Why Big Pharma Is Desperate to Get COVID Jab Into Babies


Statistics present the speed of COVID-19 related hospitalization amongst kids aged 5 to 11 is 0.0008%.1 In real-world phrases, that is so near zero you mainly can’t decrease it any additional. But, regardless of such reassuring knowledge, kids on this age group are urged to get two to a few doses of the COVID jab, though unwanted side effects of the injection may hurt them for all times, or kill them.

As famous by the Vaccine Security Analysis Basis within the video beneath, myocarditis — one of many acknowledged results of the COVID jab — “has a mortality charge of 25% to 56% inside three to 10 years, owing to progressive coronary heart failure and sudden cardiac loss of life.”

Sudden cardiac loss of life is what the media and public well being businesses at the moment are glibly referring to as “sudden grownup loss of life syndrome” or SADS. The older and extra applicable description for SADS is “sudden arrhythmic loss of life syndrome,” however they do not even need to use the phrase “arrhythmic” anymore, as that tells you what the loss of life is actually attributable to, and plenty of at the moment are conscious that the jab could cause coronary heart irritation.

By avoiding the phrase “arrhythmic,” it is simpler for them to faux as if persons are dying for no obvious purpose, and definitely not due to the COVID pictures. Nonetheless, real-world information inform us that SADS did not take off till after the pictures have been rolled out, and the overwhelming majority of younger wholesome individuals who abruptly die for no obvious purpose have been jabbed.2

Additionally, perceive that in case your little one or you’re injured by the shot, you can’t sue the drug firm for damages and, thus far, the U.S. authorities has rejected all however one of many claims filed with the Countermeasures Harm Compensation Program (CICP).3 On the present tempo of about 18 claims a month, it might take 38 years simply to get by the present backlog, Reuters has famous.4 Principally, many might die earlier than their case even will get by overview.

COVID Jab Authorization Granted for Infants

As if the state of affairs weren’t unhealthy sufficient already, June 15, 2022, the U.S. Meals and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel — the Vaccines and Associated Organic Merchandise Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) — unanimously authorised (21-0) to grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to each Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID pictures for infants and younger kids.5

Pfizer’s EUA is for a three-dose routine (3-microgram pictures) for youngsters 6 months to five years outdated, whereas Moderna’s EUA is for a two-dose routine (25-microgram pictures) for youngsters 6 months to six years.

Within the video on the prime of the web page, Steve Kirsch, president of the Vaccine Security Analysis Basis, interviews reporter Toby Rogers, who endured all the nine-hour day of the latest VRBPAC assembly.

The day earlier than that assembly, June 14, Rogers printed6 a written abstract of Pfizer’s trial on younger kids, which he known as “a humiliation.” “Any VRBPAC member who votes Aye on this junk science software must be faraway from his/her job,” he wrote. Apparently, all of them must go.

Within the interview, Rogers laments the truth that the VRBPAC members stay “locked of their info bubble” and will not permit any conflicting knowledge to affect their preconceived biases.

As famous by Rogers, they’ve a sacred responsibility to guard public well being, they usually’re being flippant about it. They’re ignoring knowledge, they’re ignoring the pleas of the vaccine injured, they’re ignoring severe questions, they’re ignoring all the pieces besides the flimsiest bits and items upon which their narrative is constructed. Rogers known as the expertise “heartbreaking.”

VRBPAC Refuses to Reply Lawmakers’ Questions

The VRBPAC members aren’t even swayed by issues from lawmakers. They merely ignore their questions too. As reported by The Defender:7

“The Vaccines and Associated Organic Merchandise Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) ignored pleas from consultants, the vaccine injured and a congressman representing 17 different lawmakers to halt authorization till questions concerning the security and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines for the nation’s youngest kids may very well be correctly addressed …

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) mentioned there are a lot of unanswered questions … ‘I am deeply involved that the push to vaccinate these kids is nothing greater than a dystopian experiment with unknown penalties,’ Gohmert advised the committee. ‘A few of us have outlined these questions in a letter8 to VRBPAC however haven’t acquired any solutions, and I pose a few of them right here.’ Gohmert mentioned:

‘#1, why has the FDA refused to launch the a whole lot of hundreds of pages of information from preapproval producer research, post-approval antagonistic occasions knowledge and different post-approval producer knowledge?

Quantity 2, what’s the cardiac threat consider administrating these COVID vaccines to kids?

Quantity 3, world-renowned immunologists have raised issues about potential antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE, ensuing from COVID vaccines, and since ADE was an issue in prior unrelated respiratory vaccine trials, we have to know what research, if any, the FDA has that it is used concerning ADE from COVID vaccines in kids 5 and underneath or any age group. Can the FDA affirm there isn’t any threat of ADE for vaccinated kids?

Quantity 4, if broadly authorised amongst kids 5 and underneath, what number of lives, if any, does FDA estimate shall be saved subsequent 12 months? Given the accidents reported within the FDA’s VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] system, how will FDA consider severe vaccine accidents versus severe COVID outcomes?

Quantity 5, is it attainable the proposed COVID vaccines in younger kids may create elevated threat in future novel COVID variants?

Quantity 6, why has the FDA not too long ago lowered the efficacy bar for COVID vaccines for youngest kids? This alteration considerably lowers the anticipated advantages from any COVID vaccination for younger kids and it is of specific concern provided that over 70% of that age cohort already is seropositive.’

Gohmert mentioned these questions and 13 different questions posed by lawmakers are crucial and deserve solutions from the FDA and VRBPAC previous to any EUA with the ‘accompanied safety for legal responsibility for all hurt carried out.'”

Trial Confirmed COVID Jab Will increase An infection Danger in Infants

Within the video above, you possibly can see Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, with a pressured grin on her face, claiming “rigorous scientific overview” has confirmed the pictures to be protected and efficient in infants and younger kids.

The video additionally options excerpts from a video wherein Dr. Clare Craig, a diagnostic pathologist and “lover of information,”9 evaluations what this “rigorous scientific overview” truly discovered and what the FDA and CDC aren’t telling you. To listen to Craig’s full abstract of how Pfizer twisted its medical knowledge for younger kids, take a look at the video beneath.

Craig factors out that of the 4,526 kids, aged 6 months to 4 years, who participated in Pfizer’s trial, 3,000 did not make it to the tip of the trial. Why did two-thirds of the kids drop out? Oftentimes, this occurs when unwanted side effects are too extreme for the participant to proceed. Right here, we do not know why two-thirds of the contributors have been eradicated, and “on that foundation alone, this trial must be deemed null and void,” Craig says. Furthermore:

Six of the kids, aged 2 to 4 years, within the vaccinated group have been recognized with “extreme COVID,” in comparison with only one within the placebo group. So, what this truly reveals is that the chance the shot is inflicting extreme COVID is greater than the chance that it is stopping it.

The one little one who required hospitalization for COVID was additionally within the “vaccinated” group.

Within the three weeks following the primary dose, 34 of the kids within the vaccinated group and 13 of the unvaccinated kids have been recognized with COVID. Meaning the kids’s threat of creating signs of COVID throughout the first three weeks of the primary dose truly elevated by 30%. These knowledge have been ignored.

Between doses two and three, there was an eight-week hole, and the vaccinated arm once more skilled greater charges of COVID. This too was ignored. After the third dose, incidence of COVID was once more raised within the vaccine group, and this was ignored as properly.

In the long run, they solely counted three instances of COVID within the vaccine arm and 7 instances within the placebo group. They actually ignored 97% of all of the COVID instances that occurred in the course of the trial to conclude that the pictures have been “efficient” in stopping COVID.

Whereas they declare the triple-dose routine diminished COVID, 12 of the kids truly caught COVID twice within the two-month follow-up, and 11 of them have been vaccinated.

The arrogance interval for Pfizer’s jab is -370% on the decrease finish of the 95%, which suggests kids who get the jab are almost 4 occasions extra possible of getting sick with COVID than their unvaccinated friends.10

Unscientific and Unethical Conduct

As reported by The Defender:11

“Combining all ages collectively, Pfizer mentioned its three-dose routine for youngsters 6 months to five years outdated was 80% efficient at stopping sickness from the Omicron variant primarily based on preliminary knowledge from its medical trial.

The 80% quantity was calculated 30 days after the third dose. As famous by committee members, the efficacy quantity is prone to go down after 30 days and post-approval monitoring was urged.

Moderna mentioned its two-shot vaccine was about 51% efficient in opposition to an infection from Omicron in kids underneath 2, and about 37% amongst children 2 to five years outdated, citing completely different efficacy numbers than what was reported by the corporate in March.

In a March 23 press launch, Moderna mentioned its vaccine within the 6-month to 2-year age group was solely 43.7% efficient. Within the older age group, the corporate mentioned its vaccine was 37.5% efficient. A prime official at Moderna has already mentioned a booster shall be vital.”

As famous by the Vaccine Security Analysis Basis, vaccinating infants and kids who don’t have any want for the pictures and do not profit from them, simply to “defend” adults, violates medical ethics. And since those that are jabbed nonetheless readily transmit the virus, the kids are literally put in danger for no purpose in any respect.

It is All About Securing Indemnification

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So, how can we clarify the irrational conduct of the FDA and CDC? Why do not any of the information matter? Why would not the science matter? Why do not any of the purple flags matter? And why are they handing out EUAs when the factors for EUA are happy? Merchandise should fulfill 4 standards as a way to get EUA:

  1. There have to be an emergency
  2. A vaccine have to be no less than 30% to 50% efficient
  3. The recognized and potential advantages of the product should outweigh the recognized and potential dangers of the product
  4. There might be no sufficient, authorised and accessible different remedies (medication or vaccines)

Except all 4 standards are met, EUA can’t be granted or maintained, but right here we’re. COVID, by any cheap measurement, is now not an emergency, there are many sufficient different remedies, and the potential advantages under no circumstances, form or type outweigh the potential dangers — particularly not in infants and kids underneath 5. That is three out of 4 standards that, clearly, usually are not met.

The brief reply to the query, “Why are the CDC and FDA performing so irrationally?” is that each businesses are corrupt to the core and are now not within the enterprise of defending public well being. They’re securing earnings for the drug business, and getting EUA for infants and younger kids is a vital step towards securing everlasting authorized indemnity for the drugmakers.

As defined by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., within the brief video clip above, they want this final remaining age group to be included underneath the EUA, as a result of as soon as the emergency is lastly declared “over,” the subsequent section of legal responsibility shielding requires that the pictures obtain approval by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

That is the group that decides which vaccines are to be added to the childhood vaccination schedule. As soon as the vaccine is on the childhood vaccination schedule, the vaccine makers are completely shielded from legal responsibility for accidents and deaths that happen in ANY age group, together with adults.

The one approach to break that indemnity is by proving the vaccine maker knew concerning the questions of safety and withheld that info. You’ll be able to study extra about this indemnification course of in “The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Kids.”

So, the tip objective is everlasting immunity in opposition to legal responsibility for harm and loss of life from the COVID pictures in all age teams, and to get there, they first want the EUA to cowl all kids. After that, the ACIP approval turns into kind of a matter of rubber stamping. This is the reason they’re taking part in Russian roulette with the well being of infants and younger kids.

Homicide Has No Statute of Limitation

That mentioned, if fraud might be confirmed, all indemnity falls by the wayside, and there isn’t any statute of limitation on the subject of homicide, which some insist is what’s taking place right here.

The video above options “To The Lifeboats” podcaster Sam Dodson’s feedback to the FDA VRBPAC throughout its open public listening to session to approve the COVID jabs for youngsters between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. In a rapid-fire method, he evaluations a number of knowledge factors that should have put a halt to those injections, however did not; a number of cases the place the FDA knew hurt was occurring from these pictures, or would happen, they usually did nothing.

One other public remark was submitted by an as-yet unidentified particular person. The submitted remark was supplied to and reposted on Coquin de Chien’s Substack. Listed below are some choose items:12

“This remark is NOTICE of attainable prison legal responsibility to Lauren Okay. Roth and members of the Vaccines and Associated Organic Merchandise Advisory Committee who owe duties of care, diligence, good religion, and loyalty in recommending ‘for’ or ‘in opposition to’ the EUA modification for COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in kids 6 months by 4 years of age.

Solely two deaths are listed herein to determine data. If the modification is authorised, it’ll have been carried out by committee members ‘understanding’ of felony crimes in context. Your investigation of those deaths ought to embody loss of life certificates, post-mortem information, witness interviews, and immunization information.

Massachusetts Demise Certificates 2022 SFN 5980 is a 7yo woman died January 18, 2022 listed as died from U071 ‘COVID-19,’ B49 ‘unspecified mycosis,’ J450 ‘predominantly allergic bronchial asthma,’ and R091 ‘pleurisy.’

VAERS_ID 2038120 is a 7yo woman in Massachusetts, who acquired her 2nd dose 1/13/2022 and was reported to VAERS 1/15/2022. PRIOR_VAX states, ‘Extreme nausea and vomiting from 5 min submit vaccination and for the subsequent 8-10 hours.’

SYMPTOM_TEXT states, ‘Spiked a 103 fever, extreme stomachache, has not had a bowel motion because the day earlier than vaccination, which makes at this time 3 days with out one. First vaccine prompted extreme nausea and vomiting from 5 minutes submit injection and for the subsequent 8-10 hours.’ This little woman suffered immeasurably 4 to five days as her intestines shut down due prone to impeded blood vessels servicing intestines.

Massachusetts Demise Certificates 2021 SFN 56611 is a 48yo man died 11/16/2021 listed as died from U071 ‘COVID-19’ and E669 ‘OBESITY.’ SFN 56611 is understood to have died lower than 24 hours after inoculation.

In each instances, the Medical Examiners listed the reason for loss of life as ‘COVID-19,’ when it was clearly not COVID-19. And in each instances, the Medical Examiners omitted itemizing causes Y590 ‘Viral vaccines’ and T881 ‘Different issues following immunization, not elsewhere categorised,’ when these clearly have been proximate and precise causes.

Demise certificates from the state of Massachusetts are despatched to the CDC, a federal entity. Thus, fraud on a state loss of life certificates is a federal crime because it impacts federal loss of life information. A number of federal felony crimes apply on this occasion and are listed beneath.

When you dismiss this NOTICE and suggest the EUA modification with out first investigating these two deaths, you turn into responsible for inchoate crimes and the felony crime of ‘misprision of felony.’ If a single particular person subsequently dies because of the modification, all the weather may have been happy so that you can face felony homicide prices or involuntary manslaughter. Certified immunity will not be a sound protection …

There have been discovered sixty possible C19 vaccine deaths in a 25-minute perusal of the 2021 and 2022 loss of life certificates, which extrapolates to a whole lot, most likely hundreds of C19 vaccine deaths in Massachusetts.

Refusal to research these fraudulent information is against the law that, due to the felony homicide side, has no statute of limitations. 5, ten, or twenty years from now, if a federal prosecutor have been to study of this NOTICE, she or he would have vital proof to deliver prices for felony homicide.

In abstract, this NOTICE locations you ready requiring you to research these deaths previous to recommending the modification. When you dismiss this NOTICE, it’s possible you’ll be criminally responsible for involuntary manslaughter, felony homicide, and a listing of federal crimes and inchoate crimes … Remark Monitoring Quantity l4d-m52d-ge4m.”

Florida Bucks the Development

My house state of Florida now stands out as the one U.S. state that’s recommending AGAINST the COVID jab for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds. Mother and father can nonetheless get their infants jabbed if they need, however the official state advice is to not do it, as there’s merely no scientific or logical rationale for doing so.

Florida additionally didn’t preorder any further doses for this age group.13 In a June 18, 2022, Substack article, Dr. Robert Malone addressed the newest EUA authorization for infants and younger kids, and applauded Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ choice to buck the development. It is exhausting to consider he’s the one governor within the U.S. who resisted this murderous menace to the kids:14

“Have you ever appeared on the VAERS knowledge these days? The CDC apparently has not. Within the USA alone, there have been 831,801 antagonistic occasions, of which 12,776 are life threatening. There have been 63,978 hospitalizations. There have been 13,293 deaths and 14,232 everlasting disabilities from these vaccines.

True, these are ‘unverified’ — however earlier analysis has proven that the VAERS system under-reported antagonistic occasions related to vaccines, not over-reported … Then there are the worldwide post-vaccine antagonistic occasion summaries.15

The CDC, underneath Freedom of Info Act Request (FOIA) has now admitted16 that though they’d promised to research the VAERS knowledge earlier than advising about these vaccines for youngsters, they didn’t.

The VAERS knowledge have been NOT considered earlier than the authorization of those genetic brokers for infants and younger kids. Frankly, that is stunning. So stunning, it’s exhausting for me to even write about it.

Now, roughly 430 kids with different extreme diseases have died with COVID within the final 2.5 years (that may be 172 per 12 months). Plus there have been 2,600 hospitalizations of kids, most with underlying situations — over that 2.5 12 months interval. These numbers present that even earlier than Omicron, within the case of kids, COVID is much less extreme than flu …

Omicron in kids is way much less extreme. We all know this. The scientific proof is evident. But the FDA goes again to knowledge from the DELTA variant when discussing the consequences of this virus … Governor DeSantis once more has it proper. It’s time to cease. Mother and father should cease. The time is now to simply say no.”

Final however not least, if you happen to’re nonetheless not sure whether or not the COVID shot is the “proper” alternative to your little one, please learn by Dr. Byram Bridle’s “COVID-19 Vaccines and Children: A Scientist’s Guide for Parents,”17 printed by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. It goes by how the pictures work, what the recognized unwanted side effects are, outcomes from the medical trial, the consequences of the spike protein and way more.


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