Q. Sometimes it is said that mind is the Buddha, but sometimes it is said that no-mind is the Buddha. Which is right? – Zen Fools


A. ‘Thoughts is the Buddha’ is without doubt one of the commonest expressions that signify Buddhism. After we say that thoughts is the Buddha, thoughts doesn’t imply the one talked about in psychology however Vacancy that’s the state free from discrimination. Nonetheless, we normally have an summary picture of thoughts and are hooked up to it. That’s, we’re deluded by the phantasm of thoughts.

To forestall us from clinging to the phantasm of thoughts, masters would say that we must always discard thoughts and grow to be no-minded. This is the reason ‘no-mind’ is claimed to be the Buddha. In truth, the thoughts we confer with in Buddhism is a formless state with out identify, which is known as the Buddha, or the true-Self. So, each expressions are proper.

Pupil: “What’s thoughts?”

Grasp: “No-mind.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway

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