Q. Is the nature of the Buddha different from or the same as that of sentient beings? – Zen Fools


A. When every little thing is empty simply because the Buddha mentioned, not solely the character of the Buddha however that of sentient beings can also be empty. Each of them are from the identical root, Vacancy. In essence, they’re an identical moderately the identical since being the identical or completely different is an idea used for separate issues.

The distinction between them is that one is aware of the foundation, and the opposite doesn’t. In reality, no matter whether or not we all know the foundation or not, it’s true that we’re the identical as Vacancy. For this reason historical masters mentioned that the Buddha is a sentient being who is aware of the foundation and a sentient being is the Buddha who doesn’t understand it.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway

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