Wistar Rats Vs. Sprague Dawley Rats: The Difference Between Them


Wistar Rats Vs. Sprague Dawley Rats: The Distinction Between Them

The Wistar and Sprague Dawley rat strains are primarily used as rat models for human research. Each are the albino rats, however the Wistar rat pressure is the dad or mum pressure of just about all laboratory strains. Each strains are distinct from one another based mostly on morphological, anatomical, and physiological options.

Growth of Wistar and Sprague Dawley Rat Strains

The Wistar rat colony was earlier established by Henry Donaldson, a physiologist, scientific administrator, and genetic researcher/embryologist. A lot of the laboratory rats are produced from the Wistar rat pressure. The Wistar rats and Sprague Dawley rats are albino; the previous was developed on the Wistar Institute in 1906. The latter was first produced in 1925 by Sprague Dawley Animal firm, Madison, Wisconsin.

Each rats are utilized in organic and medical analysis. Nonetheless, the Wistar rat is principally used as an animal mannequin, and the Sprague Dawley rat is particularly utilized in dietary analysis. Wistar rat is principally used within the laboratory for analysis functions. Wistar rat is a docile and wonderful organic mannequin for use in analysis.

Wistar Rat Strains Options

Wistar rat is an outbred albino rat used for organic and medical analysis. These are the dad or mum strains of the Lengthy-Evan rat, Sprague Dawley rat, spontaneously hypersensitive rat, and Lewis’s rat from the final 50 years. Wistar rat is extra lively compared with the Sprague Dawley rat. The Wistar rat, Wistar Unilever, and Wistar Hannover are outbred, whereas Wistar Furth and Wistar Kyoto are inbred strains.

1. Morphological Options

Morphologically Wistar rat is characterised by a large head, lengthy ears, and a tail of size decrease than its physique size.

2. Reproductive efficiency

Their age for copy is 7-10 weeks with a body weight of 100-227 grams, and gestation size is 19-22 days. They’ve spectacular litter measurement 10-11.

3. Low Incidence of Spontaneous Tumors

Wistar rat are helpful in oncological research because of low incidence of spontanous tumor compared with different hybrid albino rats.

4. These Charges are of Calm Temperament and Straightforward to Deal with


Sprague Dawley Rat Strains Options

Sprague Dawley pressure is a hybrid albino pressure whose actual origin is unknown. The unique inventory was regarded as produced from a cross of Wistar rat feminine and hybrid male of unknown origin. It was developed in 1925 by Robert Worthington Dawley on the College of Wisconsin, and the pressure title Sprague was given by the title of his first spouse.

1. Morphological Options

Morphologically Sprague Dawley rat has an extended slim head together with a tail size larger than its personal physique and a little bit larger than the Wistar rat.

2. Excessive Reproductive Price

Their age for copy is 8-10 weeks with a body weight of 250-300 grams, and gestation size is 21-23 days. The litter measurement is 11, which is extremely spectacular for the upkeep of those rats contained in the laboratory.

3. Low Incidence of Spontaneous Tumors

Amongst Sprague Dawley rats, the incidence of tumors has been noticed at 22% in females and 5% in males, decrease than in different hybrid albino rats.

4. These rats have excessive progress charge and meals conversion ratio as in comparison with Wistar rat

What’s the Distinction Between Sprague Dawley Rat and Wistar Rat?

Sprague Dawley rats are stored at room temperature and have larger meals conversion because of progress charge in comparison with Wistar rats. The hormonal profile of each rats is completely different. The metabolic exercise of hepatocytes for glucose and amino acid is completely different. When research are carried out with a particular deal with metabolism, then particular pressure needs to be chosen following metabolic observations, diabetes, and weight problems. As well as, there’s variability in intestine microbiota composition amongst each rats, which results in variations in metabolic responses. Sprague Dawley rat is extra docile than the Wistar rat.

Purposes of Wistar and Sprague Dawley Rat Strains

The outbred Wistar and Wistar HAN strains are utilized in carcinogenicity bioassays. Different strains are additionally utilized in carcinogenesis research and supply a database for historic management, pathology, and medical circumstances. Sprague Dawley rat is docile and recognized to develop tumors at a better charge than different strains. They had been concerned within the Séralini affair, the place the herbicide RoundUp was claimed to extend the prevalence of tumors in these rats. Each rats can be utilized as a mannequin for finding out dietary metabolic results and diet-induced weight problems, however metabolic results might be extra pronounced in Wistar rats.

Methods to Select the Excellent Rat Mannequin?

For choosing albino rats for organic research, one ought to exactly deal with their organic options. Sprague Dawley rats are docile straightforward to deal with, and wonderful to make use of in experiments on ache, behavioral features, and hormonal profile research however not included in ischemia or stroke research. Wistar is nice for ischemic and stroke research because of its vasculature.


Cyagen is a well-reputed firm for the supply of laboratory animals. It offers the very best quality Wistar rat and Sprague Dawley rat strains with particular reference to the character of your examine. Cyagen knockout rat fashions are wholesome, straightforward to deal with, and need-based fashions for acquiring good outcomes to your analysis.

Selected the very best Cyagen knockout rat fashions at: https://www.cyagen.com/us/en/.



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