Q. Is the historical Buddha not the true Buddha? If he is, why did he pass away having said that there is no birth and death? – Zen Fools


A. In fact he’s. He mentioned that every part, together with all of us, is the Buddha. When every part is the Buddha, there isn’t any exception. The Diamond Sutra has the reply to your query, the place the Buddha mentioned, “One who tries to see me by my voice and varieties can’t see me”, and the place he mentioned to his disciples on his deathbed, “Take a detailed take a look at me. Anybody who thinks that I perish isn’t my scholar, and anybody who thinks that I don’t perish can also be not my scholar.”

He meant that as a result of the essence of his being had by no means been born, there may very well be no idea akin to ‘die’ and ‘not die’.” In different phrases, his instructing is that we can’t recognise not solely him but in addition ourselves as a result of we’re deluded by the phantasm of us. When you can recognise the Buddha who didn’t die about 2,500 years in the past, you can even realise the essence of your being that transcends start and loss of life.

Scholar: “How can I see the Buddha who didn’t cross away 2,500 years in the past?”

Grasp: “What have you ever seen and heard to this point?”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway

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