Appearance on the Becoming Ronin Podcast


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It was an absolute pleasure to be invited onto the Turning into Ronin Podcast lately hosted by Jim “Smitty” Smith & Brian Oberther.

SPOILER ALERT:  We didn’t use the hour to interrupt down or talk about the 1998 Robert DeNiro basic, Ronin, which has probably the greatest automotive chase scenes ever filmed.

(unhappy face).

Look on the Turning into Ronin Podcast

We did, nevertheless, dive into true Ronin territory. This present will not be meant to solely cowl units & reps, the variations between concurrent vs. conjugate periodization, easy methods to grasp a bicep peak, or something associated to lifting heavy issues.

It’s little doubt imbued with these “components” and themes, however the Turning into Ronin Podcast goes a bit deeper into different, extra sturdy “takes” and conversations into what it takes to actually reside a lifetime of success and that means.

It was an honor to be invited onto the present and I believe you’ll dig the conversational model of the episode.

Give it a pay attention HERE (direct hyperlink) or HERE (iTunes).

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