7 Healthy Ways To Curb Salt Cravings – You Must Get Healthy


Are you all the time longing for potato chips, pickles, and salty snacks? This will likely sound okay to many, however health-wise, an excessive amount of salt is harmful for the physique. The physique wants salt for fluid retention and correct functioning.

Nevertheless, when salt craving begins a lot, it causes extra hurt to the physique than good and may systematically break down the physique system over an extended interval.

One of many rapid signs of extreme salt consumption is swollen arms or toes, elevated thirst, and headache in some circumstances. In the long term, it will possibly assault important organs of your physique, inflicting extra extreme hurt.

Beneath are a few of the damages that salt craving causes to your physique.

It assaults the:

  • Mind – it impedes the stream of blood to the mind inflicting cognitive and pondering issues.
  • Coronary heart – it will increase the danger of an enlarged coronary heart by making it work tougher than standard to flow into blood to the physique.
  • Kidney – It causes the kidney to work tougher to purify the system, and this will likely result in malfunction and presumably kidney breakdown
  •  Blood vessels – it stiffens the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels, stopping blood from flowing as successfully because it should.

With these penalties, you’ll be able to see that an excessive amount of salt consumption is horrible.

Most individuals soak up at the very least 1.5 teaspoons of salt per day, which is about 3400 mg of sodium, and in addition way over our our bodies want. Nonetheless, the physique requires simply 2300 mg of sodium per day.

Nevertheless, in case you are caught within the internet of salt cravings, there are methods you’ll be able to curb it. Beneath are the seven wholesome methods to curb salt cravings.

7 Well being Methods to Curb Salt Cravings

Salt has a really addictive style, which our brains and our bodies love as a result of it’s essential to people. However, many individuals crave salt for various causes. Electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, stress, being pregnant, and premenstrual syndrome could cause salt cravings. Even some ailments like Addison’s ailments and Bartter syndrome could make you need salt.

Effectively, if you wish to curb the quantity of salt you eat, listed here are some ideas that can assist you.

1. Eat complete meals

Most millennials feed extra on processed snacks and meals than complete meals, which may be very unhealthy. Processed meals include 75% of the sodium Individuals take.

Consuming complete meals is sweet for weight reduction and avoiding extreme salt consumption.

It promotes your general well being by offering your physique with the required vitamins. Attempt all doable means to forestall feeding on prepackaged snacks or processed quick meals like noodles each time.

2. Make a meal plan

Most occasions, you get caught feeding on processed meals since you don’t have a meal plan. This may make you eat carelessly. 

A meal plan helps to regulate what you eat, and with a meal plan, you’ll be able to conveniently put wholesome snacks between meals in case you are a snack individual. Try methods to create a healthy meal plan. There are numerous different health benefits of meal planning, particularly weight reduction.

3. Know your salt consumption restrict

The American Heart Association recommends consuming only 2,300 mg of salt daily, which is one teaspoon of salt. Whereas millennials eat a median of three,400 and 6,000 milligrams of sodium day by day, it’s important to observe the quantity of salt in what you eat. If you happen to love tasty meals, you’ll be able to go for pure spices and herbs as an alternative of saltier processed meals.

4. Train Frequently

One of many the explanation why folks carve for processed and prepackaged meals is stress. Stress is linked to inflicting unhealthy consuming habits the place you bury your self up in snacks hoping to regain some power. Sufficient train and relaxation are efficient methods to struggle stress.

5. Learn meals labels

For packaged meals, let’s say cornflakes, noodles, bread muffins, and so forth, you will need to undergo the meals label. The meals label incorporates the dietary element of the meals. This may show you how to observe what you eat.

6. Get social

Boredom is a number one explanation for salt cravings. If you find yourself bored, you have a tendency simply to eat something round, as they’re extra handy for you. Be a part of a well being membership in your neighborhood, or be part of a neighborhood train workforce. Do one thing to get social. Doing this won’t simply assist curb your salt cravings, but in addition improve your social health.

7. Go for eating places that serve complete meals

If you happen to love consuming exterior, it’s suggested that you simply go for eating places that prepare dinner complete meals from scratch fairly than those that simply show menus filled with pre-made meals. And these pre-made meals are processed with salt.


If caught within the salt craving internet, step by step put the above factors into apply. Don’t attempt stopping your self all of sudden; it’s possible you’ll hurt your self. Take it simple, gradual, and regular. All the time preserve a wholesome meal feeding schedule as a person. 


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