A massive art installation attempts to put the COVID-19 deaths in perspective


It’s onerous to ponder the large numbers cited in COVID-19 demise statistics. It’s even tougher to fathom that each one of many greater than 6 million useless from the illness worldwide was an actual individual, with their very own distinct persona and inside world. For her artwork set up In America: Keep in mind, which ran on the Nationwide Mall in Washington, DC from 17 September to 3 October 2021, the artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg tried to bridge the hole between the demise statistics and the people misplaced. The set up coated the Mall with some 700,000 small white flags – each representing an individual who had died of COVID-19 within the US. The director Jamie Meltzer additional humanises the show in his affecting quick documentary Not Even For a Second Do Issues Stand Nonetheless, which captures intimate moments of holiday makers taking in Firstenberg’s exhibition, remembering family members misplaced, and trying to return to phrases with the immense scope of the tragedy that’s nonetheless unfolding, with the US demise toll now at greater than 1 million folks.

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