • Timed Intervals (Carry out every STRENGTH train for 40 seconds of labor, adopted instantly by the STRENGTH BURNOUT train for 20 seconds of labor. Take a 20 second relaxation.)
  • Repeat Every Circuit x 2 Units (relaxation for one minute between circuits)

Exercise Define

1. Air Squat
2. Squat Maintain and Pulse
3. Lateral Lunge and Transverse Squat, Proper
4. Lateral Lunge Maintain and Pulse OR Energy Push Off, Proper
5. Lateral Lunge and Transverse Squat, Left
6. Lateral Lunge Maintain and Pulse OR Energy Push Off, Left

1. Reverse Lunge, Knee Drive and Reverse Lunge, Rear Carry
2. Rear Carry and Stability Entrance Leg Pulse
3. Curtsy Lunge and Squat
4. Aspect Leg Carry
5. Entrance Lunge and Single Leg Deadlift
6. Entrance Lunge Maintain and Heel Carry

1. 2-Pulse Sumo Squat
2. Sumo Squat Hip Lifts
3. Quadruped Fireplace Hydrant and Kick
4. Aspect Kick Maintain and Hamstring Kicks
5. Glute Bridge March
6. Single Leg Glute Bridge Maintain and Pulse

8 Finest Body weight Leg Workouts

Air Squat

Targets: Legs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors and core.

woman performing bodyweight air squats

How To Do An Air Squat

  1. Begin standing toes shoulder-width distance aside, knees barely bent, core engaged.
  2. Decrease down right into a squat place, decreasing your hips down parallel together with your knees. Drive your knees out towards your outer three toes.
  3. Drive by way of your heels to face tall, squeezing your glutes.

Lateral Lunge And Transverse Squat

Targets: Legs, quads, outer glutes (gluteus medius), interior thighs (adductors), hips and core.

woman performing lateral lunge transverse squat

How To Do A Lateral Lunge And Transverse Squat

  1. Begin standing, toes hip-width aside, barely bent knees.
  2. Step your proper leg out to the facet as you push your hips again, bending your proper knee whereas leaving your left leg straight. Consider performing a single leg squat together with your proper leg whereas your left leg stays straight.
  3. Then, drive off your proper foot to reverse the motion, pushing again to heart.
  4. Then, step your proper foot out to a 45-degree angle, stepping so your toes are actually shoulder-width aside.
  5. Decrease down right into a squat place, decreasing your hips down parallel together with your knees. Drive your knees out towards your outer three toes.
  6. Drive by way of your heels to face tall, squeezing your glutes.
  7. That sequence is one rep. Repeat, stepping the precise leg out this whole set, switching legs on the following set.

Reverse Lunge, Knee Drive And Reverse Lunge, Rear Carry

Targets: Legs, hamstrings, quads, glutes, abs and core.

woman performing reverse lunge knee drive and rear leg lift

How To Do A Reverse Lunge, Knee Drive And Reverse Lunge, Rear Carry

  1. Begin standing, toes shoulder-width aside, knees barely bent. 
  2. Step your left leg again right into a reverse lunge, decreasing your hips till each knees attain a 90-degree angle, entrance thigh parallel to the bottom.
  3. Then squeeze your proper leg glute, driving your again, left leg ahead right into a knee drive as you stand tall.
  4. Instantly step your left leg again right into a reverse lunge once more, decreasing your hips till each knees attain a 90-degree angle, entrance thigh parallel to the bottom.
  5. Then squeeze your proper leg glute, driving your again, left leg up right into a rear leg carry. Left leg is lengthy behind you, balancing in your standing proper leg.
  6. That’s one rep. Repeat this sequence, conserving the precise leg nonetheless this whole set, switching legs on the following set.

Modification: Choice to faucet the precise foot in somewhat than performing the knee drive.

Curtsy Lunge And Squat

Targets: Legs, glutes, quads, hamstrings and core.

woman performing curtsy lunge and squat

How To Do A Curtsy Lunge And Squat

  1. Begin standing, toes shoulder-width aside, knees barely bent. 
  2. Step your left leg again right into a curtsy lunge (left knee behind proper calf), left knee lowers in direction of the mat. Decrease your hips till each knees attain a 90-degree angle, entrance thigh parallel to the ground.
  3. Then squeeze your proper glute, driving your again, left leg ahead as you arise. As you stand, deliver your toes parallel and shoulder-width aside.
  4. Then, decrease down right into a squat place, decreasing your hips down parallel together with your knees. Drive your knees out towards your outer three toes.
  5. Drive by way of your heels to face tall, squeezing your glutes.
  6. That’s one rep. Repeat, stepping the left leg again right into a curtsy lunge this whole set. Change legs on the following set.

Entrance Lunge And Single Leg Deadlift

Targets: Legs, quads, posterior chain (bottom of physique) — glutes, hamstrings, decrease again and core muscle tissues. The one leg deadlift will even problem your stability.

woman performing front lunge single leg deadlift

How To Do A Entrance Lunge And Single Leg Deadlift

  1. Begin standing, toes shoulder-width aside, knees barely bent. 
  2. Step your left leg ahead right into a entrance lunge, decreasing till each knees attain a 90-degree angle, entrance thigh parallel to the bottom.
  3. Then squeeze your proper leg glute to face tall. As you stand tall, preserve the left leg floating (choice to faucet the left foot close to the standing proper foot).
  4. Carry out a single leg deadlift on the precise leg. Hinge on the hips (hip flexors), extending your left leg lengthy behind you as you decrease the left hand to faucet the mat in entrance of you; balancing in your proper leg. Maintain your hips sq. to the mat.
  5. It is best to really feel a very good stretch in your proper hamstring (again of your proper leg) on the backside of this motion. Vary of movement seems to be completely different for everybody.
  6. Then drive by way of your entrance proper heel, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings to push your hips ahead and return to the beginning place. Bringing your floating again left leg as much as meet your proper leg once more.
  7. That’s one rep. Repeat by stepping again into the entrance lunge. Change legs on the following set.

2-Pulse Sumo Squat

Targets: Internal thighs, outer thighs, glutes and quads.

woman performing two pulse sumo squats

How To Do A 2-Pulse Sumo Squat

  1. Stand with toes wider than hips, heels in and toes identified (sumo squat stance).
  2. Bend your knees to decrease down right into a squat, pushing your knees out in direction of your pinky toes as you drop your hips parallel to your knees.
  3. On the backside of your sumo squat, carry out a pulse by elevating up an inch, then decreasing again down an inch. Repeat for a 2-pulse.
  4. Then, drive by way of your glutes to face again as much as the beginning place; pulling your interior thighs collectively as you stand tall.

Quadruped Fireplace Hydrant And Kick (Quadruped Hip Abductions)

Targets: Primarily the gluteus maximus, hip abductors and core.

woman performing quadruped fire hydrants

How To Do Quadruped Fireplace Hydrant And Kick (Quadruped Hip Abductions)

  1. Begin in a desk high place, quadruped on all fours, shoulders stacked over wrists and hips stacked over knees. Choice to put your forearms on the mat.
  2. Carry your proper leg up and to the facet so that you create a straight line from glute to knee, conserving a 90-degree bend in your proper knee.
  3. Maintain on the high and straighten your proper leg; kicking by way of your proper heel.
  4. Pull your proper foot again in to bend on the knee and create a 90-degree angle once more, then deliver your proper knee again all the way down to the mat.
  5. Repeat on the precise facet for this set, swap sides acting on the left leg for the second set.

Glute Bridge March

Targets: Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, hips and hamstrings.

woman performing glute bridge march

How To Do A Glute Bridge March

  1. Lie flat on the ground in your again together with your knees bent at 90 levels and toes flat on the bottom.
  2. Press by way of the heels to boost your hips off the bottom till your knees, hips and shoulders kind a straight line. This can be a glute bridge.
  3. As you carry the hips, drive the precise knee in direction of your face, pulling your proper foot off the bottom. This can be a glute bridge march.
  4. Squeeze your glutes laborious and preserve your abs drawn in so that you don’t overextend your again through the train.
  5. Maintain your bridged place for a second earlier than decreasing again down in direction of the mat with management. As you decrease, place the precise foot again on the mat.
  6. Repeat, alternating the knee that drives towards you, for the complete set.

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