What to Eat With Scrambled Eggs? 19 Delicious Ideas


Eggs are a breakfast superfood: an affordable supply of full protein and straightforward to arrange. A dozen eggs will be made over 15 different ways. Fluffy and soft scrambled eggs are my favourite, however it may be simple to get tired of such a easy meal. Right now, I’m going to reply the query “What to eat with scrambled eggs?” And make it easier to keep away from egg burnout out with 19 wholesome and scrumptious concepts.

Only a few methods to serve eggs: potato hash, burrito, with a facet of seasonal fruit, toast.

Eggs are a good way to eat extra protein (with 11 grams of protein for two scrambled eggs). Costing simply $3-7 per dozen, one dozen eggs could make a number of meals, feeding a household for days.

I really like simple egg recipes and rotate them usually in our meal plan: egg casserole, make-ahead omelet cups, feta spinach omelette, ham and cheese omelette, eggs in a basket, and sunny side up / fried eggs. So some ways to make use of basic eggs to make a scrumptious breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

However the king of all recipes is scrambled eggs!

Scrambled eggs are, in my view, the right technique to make a fast meal for your self or a complete household. Pair the eggs with a facet dish or use the eggs to make a primary meal (like a sandwich or tacos).

Scrambled eggs on a pink plate with strawberries.
Fluffy, tender eggs. The proper breakfast meals that may be loved many various methods.

19 Methods to Eat Scrambled Eggs

Under you’ll discover 19 scrumptious methods to show scrambled eggs right into a easy meal for a filling breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Among the meals are finest served on the facet of eggs (like a smoothie or yogurt bowl). Different concepts are made with scrambled eggs (like a sandwich, burrito, or taco).

For extra egg dishes, past fluffy scrambled eggs, see my favorite 15 ways to cook eggs for breakfast.

Scrambled eggs on toast with arugula and tomatoes.
One in every of my favourite methods to eat eggs: topped on toast with arugula, avocado, radishes, and/or sliced tomatoes.

1. With Toast

Toast and eggs are a basic. I really like sourdough toast. Serve a slice of buttery toast (or prime with strawberry jam) as a facet dish. Or make an open-faced toast sandwich: prime a slice of toast with 2 scrambled eggs. Then prime with arugula, chopped inexperienced onions, shredded cheese, sizzling sauce, or sliced radishes.

2. With Avocado Toast

Prime a slice of toast with mashed avocado and a squeeze of lemon juice and salt. Add an egg scramble on prime for an open-faced avocado toast sandwich (similar to this) or benefit from the avocado toast as a facet dish.

Avocado Toast with Egg and Arugula

As an alternative of a sunny facet up egg, prime the avocado toast with 2 scrambled eggs. Or serve the avocado toast as a facet dish.

Make This Recipe

Avocado Toast with Egg and Arugula

3. In a Breakfast Sandwich

Toast 2 slices of bread (or a brioche bun) and cook bacon in the oven. Add 2 scrambled eggs and bacon to a slice of bread (and avocado slices, tender goat cheese, sliced tomato, and/or arugula if desired), prime with the second bread slice. That is additionally a simple technique to take breakfast on the go.

4. In Breakfast Tacos

Add scrambled eggs to a tortilla (make your own corn tortillas or einkorn tortillas or Siete model tortillas is my favourite store-bought choice). Prime with salsa, cheese, and cilantro for a breakfast taco.

Breakfast burrito cut in half with eggs, potatoes, and salsa.
Take a look at all these veggies and scrambled eggs! A nutrient-dense breakfast awaits.

5. In Make-Forward Egg & Sausage Burritos

The proper technique to get pleasure from scrambled eggs on busy mornings once you don’t have time to cook dinner. Scramble eggs, cook dinner sausage, then add the substances to 12 tortillas together with cheese. Roll and freeze the burritos. Reheat a burrito within the microwave or a skillet.

Make-Forward Freezer Breakfast Burritos

Prepare dinner scrambled eggs and sausage, then add to tortillas and freeze for a simple breakfast meal.

Make This Recipe

Make Ahead Freezer Breakfast Burritos: super easy real food ingredients!

6. In Breakfast Burritos

Roast chopped potatoes, bacon, and different veggies on a sheet pan. Scramble eggs. Add the eggs and veggies to tortillas for loaded breakfast burritos. Prime with salsa and avocado slices.

Loaded Sheet Pan Breakfast Burritos

Mix scrambled eggs with oven-roasted greens and bacon to make the final word breakfast burritos.

Make This Recipe

Loaded Sheet Pan Breakfast Burritos

7. With Recent Fruit

A simple and fast breakfast meal. Serve scrambled eggs alongside your favourite seasonal fruit: melons, cherries, berries, peaches, apple slices, and many others. I additionally like to make this Greek yogurt fruit dip on the facet.

Yogurt bowl filled with fruit and granola.
Serve eggs alongside a yogurt bowl topped with fruit, honey, granola, or different favourite toppings.

8. With Yogurt Bowls

Serve a nutrient-dense yogurt bowl as a facet dish: yogurt, granola, fruit, and different toppings. The yogurt bowls add protein and fiber for a filling breakfast meal.

Wholesome Yogurt Bowls

Serve eggs alongside a yogurt bowl with one in every of 17 totally different toppings.

Make This Recipe

how to make yogurt bowls

9. With Bacon or Sausage Patties

Serve oven-baked bacon or cooked sausage patties/hyperlinks as a facet dish. Prep these protein-rich meals upfront and reheat all through the week for a simple breakfast facet dish.

Oven-Baked Bacon

Serve oven-baked bacon alongside fluffy eggs, or use the bacon to make an egg sandwich. Prep the bacon upfront for a simple facet.

Make This Recipe

Easy Oven-Baked Bacon: So easy! No mess! Best bacon ever!

10. In Egg and Potato Bowls

Roast potatoes within the oven. Spoon the potatoes right into a bowl, then prime with 2 scrambled eggs, shredded cheddar cheese, salsa or chopped cherry tomatoes, and some slices of avocado. So GOOD! Save time by roasting the potatoes upfront and reheat particular person servings within the microwave or a skillet. It is a nice meal any time of day, not only for breakfast.

Completely Roasted Potatoes

Skip the rosemary on this recipe and use the roasted potatoes to make egg and potato bowls.

Make This Recipe

Roasted Rosemary Potatoes
Sausage and potato hash in a white cast iron skillet.
Wealthy in protein, wholesome fat, and sophisticated carbs, a hash is the right facet for eggs.

11. With a Sausage and Potato Hash

Make potato and sausage hash, spoon right into a bowl and prime with 2 scrambled eggs, or serve the hash as a facet dish. This whole meal is a superb supply of fiber, complicated carbs, wholesome fat, and protein.

Sausage and Candy Potato Hash

Prepare dinner cubed candy potatoes and sausage in a skillet, spoon right into a bowl and prime with eggs. Or, serve the hash as a facet dish. Yukon potatoes may be used rather than the candy potatoes.

Make This Recipe

Sausage and Sweet Potato Hash

12. With Pancakes or Waffles

Serve eggs alongside a weekend favourite: sheet pan pancakeseinkorn pancakes, or almond-oat pancakes. Or, serve waffles on the facet: almond flour waffles or einkorn waffles. Prep the pancakes or waffles upfront on the weekend and reheat for a simple weekday breakfast facet dish.

13. With Sautéed Spinach

 Saute spinach for a simple veggie facet dish. The greens take simply two minutes to saute. Saute the greens first, then use the identical skillet to cook dinner the eggs. A simple, nutrient-dense meal. May additionally be served with toast, fruit, yogurt, or roasted potatoes.

Simple Sautéed Greens

Find out how to sauté spinach and different leafy greens for a simple breakfast facet dish.

Make This Recipe

Easy sautéed greens: A healthy 10 minute dish
Roasted red cherry tomatoes on a sheet pan.
Roasted cherry tomatoes are a scrumptious facet, or prime a slice of sourdough with the tomatoes and eggs.

14. With Roasted Tomatoes

We visited France just a few years in the past and our resort served scrambled eggs and roasted tomatoes every morning (amongst different issues). Give it a attempt through the summer season when contemporary tomatoes are in season. The tomatoes will be prepped upfront and reheated in a microwave or skillet. One other concept: Unfold the roasted tomatoes on toast, then prime with fluffy eggs…AMAZING!

Roasted Tomatoes

Function a dish dish. Or spoon the tomatoes on prime of a slice of sourdough toast and prime with eggs.

Make This Recipe

The Best Roasted Tomatoes

15. With Banana Bread or Muffins

A basic breakfast that you could make upfront and function a facet dish with eggs. My favourite recipes: almond flour banana breadsourdough muffins, and einkorn banana muffins. Or, make your individual custom-flavored muffins, like einkorn muffins, for a facet dish.

Almond Flour Banana Bread

A scrumptious, naturally gluten-free banana bread to make upfront and serve all week as a facet dish.

Make This Recipe

almond flour banana bread

16. With In a single day Oats

A simple and filling facet dish (or primary meal) filled with protein, fiber, and sophisticated carbs. Make just a few jars of oats on the weekend and luxuriate in on the facet of heat eggs. I really like chocolate peanut butter overnight oats and vanilla overnight oats.

Chocolate Peanut Butter In a single day Oats

A protein-rich oatmeal to function a grab-and-eat facet dish alongside your favourite eggs.

Make This Recipe

Chocolate peanut butter overnight oats in meal prep glass jars topped with banana and raspberries.

17. With Cottage Cheese and Fruit

I’m all the time on the lookout for methods to extend protein at breakfast. Including a bowl of cottage cheese and fruit (pineapple is scrumptious) is a good way so as to add a protein facet dish to eggs.

18. Roasted Candy Potatoes

Roasted candy potatoes could not seem to be a breakfast meals, however I’d like to alter your thoughts. Roast a tray of the best and quickest sweet potatoes and retailer within the fridge. Reheat within the morning and serve alongside scrambled eggs. For one thing further, prime a halved candy potato with sliced banana and a drizzle of peanut butter–AMAZING!

Finest and Quickest Baked Candy Potatoes

Make a tray of roasted candy potatoes on the weekend and reheat for a fast facet dish. Serve alone, with butter, sprinkled with cinnamon, or topped with banana slices and peanut butter.

Make This Recipe

The Best and Quickest Baked Sweet Potatoes

19. With a Smoothie

One other simple facet dish to pair with eggs. I discover the combo of a smoothie and eggs to be filling and refreshing, notably through the summer season once I need one thing gentle that additionally fills me up.

Mango Pineapple Smoothie

I've been loving this mango pineapple smoothie these days, made with tropical fruits and yogurt. A refreshing facet dish to a plate of morning eggs.

Make This Recipe

Mango pineapple smoothie in a glass mason jar.
Cooked soft scrambled eggs in a cast iron skillet.
There’s nothing like fluffy, tender eggs for breakfast!

Find out how to Prepare dinner the Finest Fluffy Eggs

When you’re going to get pleasure from scrambled eggs usually, like we do, take a look at my scrambled eggs tutorial with video. You’ll learn to make the perfect eggs which can be fluffy and creamy. Right here’s a abstract…

  1. Very first thing, crack two uncooked eggs right into a bowl. Sprinkle with a little bit salt and pepper.
  2. Whisking the egg combination vigorously.
  3. Soften 1 tablespoon butter or ghee in a skillet, over medium warmth.
  4. Scale back the stove-top to medium-low warmth. Excessive warmth causes eggs to dry out shortly and leads to rubbery, strongly-flavored eggs…YUCK!
  5. Pour the overwhelmed eggs into the skillet. Start folding the eggs up and over with a heat-proof spatula (I desire a silicone spatula).
Find out how to Make Scrambled Eggs (Fluffy and With out Milk)

Find out how to make the perfect scrambled eggs which can be fluffy, with creamy curds, and with none milk.

Make This Recipe

scrambled eggs

Serve the eggs as-is, or prime with shredded cheese, chopped contemporary herbs or inexperienced onions, or further salt and pepper. Pair the eggs with one of many facet dishes we talked about above, or use the eggs to make a taco, sandwich, and many others.

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Extra Scrumptious Egg Recipes

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The publish What to Eat With Scrambled Eggs? 19 Delicious Ideas appeared first on Live Simply.


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