The Buddha’s Dharma Body (2) – Zen Fools


Sooner or later the Buddha was getting back from an extended educating journey. Many monks, nuns and laypeople went to satisfy him. Then, a nun named Lotus-colour was decided to satisfy him forward of the others, together with previous monastics and so discovered her manner by the congregated individuals through the use of her divine energy. She was the primary to see the Buddha earlier than the others simply as she had wished. As quickly because the Buddha observed her behave in such an rude manner, he scolded her, “Why do you bounce forward of the previous monastics to see me sooner than they do? Though you noticed my bodily physique, you didn’t see my Dharma physique. Slightly Subhuti noticed my Dharma physique whereas sitting silently in his cave now.”

Pupil: “What’s the Buddha’s Dharma physique?”

Grasp: “The Buddha confirmed it.”


Catastrophe occurs after we search for what we can not cease seeing and listening to even for a second.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway

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